Budget FY2020-21 Operating Revise and CIP 2020-06-24 Item 08Mr AGENDA REPORT Cit y Council MEETING DATE: June 24, 2020 PREPARED BY: Tom Gallup, Finance DEPT. DIRECTOR: Teresa S. McBroome Manager and Monica Attili, Finance Analyst With Contributions from All Departments INTERIM CITY DEPARTMENT: Finance MANAGER:Jennifer Campbell SUBJECT: Approval of FY 2020-21 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) with Appropriations and Adoption of Resolution No. 2020-54; Adoption of Resolution 2020-55, Determination of the Appropriations Limit for FY 2020-21; and Adoption of Resolution 2020-56, Approval of Position Titles and Pay Ranges for FY 2020-21. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council take the following actions: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 2020-54, approving the City of Encinitas FY 2020-21 Operating Budget and CIP Appropriations; and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2020-55, determining the FY 2020-21 Appropriations Limit; and 3. Adopt Resolution No. 2020-56, approving Position Titles and Pay Ranges for the City of Encinitas for FY 2020-21. STRATEGIC PLAN: This agenda item falls within the Organizational Efficiency and Effectiveness focus area of the Strategic Plan by maintaining the City's financial health. FISCAL CONSIDERATIONS: The proposed FY 2020-21 operating budget is balanced and all policy directed reserves are fully funded. The proposed revisions to the FY 2020-21 budget for all funds will decrease estimated revenues by $3 million, decrease operating expenditures by $572,000 and decrease capital expenditures by$13 million from the original FY 2020-21 budget. 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 1 of 35 The estimated revenue, budgeted expenditures, and beginning and ending fund balances for all funds are shown in Schedule A (Attachment 1). Proposed operating revenues for all City funds total $99.4 million for FY 2020-21. Expenditures for all City funds total $91.1 million for FY 2020-21. The projected unassigned beginning fund balances for FY 2020-21 for funds other than the General Fund have been updated on Schedule A to reflect the most recent financial activity in those funds. The General Fund impact of the proposed revisions to the FY 2020-21 budget will be a decrease in projected revenues of $2.2 million and a decrease to operating expenditures of approximately $742,000. A detailed breakdown of General Fund estimated revenues and proposed expenditures and transfers for the current fiscal year FY 2020-21 is included in Schedule C — General Fund Revenue, Expenditures and Transfers Detail (Attachment 2). The FY 2020-21 General Fund unassigned projected ending fund balance will be $2.5 million. The proposed CIP contains $55.3 million in capital improvement/work projects budgeted from FY 2019-20 through FY 2024-25. Of the six-year total, $14.8 million is programmed for FY 2020-21. The proposed CIP contains only those projects for which funds are currently available or are anticipated to be available in the next six years. A complete listing of projects proposed for funding is provided in Attachment 3. The Amended FY 2019-20 budget column in Attachment 3 has been updated to reflect approved budget amendments through June 10, 2020. BACKGROUND: The City of Encinitas operates on a two-year budget cycle. On June 12, 2019, the City Council approved the FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21 two-year operating budget and six-year financial plan and adopted Resolution No. 2019-43 authorizing appropriations for FY 2019-20. A City Council Goal Setting and Priority Planning workshop was held on May 27, 2020. During the workshop, Council and staff reviewed the six-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and identified priority projects and provided direction regarding funding. The CIP has been updated to reflect Council direction from the workshop (Attachment 3). The proposed FY 2020-21 operating budget is the second year of the two-year budget. Consistent with the budgeting practice, the second year budget in the City's two-year cycle is reviewed and any revisions necessary are presented to Council for discussion and direction. The City Council must approve the budget and authorize spending authority (appropriations) prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year on July 1, 2020. Proposed revisions to this second year were introduced to the City Council at a special meeting on June 10, 2020. The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an overview of the budget, give final authorization to the FY 2020-21 Operating and CIP budgets and authorize spending authority (appropriations) prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year on July 1, 2020. The City Council did not propose any changes to the FY 2020-21 budget as introduced by staff at the June 10, 2020 special meeting. 