1999-09-02CITY OF ENCINITAS ACTION MINUTES OF REGULAR COMMITTEE MEETING TOURISM AND MARKETING COMMITTEE September 2, 1999 Present: Co- Chairperson Sheila Cameron Co- Chairman Dennis Holz; Management Analyst David de Cordova; Fred Caldwell; Gene Greenwald; Ida Lou Coley; Judy Cunningham; Judy Strick; Michelle Hales; Peder Norby; Larry Danielson; Marrietta Rogers; Dave Oakley; Gary Tucker; Cal Ellisor; Therese Vallancourt ISSUE, DIRECTION /ACTION # 1 Meeting called to order at 8:10 A.M. by Mayor Sheila Welcome and Introductions Cameron. Thank you for coming. Everyone introduced themselves. ITEM #2 Peder Norby, Dema Exec. Director, reminded the members of Announcements the 9/16/99 Classic Summer Nights Event. He indicated that the woodies would arrive a few days before the Annual Wavecrest Woodie Car Show event for preview by the public. Mayor Cameron reminded the members about displaying and distributing the new Encinitas Brochure. Those members interested in receiving some of the brochures should leave their name and telephone number with the council secretary. Mayor Cameron also announced that The Taste of Mainstreet was a success and the ticket books sold out. DEMA estimated that over 3,000 attended the event. # 3 Mr. Dave de Cordova provided a preview of the 9/15/99 Update and Discussion on Downtown Encinitas Streetscape Workshop of the Downtown Encinitas Streetscape Project. On Project 9/15/99, the project will be presented in a workshop format at the City Council Meeting for public input and planning. Mr. de Cordova gave overview of the project: the project originated as a traffic safety project for D and E Streets as there was a higher rate of accidents than other areas of the town. At the same time, Community Development was proposing a streetscape master plan for the Downtown corridor in order to implement the Downtown Specific Plan. The project includes street enhancements including sidewalk improvements to Moonlight Beach and along the entire corridor; enhanced intersections with mid -block and corner pop -outs to enhance pedestrian safety and create visual slow down que to motorists; improved and maximized parking spaces; and improved traffic flow. The project is likely to include redoing the sidewalks - will need to rotate the areas of construction to keep disruption to merchants at a minimum; several driveways may be closed to allow for more parking spaces and improve safety. Vehicle travel lanes may be reduced in areas to allow for protected left turn lanes with goal of improving traffic flow. Mayor Cameron added that NCTD is considering providing a parking structure. Possibility of the city joining in with NCTD to make 2 story structure so accessible to merchant employees which will allow for more street parking available to tourists and patrons. Cost to the City is a concern. Discussion on putting up historic Encinitas sign as soon as possible. The idea well received. Discussion on various types of signs and location for the historic sign. There was also discussion on the possibility of getting Moonlight Beach sign to be put up on railroad bridge at the end of Encinitas Blvd. Community Development Director, Sandy Holder, indicated that historic route signs will be on 9/8/99 Council meeting agenda. She showed the members the sign intended to be used. They anticipate using about 12 signs along the corridor. Mr. de Cordova concluded his preview and urged the members to come to the 9/15/99 Council meeting as this would be their opportunity to submit in writing their ideas and suggestions and to give feedback to the city. Once this is completed, designs plans to be drafted, traffic studies performed and then plan to go back to city council for approval. 2 specific suggestions to do as soon as possible: 1) Diagonal Parking on the west side of 2nd Street; 2) Historic Sign. ITEM #4 a) Signage Agenda Items for Next Meeting b) T.O.T. ITEM #5 September 16, 1999 Next Meeting: Poinsettia Room, Encinitas City Hall Adjournment Adjourned at 9:20 a.m. Prepared by Gina Rubottom