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 2 of 35 ANALYSIS: Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budget A budget summary for all City funds is included in Schedule A (Attachment 1) as an attachment to the required budget resolution. This summary includes the proposed Operating and Capital Improvement Program budgets, which staff has prepared based on direction provided by the City Council at the recent workshop. General Fund appropriations are summarized in Schedule C (Attachment 2). When the two-year operating budget and six-year financial plan were adopted, City Council approved $30.4 million from all funds in FY 2020-21 for the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Staff is proposing a revised budget of $14.8 million allocated for capital projects in FY 2020-21. Project appropriations are identified in Attachment 3. Adoption of Resolution No. 2020-54 adopting the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program appropriations (Attachment 4) by the City Council will establish the budget for FY 2020-21 and authorize the related expenditures in accordance with the ordinances and policies of the City of Encinitas. Schedule of Annual Appropriations Limit(Gann Limit) As part of the budget approval process, the City's appropriations limit for FY 2018-19 has been calculated and included for Council approval. Prior to each fiscal year, City Council is required to adopt by resolution the Appropriations Limit (otherwise known as the Gann Limit) for the upcoming fiscal year. The appropriation limitation imposed by Proposition 4 and modified by Proposition 111 creates a restriction on the amount of revenue which can be appropriated in any fiscal year. The revenues which are subject to the limitation are those considered proceeds of taxes." The basis for calculating the limit began in fiscal year 1978-79 and is adjusted annually based on population and inflation growth factors. During any fiscal year, the City may not appropriate any proceeds of taxes it receives in excess of its established limit. The appropriation limit for FY 2020-21 is set at $124,306,015. The City's appropriations subject to the limit are well below the approved appropriations limit as demonstrated in Attachment 5. Position Titles and Pay Ranges The City of Encinitas contracts with the California Public Employees Retirement System CaIPERS) to provide retirement benefits to City employees. As a member, the City is required to maintain an approved, publicly available pay schedule that identifies all positions and salary ranges. This is accomplished by adopting a resolution approving position titles and pay ranges annually. The Fiscal Year 2020-21 Position Titles and Pay Ranges document (Attachment 6, Exhibits A through C) identify all positions for the City of Encinitas, including part-time and seasonal positions. The pay ranges reflect approved Memorandums of Understanding with both the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the Encinitas Firefighters' Association and in a separate agreement with non-represented employees. California State law SB 3 requires employers employing more than 25 employees to meet state minimum wage increases from January 1, 2017 to January 1, 2022. Currently, this law mandates all California employers employing 26 or more employees, to pay a minimum wage of 13.00 per hour. On January 1, 2021, the minimum wage will increase to $14.00 and again on January 1, 2022 to $15.00 per hour. In preparation for the upcoming minimum wage increases, 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 3 of 35 staff is proposing an adjustment to the salary range for classifications which will not meet the scheduled minimum wage requirements on January 1, 2021. The FY 2020-21 Position Title and Pay Ranges will meet California minimum wage requirements; minimize internal salary compaction and allow the City to remain competitive in the labor market. The impact of the minimum wage increase is accounted for in the proposed FY 2020-21 operating budget. These proposed changes are reflected in Attachment 6, Exhibit C ("Contract Employees — Part Time, Seasonal, Temporary Salary Schedule"). Currently, the City's salary ranges are listed in one salary schedule. Salary ranges could have different effective dates due to changes made as a result of reclassifications, the term of Memorandums of Understanding or contract changes. As a process improvement, staff is proposing that the current salary schedule be separated into four different salary schedules: City of Encinitas, San Dieguito Water District (SDWD), Encinitas Fire Department and Contract Employees Salary Schedules. This will make for a less complex, more efficient process when future adjustments are required for individual schedules. In addition, effective dates of each salary schedule will be clearly visible. The salary schedule for SDWD positions will be adopted separately with the annual budget at the Board of Directors meeting. The Fiscal Year 2020-21 budget includes two new classifications, Assistant Development Services Director/City Planner and Acting City Manager, and the removal of two classifications, City Planner and Finance Manager III in the Titles and Pay Ranges for the City of Encinitas. The addition of the Acting City Manager classification at Grade 87 (effective July 1, 2020) is required by CalPERS as out-of-class hours worked in vacant positions must be reported in accordance with Government Code section 20480. The Finance Manager III position will be eliminated as it was replaced by the addition of the Assistant Finance Director position, approved by the City Council on May 20, 2020. There is no change to the number of employees and the net budget impact of these personnel changes is approximately $1,957 annually. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: The action being considered by the City Council is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because it is not a "project" under Section 15378(b)(5) of CEQA Guidelines. The action involves an organizational or administrative activity of government that will not result in the direct or indirect physical change in the environment. This item does not relate to the City's Climate Action Plan. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Schedule A— Budget Summary FY 2020-21 (All Funds) 2. Schedule C— General Fund Revenues, Expenditures and Transfers Detail 3. Proposed Capital Improvement Program by Fund through FY 2024-25 4. Resolution No. 2020-54, entitled "Adopting the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program Appropriations" 5. Resolution No. 2020-55, entitled "Determining and Adopting the Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2020-21" 6. Resolution No. 2020-56, entitled "Approving Personnel Changes and Adopting Position Titles and Pay Ranges for Fiscal Year 2020-21" 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 4 of 35 G) Z O G) - C z 0 m a n 0 T n N N Gl Z - n n 70 p 0 W n n D m °- v m V rr_ v r C r v fl? 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F+ d1 Dl O O N O 1 1 m W m T W V O W Ol A In W A O O W W r A O N O co Z V A N A lD Ul N A A N OD N O Ol O Ol C1 A O V \ co CL V d1 O Ui lD W Ui Ui N V N Ui N O W Ui lD N fl? w w In lD V w I- N V N h` W W A Oo Oo N P+ N N W V w O T w lD N N P+ V N T A V In Oo l0 T In N U7 m Ul Ul lD OJ OJ W W W T lD A V A V W lD O O') CD ATTACHMENT 2 Schedule C General Fund Revenues, Expeditures, and Transfers Detail Updated 6/9/2020 Proposed Amended Original Revised Budget Budget Budget $Change %Change FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 Revenues by Source TAX REVENUE 1 PROPERTY TAX 48,364,934 50,429,894 51,687,490 1,257,596 2.5% 2 DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX 520,000 520,000 520,000 0.0% 3 SALES TAX 11,782,402 13,912,615 11,898,717 (2,013,898) -14.5% 4 TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 1,961,372 2,179,524 1,650,704 (528,820) -24.3% 5 FRANCHISE FEES 2,232,454 2,256,557 2,208,351 48,206) -2.1% 6 TAX REVENUE TOTAL 64,861,162 69,298,590 67,965,262 (1,333,328) -1.9% OTHER REVENUE 7 LICENSES AND PERMITS 280,200 280,200 235,200 45,000) -16.1% 8 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 662,897 616,547 674,947 58,400 9.5% 9 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 7,231,654 7,419,760 6,958,742 (461,018) -6.2% 10 FINES AND PENALTIES 709,753 691,653 404,153 (287,500) -41.6% 11 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 847,489 915,889 837,361 78,528) -8.6% 12 OTHER REVENUE 559,811 557,411 548,811 8,600) -1.5% 13 OTHER REVENUE TOTAL 10,291,804 10,481,460 9,659,214 (822,246) -7.8% 14 REVENUE TOTAL 75,152,966 79,780,050 77,624,476 (2,155,574) -2.7% Expenditures by Function GENERAL GOVERNMENT 15 CITY COUNCIL-ADMINISTRATION 477,736 483,209 473,279 9,930) -2.1% 16 CITY COUNCIL-CITY ATTORNEY 701,621 380,000 690,500 310,500 81.7% 17 CITY MANAGER-ADMINISTRATION 1,149,956 1,131,730 1,090,588 41,142) -3.6% 18 CITY MANAGER-ECONOMIC DEV 103,000 103,000 213,000 110,000 106.8% 19 CITY MANAGER-ENVIRONMENTAL 180,944 182,456 161,960 20,496) -11.2% 20 CITY MANAGER-HUMAN RESOURCES 882,136 889,327 897,607 8,280 0.9% 21 CITY MANAGER-IT OPERATIONS 2,699,367 2,677,588 2,737,958 60,370 2.3% 22 CITY CLERK-ADMINISTRATION 431,114 435,247 443,249 8,002 1.8% 23 CITY CLERK-ELECTIONS 3,200 282,800 282,800 0.0% 24 FINANCE-ADMINISTRATION 2,045,608 2,037,491 2,059,020 21,529 1.1% 25 NON-DEPT-CENTRAL PURCHASES 103,798 105,298 95,298 10,000) -9.5% 26 NON-DEPT-SHARED EXPENSES 4,993,668 4,485,626 4,322,596 (163,030) -3.6% 27 GENERAL GOVERNMENTTOTAL 13,772,148 13,193,772 13,467,855 274,083 2.1% DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 28 DEV SVC-DIRECTOR 345,947 348,005 560,027 212,022 60.9% 29 DEV SVC-PLAN-ADMIN SVCS 427,289 429,978 444,406 14,428 3.4% 30 DEV SVC-PLAN-LAND DEVELOPMENT 2,732,435 2,606,763 2,347,380 (259,383) -10.0% 31 DEV SVC-PLAN-REGULATORY PERMIT 135,570 138,881 144,064 5,183 3.7% 32 DEV SVC-PLAN-APPLICANT DEPOSIT 5,000 5,000 4,000 1,000) -20.0% 33 DEV SVC-PLAN-ADV PLANNING-HSG 751,728 676,531 677,193 662 0.1% 34 DEV SVC-PLAN-BUILDING&CODE 2,576,268 2,282,415 2,296,613 14,198 0.6% 35 DEV SVC-PLAN-PARKING CITATION 113,500 113,500 113,500 0.0% 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 8 of 35 Schedule C General Fund Revenues, Expeditures, and Transfers Detail Updated 6/9/2020 Proposed Amended Original Revised Budget Budget Budget $Change %Change FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-2Ja FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 36 DVC SVC-ENG-CITY ENGINEER 1,232,025 1,228,959 1,231,819 2,860 0.2% 37 DEV SVC-ENG-TRAFFIC ENGINEERNG 706,204 728,199 606,530 (121,669) -16.7% 38 DEV SVC-ENG-INSPECTIONS 1,285,604 1,304,720 1,282,418 22,302) -1.7% 39 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TOTAL 10,311,570 9,862,951.00 9,707,950 (155,001) -1.6% PUBLIC SAFETY 40 PUBLIC SAFETY-LAW ENFORCEMENT 15,997,406 16,774,200 16,774,200 0.0% 41 PUBLIC SAFETY-FIRE ADMIN 565,248 573,275 593,323 20,048 3.5% 42 PUBLIC SAFETY-FIRE OPERATIONS 14,295,824 14,210,570 14,177,036 33,534) -0.2% 43 PUBLIC SAFETY-LOSS PREVENTION 680,509 691,142 708,138 16,996 2.5% 44 PUBLIC SAFETY-DISASTER PREP 184,501 183,746 189,722 5,976 3.3% 45 PUBLIC SAFETY-MARINE SAFETY 1,420,490 1,311,011 1,364,226 53,215 4.1% 46 PUBLIC SAFETY-JR LIFEGUARDS 259,301 278,462 256,664 21,798) -7.8% 47 PUBLIC SAFETY TOTAL 33,403,279 34,022,406 34,063,309 40,903 0.1% PUBLIC WORKS 48 PUBLIC WORKS-ADMINISTRATION 483,430 467,705 509,743 42,038 9.0% 49 PUBLIC WORKS-ENVIRONMENTAL 5,840 6,340 2,100 4,240) -66.9% 50 PUBLIC WORKS-STREETS 3,075,008 3,165,714 3,087,646 78,068) -2.5% 51 PUBLIC WORKS-FAC MAINT CVC CTR 450,145 448,349 407,833 40,516) -9.0% 52 PUBLIC WORKS-FAC MAINT FIRE ST 314,221 321,387 293,426 27,961) -8.7% 53 PUBLIC WORKS-FAC MAINT PW YRD 181,744 183,830 177,287 6,543) -3.6% 54 PUBLIC WORKS-FAC MAINT LIBRARY 337,995 336,785 325,812 10,973) -3.3% 55 PUBLIC WORKS-FAC MAINT CTR PK 361,850 365,163 382,194 17,031 4.7% 56 PUBLIC WORKS-STORMWATER MAINT 669,624 677,738 663,009 14,729) -2.2% 57 PUBLIC WORKS-STORMWATER FLOOD 91,677 96,608 93,756 2,852) -3.0% 58 PUBLIC WORKS-STORMWATER FROG 809,216 864,115 797,191 66,924) -7.7% 59 PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL 6,780,750 6,933,734 6,739,997 (193,737) -2.8% PARKS&RECREATION 60 PARKS REC-ADMINISTRATION 1,210,025 1,259,201 1,263,461 4,260 0.3% 61 PARKS REC-PARK MAINTENANCE 2,376,712 2,687,937 2,545,596 (142,341) -5.3% 62 PARKS REC-BEACH MAINTENANCE 671,447 641,526 551,935 89,591) -14.0% 63 PARKS REC-SURF PERMITS 30,000 30,000 30,000 0.0% 64 PARKS REC-TRAIL MAINTENANCE 310,784 284,519 220,192 64,327) -22.6% 65 PARKS REC-RECREATION PROGRAMS 488,509 532,170 452,985 79,185) -14.9% 66 PARKS REC-COMMUNITY CENTER 861,665 873,185 818,066 55,119) -6.3% 67 COMMUNITY CENTER PROGRAMS 324,207 325,047 269,297 55,750) -17.2% 68 COMM CTR FACILITY RENTALS 97,471 96,438 100,419 3,981 4.1% 69 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAMS 261,790 235,604 210,012 25,592) -10.9% 70 REC FACILITY PROGRAMS&EVENTS 678,509 580,747 466,756 (113,991) -19.6% 71 REC FACILITY RENTALS 89,053 95,977 45,300 50,677) -52.8% 72 PARKS REC-CULTURAL ARTS 258,141 273,469 233,614 39,855) -14.6% 73 PARKS&RECREATION TOTAL 7,658,313 7,915,820 7,207,633 (708,187) -8.9% 74 EXPENDITURES TOTAL 71,926,060 71,928,683 71,186,744 (741,939) -1.0% 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 9 of 35 Schedule C General Fund Revenues, Expeditures, and Transfers Detail Updated 6/9/2020 Proposed Amended Original Revised Budget Budget Budget $Change %Change FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 75 EXCESS REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES TOTAL 3,226,907 7,851,367 6,437,732 (1,413,635) -18.0% TRANSFERS IN 76 TRANSFERS IN-OPERATING 1,348,678 1,218,289 2,138,289 920,000 75.5% 77 TRANSFERS IN-CAPITAL 1,489,135 23,088,801 4,733,514 (18,355,287) -79.5% 78 TRANSFERS IN-OTHER 410,000 410,000 79 TRANSFERS IN-DEBT SERVICE TRANSFERS OUT 80 TRANSFERS OUT-OPERATING 4,107,000) (3,835,074) (3,204,052) 631,022 -16.5% 81 TRANSFERS OUT-CAPITAL 4,768,124) (25,544,688) (8,182,832) 17,361,856 -68.0% 82 TRANSFERS OUT-OTHER 83 TRANSFERS OUT-DEBT SERVICE 3,730,858) (3,722,269) (3,722,269) 0.0% 84 TRANSFER TOTAL 9,768,169) (8,794,941) (7,827,350) 967,591 -11.0% 85 NET INCREASE(DECREASE)TO FUND BALANCE 6,541,262) (943,574) (1,389,618) (446,044) 47.3% 2020-06-24 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O O O O O O O O m O O O O O O O O z w ATTACHMENT 4 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-54 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENCINITAS ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM APPROPRIATIONS WHEREAS, each year the City Council of the City of Encinitas adopts an Operating Budget for revenues and expenditures for the City of Encinitas for the upcoming year; and WHEREAS, each year the City Council adopts a Capital Improvement Program with appropriations for the upcoming year; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to make provision for a level of service commensurate with the needs of the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the proposed Fiscal Year 2020-21 Operating Budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Encinitas that the the annual operating budget and Capital Improvement Program budget appropriations for Fiscal Year 2020-21 as contained in Exhibit A to this resolution are hereby adopted. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of June 2020, by the City Council of the City of Encinitas, State of California. Catherine S. Blakespear, Mayor ATTEST: Kathy Hollywood, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Leslie E. Devaney, City Attorney 2020-06-24 Item #081M Page 15 of 35 ATTACHMENT 4 CERTIFICATION: I, Kathy Hollywood, City Clerk of the City of Encinitas, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 24th day of June, 2020 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Kathy Hollywood, City Clerk 2020-06-24 Item #081MI Page 16 of 35 G) Z O G) - C z 0 m a n 0 T n N N Gl Z -n n 70 p 0 W n n D m °- v m V rr_ v r C r v fl? 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NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Encinitas does hereby adopt the appropriations limit for Fiscal Year 2020-21 at 124,306,015 as contained in Exhibit A to this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of June 2020 by the City Council of the City of Encinitas, State of California. Catherine S. Blakespear, Mayor ATTEST: Kathy Hollywood, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Leslie E. Devaney, City Attorney 2020-06-24 Item #081M Page 20 of 35 ATTACHMENT 5 CERTIFICATION: I, Kathy Hollywood, City Clerk of the City of Encinitas, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 24th day of June, 2020 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Kathy Hollywood, City Clerk 2020-06-24 Item #081MI Page 21 of 35 RESOLUTION 2020-55 - EXHIBIT A City of Encinitas Schedule of Annual Appropriations Limitation For Fiscal Year 2020-21 Fiscal Year 2019-2020 appropriations limit, adopted 119,668,591 A. Per Capita Cost of Living adjustment 1.0373 B. Population adjustment 1.0014 Change Factor(A x B) 1.0388 Increase in appropriations limit 4,637,424 Fiscal Year 2020-2021 appropriations limit 124,306,015 Projected Revenues from Proceeds of Taxes 72,905,304 Remaining appropriations capacity 51,400,711 Percentage under Appropriations Limitation 41.35% Article XiIIB of the California Constitution, more commonly known as the Annual Appropriations Limitation or"Gann Limit", specifies the amount of allowable revenue the City of Encinitas can appropriate from the proceeds of taxes. In accordance with Proposition 1 1 1 and SB 88 (Chapter 60- 90) the Appropriations Limitation is calculated utilizing a format based on the percentage of growth in California Per Capita Income and County population. The City's Appropriations Subject to the Limit are well below the approved Appropriations Limit. As part of the City's annual audit, an independent accounting firm reviews the calculations for compliance. 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 22 of 35 ATTACHMENT 6 RESOLUTION 2020-55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENCINITAS APPROVING PERSONNEL CHANGES AND ADOPTING POSITION TITLES AND PAY RANGES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Encinitas eliminates and creates positions of employment and approves reclassifications by Resolution including titles and pay ranges for all positions; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Encinitas is adopting the Position Titles and Pay Ranges for Fiscal Year 2020-21. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Encinitas that the Position Titles and Pay Ranges as contained in the attached Exhibits A through C are herewith adopted for Fiscal Year 2020-21, including the following personnel changes: Add new classification for Assistant Development Services Director/City Planner at Grade 82; Add new classification of Acting City Manager at Grade 87; Eliminate City Planner classification at Grade 65; Eliminate Finance Manager III classification at Grade 62. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of June 2020 by the City Council of the City of Encinitas, State of California. Catherine S. Blakespear, Mayor ATTEST: Kathy Hollywood, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Leslie E. Devaney, City Attorney 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 23 of 35 ATTACHMENT 6 CERTIFICATION: I, Kathy Hollywood, City Clerk of the City of Encinitas, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 24th day of June, 2020 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Kathy Hollywood, City Clerk 2020-06-24 Item #081MI Page 24 of 35 RESOLUTION NO.2020-56-EXHIBIT A City of Encinitas Salary Schedule for Fiscal Year 2020-21 Effective July 1, 2020 2% Increase Effective uly 1, 2020 Miscellaneous Positions Grade Classification Title STEP HOURLY BI-WEEKLY MONTHLY ANNUAL 11 Arts Assistant 1 17.9682 1,437 3,114 37,374 Program Assistant 1 2 18.8668 1,509 3,270 39,243 Program Assistant I -Confidential 3 19.8099 1,585 3,434 41,205 4 20.8006 1,664 3,605 43,265 5 21.8404 1,747 3,786 45,428 6 22.9326 1,835 3,975 47,700 13 Finance Technician 1 1 22.0156 1,761 3,816 45,793 Finance Technician I -Confidential 2 23.1164 1,849 4,007 48,082 Geographic Information Systems Technician 1 3 24.2721 1,942 4,207 50,486 Heavy Equipment Mechanic 1 4 25.4856 2,039 4,418 53,010 Human Resources Technician 1 5 26.7600 2,141 4,638 55,661 Information Technology Technician 1 6 28.0979 2,248 4,870 58,444 Program Assistant II Program Assistant II -Confidential Utility& Maintenance Technician 1 21 Finance Technician II 1 22.8997 1,832 3,969 47,631 Finance Technician II -Confidential 2 24.0447 1,924 4,168 50,013 Human Resources Technician II 3 25.2467 2,020 4,376 52,513 Program Assistant III 4 26.5093 2,121 4,595 55,139 Program Assistant III -Confidential 5 27.8348 2,227 4,825 57,896 Utility& Maintenance Technician II 6 29.2264 2,338 5,066 60,791 7 30.6877 2,455 5,319 63,831 22 Department Administrative Support Coordinator 1 24.8271 1,986 4,303 51,640 Facilities Specialist 2 26.0684 2,085 4,519 54,222 Finance Technician III 3 27.3719 2,190 4,744 56,934 Finance Technician III -Confidential 4 28.7405 2,299 4,982 59,780 Geographic Information Systems Technician II 5 30.1774 2,414 5,231 62,769 Heavy Equipment Mechanic II 6 31.6864 2,535 5,492 65,908 Information Technology Technician II 7 33.2706 2,662 5,767 69,203 Planner I Program Coordinator Utility& Maintenance Technician III 23 Accountant 1 1 26.7539 2,140 4,637 55,648 Code Enforcement Officer 1 2 28.0916 2,247 4,869 58,431 Engineering Specialist 1 3 29.4962 2,360 5,113 61,352 Heavy Equipment Mechanic III 4 30.9712 2,478 5,368 64,420 Planner II 5 32.5196 2,602 5,637 67,641 Recreation Supervisor 1 6 34.1455 2,732 5,919 71,023 Stormwater Environmental Specialist 1 7 35.8527 2,868 6,214 74,574 Utilit y& Maintenance Technician IV 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 25 of 359e'of RESOLUTION NO.2020-56-EXHIBIT A Grade Classification Title STEP HOURLY BI-WEEKLY MONTHLY ANNUAL 24 Accountant II 1 29.1670 2,333 5,056 60,667 Code Enforcement Officer II 2 30.6254 2,450 5,308 63,701 Deputy City Clerk 3 32.1566 2,573 5,574 66,886 Deputy Fire Marshal 1 4 33.7646 2,701 5,853 70,230 Engineering Specialist II 5 35.4529 2,836 6,145 73,742 Executive Assistant 6 37.2254 2,978 6,452 77,429 Finance Analyst 1 7 39.0866 3,127 6,775 81,300 Geographic Information Systems Analyst I Human Resources Analyst I Information Technology Analyst I Management Analyst I Parks & Beach Supervisor I Planner III Recreation Supervisor II Risk/Safety Analyst I Stormwater Environmental Specialist II 25 Accountant III 1 32.0607 2,565 5,557 66,686 Code Enforcement Officer III 2 33.6637 2,693 5,835 70,021 Deputy Fire Marshal II 3 35.3470 2,828 6,127 73,522 Engineering Specialist III 4 37.1143 2,969 6,433 77,198 Facilities Supervisor 5 38.9698 3,118 6,755 81,057 Finance Analyst II 6 40.9185 3,273 7,093 85,110 Fleet Maintenance Supervisor 7 42.9644 3,437 7,447 89,366 Human Resources Analyst II Management Analyst II Parks & Beach Supervisor II Risk/Safety Analyst II Special Events & Projects Supervisor Stormwater Environmental Specialist III Utility& Maintenance Field Supervisor 41 Assistant Center Manager 1 32.8319 2,627 5,691 68,290 Code Enforcement Supervisor 2 34.4736 2,758 5,975 71,705 Geographic Information Systems Analyst II 3 36.1971 2,896 6,274 75,290 Information Technology Analyst II 4 38.0071 3,041 6,588 79,055 Planner IV 5 39.9075 3,193 6,917 83,008 Utility& Maintenance Supervisor 1 6 41.9028 3,352 7,263 87,158 7 43.9979 3,520 7,626 91,516 8 46.1979 3,696 8,008 96,092 42 Finance Analyst III 1 34.6674 2,773 6,009 72,108 Geographic Information Systems Analyst III 2 36.4008 2,912 6,309 75,714 Human Resources Analyst III 3 38.2207 3,058 6,625 79,499 Information Technology Analyst III 4 40.1319 3,211 6,956 83,474 Management Analyst III 5 42.1383 3,371 7,304 87,648 Risk&Safety Analyst III 6 44.2454 3,540 7,669 92,030 Senior Deputy Fire Marshal 7 46.4576 3,717 8,053 96,632 Utility& Maintenance Supervisor II 8 48.7805 3,902 8,455 101,463 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 26 of 35pe2of7 RESOLUTION NO.2020-56-EXHIBIT A Grade Classification Title STEP HOURLY BI-WEEKLY MONTHLY ANNUAL 43 Arts Program Administrator 1 36.5026 2,920 6,327 75,925 Center Manager 2 38.3278 3,066 6,643 79,722 Finance Manager 1 3 40.2442 3,220 6,976 83,708 Information Technology Project Manager 4 42.2565 3,381 7,324 87,894 Program Administrator 5 44.3691 3,550 7,691 92,288 Senior Management Analyst 6 46.5877 3,727 8,075 96,903 7 48.9169 3,913 8,479 101,747 8 51.3629 4,109 8,903 106,835 44 Climate Action Plan Administrator 1 38.8009 3,104 6,725 80,706 Engineer 1 2 40.7410 3,259 7,062 84,741 Environmental Project Manager 3 42.7779 3,422 7,415 88,978 Information Technology Supervisor 4 44.9169 3,593 7,786 93,427 Senior Planner 1 5 47.1626 3,773 8,175 98,098 6 49.5209 3,962 8,584 103,003 7 51.9968 4,160 9,013 108,153 8 54.5968 4,368 9,463 113,561 45 Engineer II 1 41.5569 3,325 7,203 86,438 Park Operations Manager 2 43.6347 3,491 7,563 90,760 Recreation Services Manager 3 45.8164 3,665 7,942 95,298 Senior Planner II 4 48.1074 3,849 8,339 100,063 Superintendent 5 50.5126 4,041 8,756 105,066 6 53.0383 4,243 9,193 110,320 7 55.6904 4,455 9,653 115,836 8 58.4748 4,678 10,136 121,627 61 Finance Manager II 1 41.7670 3,341 7,240 86,875 2 43.8552 3,508 7,602 91,219 3 46.0480 3,684 7,982 95,780 4 48.3506 3,868 8,381 100,569 5 50.7681 4,061 8,800 105,598 6 53.3063 4,265 9,240 110,877 7 55.9719 4,478 9,702 116,422 8 58.7704 4,702 10,187 122,242 9 61.7090 4,937 10,696 128,355 62 Principal Planner 1 43.5146 3,481 7,543 90,510 2 45.6904 3,655 7,920 95,036 3 47.9749 3,838 8,316 99,788 4 50.3738 4,030 8,731 104,777 5 52.8924 4,231 9,168 110,016 6 55.5371 4,443 9,626 115,517 7 58.3139 4,665 10,108 121,293 8 61.2296 4,898 10,613 127,358 9 64.2911 5,143 11,144 133,726 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 27 of 35Pe"' RESOLUTION NO.2020-56-EXHIBIT A Grade Classification Title STEP HOURLY BI-WEEKLY MONTHLY ANNUAL 63 Senior Engineer 1 45.2621 3,621 7,845 94,145 2 47.5253 3,802 8,238 98,853 3 49.9016 3,992 8,650 103,795 4 52.5182 4,201 9,103 109,238 5 55.0165 4,401 9,536 114,434 6 57.7674 4,621 10,013 120,156 7 60.6555 4,852 10,514 126,163 8 63.6885 5,095 11,039 132,472 9 66.8728 5,350 11,591 139,095 64 City Traffic Engineer 1 47.4513 3,796 8,225 98,699 Department Manager I/Chief Information Officer 1 2 49.8238 3,986 8,636 103,633 Principal Engineer 3 52.3151 4,185 9,068 108,815 4 54.9311 4,394 9,521 114,257 5 57.6775 4,614 9,997 119,969 6 60.5614 4,845 10,497 125,968 7 63.5892 5,087 11,022 132,266 8 66.7688 5,342 11,573 138,879 9 70.1073 5,609 12,152 145,823 65 Assistant Director of Public Works/Assistant General Manager 1 52.5798 4,206 9,114 109,366 Assistant Finance Director 2 55.2088 4,417 9,570 114,834 City Engineer 3 57.9693 4,638 10,048 120,576 Department Manager II/Chief Information Officer II 4 60.8677 4,869 10,550 126,605 5 63.9112 5,113 11,078 132,935 6 67.1065 5,369 11,632 139,582 7 70.4620 5,637 12,213 146,561 8 73.9850 5,919 12,824 153,889 9 77.6844 6,215 13,465 161,584 10 81.5687 6,526 14,139 169,663 66 City Clerk/Director of Legislative Services 1 45.7896 3,663 7,937 95,242 2 48.0790 3,846 8,334 100,004 3 50.4831 4,039 8,750 105,005 4 53.0072 4,241 9,188 110,255 5 55.6574 4,453 9,647 115,767 6 58.4403 4,675 10,130 121,556 7 61.3624 4,909 10,636 127,634 8 64.4305 5,154 11,168 134,015 9 67.6520 5,412 11,726 140,716 10 71.0346 5,683 12,313 147,752 81 Department Director 1 1 51.4408 4,115 8,916 106,997 2 54.0130 4,321 9,362 112,347 3 56.7134 4,537 9,830 117,964 4 59.5491 4,764 10,322 123,862 5 62.5266 5,002 10,838 130,055 6 65.6530 5,252 11,380 136,558 7 68.9357 5,515 11,949 143,386 8 72.3825 5,791 12,546 150,556 9 76.0016 6,080 13,174 158,083 10 79.8017 6,384 13,832 165,988 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 28 of 35pe4of7 RESOLUTION NO.2020-56-EXHIBIT A Grade Classification Title STEP HOURLY BI-WEEKLY MONTHLY ANNUAL 82 Department Director II 1 53.1051 4,248 9,205 110,459 Assistant Director of Development Services/City Planner 2 55.7604 4,461 9,665 115,982 Director of Human Resources 3 58.5483 4,684 10,148 121,780 4 61.4759 4,918 10,656 127,870 5 64.5497 5,164 11,189 134,263 6 67.7772 5,422 11,748 140,977 7 71.1660 5,693 12,335 148,025 8 74.7243 5,978 12,952 155,426 9 78.4605 6,277 13,600 163,198 10 82.3836 6,591 14,280 171,358 83 Department Director III 1 56.5570 4,525 9,803 117,639 Director of Parks and Recreation 2 59.3848 4,751 10,293 123,520 Director of Public Works 3 62.3541 4,988 10,808 129,697 4 65.4718 5,238 11,348 136,181 5 68.7453 5,500 11,916 142,990 6 72.1826 5,775 12,512 150,140 7 75.7918 6,063 13,137 157,647 8 79.5812 6,367 13,794 165,529 9 83.5603 6,685 14,484 173,805 10 87.7384 7,019 15,208 182,496 84 Department Director IV 1 59.3848 4,751 10,293 123,520 Director of Finance/City Treasurer 2 62.3541 4,988 10,808 129,697 3 65.4718 5,238 11,348 136,181 4 68.7453 5,500 11,916 142,990 5 72.1826 5,775 12,512 150,140 6 75.7918 6,063 13,137 157,647 7 79.5812 6,367 13,794 165,529 8 83.5603 6,685 14,484 173,805 9 87.7384 7,019 15,208 182,496 10 92.1254 7,370 15,968 191,621 89 Development Services Director 1 61.8915 4,951 10,728 128,734 2 64.9860 5,199 11,264 135,171 3 68.2352 5,459 11,827 141,929 4 71.6469 5,732 12,419 149,026 5 75.2294 6,018 13,040 156,477 6 78.9908 6,319 13,692 164,301 7 82.9404 6,635 14,376 172,516 8 87.0874 6,967 15,095 181,142 9 91.4418 7,315 15,850 190,199 10 96.0137 7,681 16,642 199,709 87 Assistant City Manager 1 64.2043 5,136 11,129 133,545 Acting City Manager 2 67.4145 5,393 11,685 140,222 3 70.7853 5,663 12,269 147,233 4 74.3245 5,946 12,883 154,595 5 78.0408 6,243 13,527 162,325 6 81.9426 6,555 14,203 170,441 7 86.0400 6,883 14,914 178,963 8 90.3419 7,227 15,659 187,911 9 94.8591 7,589 16,442 197,307 10 99.6020 7,968 17,264 207,172 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 29 of 35Pe5of7 RESOLUTION NO.2020-56-EXHIBIT A Effective June 1, 2019 Grade Classification Title STEP HOURLY BI-WEEKLY MONTHLY ANNUAL 85 City Manager 1 122.6172 9,809 21,254 255,044 Effective December 11, 2018 86 City Council Member 1 9.9213 794 15720 20,636 88 Mayor 1 10.4981 840 1,820 21,836 S85 Marine Safety Sergeant 1 28.3124 2,265 4,907 58,890 2 29.7280 2,378 5,153 61,834 3 31.2143 2,497 5,410 64,926 4 32.7750 2,622 5,681 68,172 5 34.4140 2,753 5,965 71,581 6 36.1346 2,891 6,263 75,160 7 37.9412 3,035 6,576 78,918 S86 Marine Safety Lieutenant 1 30.8662 2,469 5,350 64,202 2 32.4096 2,593 5,618 67,412 3 34.0301 2,722 5,899 70,783 4 35.7315 2,859 6,193 74,322 5 37.5182 3,001 6,503 78,038 6 39.3970 3,152 6,829 81,946 7 41.3638 3,309 7,170 86,037 S87 Marine Safety Captain 1 41.0615 3,285 7,117 85,408 2 43.1147 3,449 7,473 89,679 3 45.2705 3,622 7,847 94,163 4 47.5338 3,803 8,239 98,870 5 49.9104 3,993 8,651 103,814 6 52.4061 4,192 9,084 109,005 7 55.0263 4,402 9,538 114,455 8 57.7778 4,622 10,015 120,178 S88 Fire Marshal 1 45.0785 3,606 7,814 93,763 2 47.3322 3,787 8,204 98,451 3 49.6989 3,976 8,614 103,374 4 52.1839 4,175 9,045 108,542 5 54.7931 4,383 9,497 113,970 6 57.5328 4,603 9,972 119,668 7 60.4095 4,833 10,471 125,652 8 63.4297 5,074 10,994 131,934 9 66.6013 5,328 11,544 138,531 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 30 of 35Pe6of7 RESOLUTION NO.2020-56-EXHIBIT A STEP HOURLY SEMI- MONTHLY ANNUAL MONTHLY S98 Fire Battalion Chief 1 33.7909 4,100 8,200 98,396 56 hours a week 2 35.4805 4,305 8,610 103,316 3 37.2545 4,520 9,040 108,482 4 39.1172 4,746 9,492 113,906 5 41.0731 4,983 9,967 119,602 6 43.1266 5,233 10,465 125,581 7 45.2830 5,494 10,988 131,861 8 47.5471 5,769 11,538 138,453 9 49.9246 6,057 12,115 145,376 S99 Administrative Fire Battalion Chief 1 52.0366 4,510 9,020 108,240 40 hours a week 2 54.6384 4,736 9,471 113,652 3 57.3704 4,972 9,945 119,335 4 60.2390 5,221 10,442 125,302 5 63.2509 5,482 10,964 131,567 6 66.4134 5,756 11,512 138,145 7 69.7340 6,044 #SPILL! 145,052 8 73.2209 6,346 12,692 152,305 9 76.8819 6,663 13,327 159,920 S96 Deputy Fire Chief 1 59.1196 5,124 10,248 122,974 2 62.0757 5,380 10,760 129,122 3 65.1794 5,649 11,298 135,578 4 68.4382 5,932 11,863 142,357 5 71.8603 6,228 12,456 149,475 6 75.4533 6,540 13,079 156,949 7 79.2260 6,867 13,733 164,796 8 83.1871 7,210 14,420 173,036 9 87.3467 7,570 15,141 181,688 S97 Department Director 1 64.0928 5,555 11,110 133,318 Fire Chief 2 67.2976 5,833 11,665 139,984 3 70.6622 6,124 12,249 146,983 4 74.1955 6,431 12,861 154,332 5 77.9052 6,752 13,504 162,049 6 81.8004 7,090 14,179 170,151 7 85.8904 7,444 14,888 178,659 8 90.1850 7,816 15,633 187,592 9 94.6944 8,207 16,414 196,972 10 99.4290 8,618 17,235 206,820 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 31 of 35Pe"' RESOLUTION NO.2020-56-EXHIBIT B City of Encinitas Encinitas Firefighters Association (EFFA) Effective January 1, 2021 2% Increase Effective January 1, 2021 Hourly SEMI- Monthly Annual MONTHLY S90 Probationary FF/Paramedic 27.4301 3,328 6,656 79,874 S91 Firefighter/Paramedic III 32.2303 3,911 7,821 93,852 S92 Firefighter/Paramedic II 32.9158 3,994 7,987 95,848 S93 Firefighter/Paramedic 1 33.9448 4,119 8,237 98,844 S94 Fire Engineer 34.6186 4,200 8,401 100,806 S95 Fire Captain 40.6210 4,929 9,857 118,285 Average week is 56 hours. Calculation includes 53 hours base pay plus 3 hours "FLSA time"without overtime. 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 32 of 35 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-56 - EXHIBIT C Contract Employees - Part-Time, Reserve, Seasonal, Temporary Salary Schedule Effective January 1, 2021 Marine Safety Grade Classification Title STEP HOURLY L1 Ocean Lifeguard 1 1 15.0000 2 15.7500 3 16.5375 4 17.3644 5 18.2326 6 19.1442 L2 Ocean Lifeguard II 1 17.0000 2 17.8500 3 18.7425 4 19.6796 5 20.6636 6 21.6968 L3 Senior Ocean Lifeguard 1 18.7961 2 19.7359 3 20.7227 4 21.7588 5 22.8468 6 23.9891 7 25.1886 Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts Grade Classification Title STEP HOURLY C3 Recreation Assistant 1 14.0000 2 14.3500 3 14.7088 4 15.0765 C4 Recreation Leader 1 15.0000 2 15.3750 3 15.7594 4 16.1534 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 33 of 35 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-56 - EXHIBIT C C5 Recreation Coordinator 1 16.0000 2 16.8000 3 17.6400 4 18.5220 5 19.4481 6 20.4205 7 21.4415 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 34 of 35 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-56 - EXHIBIT C General - City Grade Classification Title STEP HOURLY C6 Facilities Technician 1 19.0000 2 19.9500 3 20.9475 4 21.9949 5 23.0946 6 24.2493 7 25.4618 11 Intern 1 14.0000 2 14.7000 3 15.4350 4 16.2068 5 17.0171 6 17.8679 2020-06-24 Item #08M Page 35 of 35