2000-03-02CITY OF ENCINITAS ACTION MINUTES OF REGULAR COMMITTEE MEETING TOURISM AND MARKETING COMMITTEE March 2, 2000 Present: Council Member Sheila Cameron; Council Member Dennis Holz; City Manager Kerry Miller; Mayor James Bond; John Mclsaac, Carolyn Cope, Jerry Brooks, Julian Duval, Michelle Hayes; Paul Davis; Gary Tucker, Dan Hare; Bruno Scharer; Amado Quintanilla; Fred Caldwell; Judy Cunningham; Kirk Van Allyn; Peder Norby; Kent Bry; Joe Koch; Vanessa Williams; Sid Shaw; Judianna Shannon; Chuck Ades; Robert Mance; Tom Black; Rob Spence; Mark Skok; Marietta Rogers; Ralph Rogers; Lynne Love; Kirsten Richter; Barbara Miller; Crystal Wells; Therese Vaillancourt; Jerry Brooks. #1 Call to Order and Announcements ITEM # 2 Development of Action Steps DIRECTION /ACTION Meeting called to order at 8:10 A.M. by Council Member Sheila Cameron. Ms. Cameron thanked everyone for coming. Everyone introduced themselves. It was announced that the Quail Botanical Gardens will be featured on an upcoming HGTV program Ms. Cameron then introduced Kerry Miller, the City Manager, who will be facilitating today's meeting. Mr. Miller indicated that he reviewed the action minutes from the last meeting. The minutes reiterated the members' choice of sub - committees in which they wished to be involved. Mr. Miller requested the committee members to visualize Encinitas as a place where people want to come to visit and end up wanting to stay. He asked the members to decide what needs to be done to obtain that vision and still maintain our quality of life. Mr. Miller then reviewed the sub - committees and the names of those members who signed up to work on the sub - committee (see Attachment A). Sub - Committee Groups 3 and 4 were combined since there was only one member signed up for Group 4. The members were divided into their sub - committees and were given 45 minutes to develop their action plan which would include the following information: 1) a list of the four most important tasks to be completed in a one year timeframe; 2) identify who will complete the tasks (i.e., will the group need assistance from the City); 3) determine when the tasks will be completed. The long term range is one year, however; there will be incremental tasks which will need to be completed along the way; and, 4) determine how the task will be completed (i.e., some tasks may require that funding or resources be obtained). After the sub - committees concluded, a spokesperson for each group was asked to give a report on their action plan. Peder Norby for Group 1 indicated their goal is to fix the infrastructure within one year. Item 1) Parking: Create a Parking District, which is self - governed, to include DEMA, merchants and, the City. The idea is to create a Parking District within six to nine months, which would create a revenue stream. Item 2) Historic Encinitas Sign: Goal is to have the Historic Sign fabricated and installed within one year - Complete the RFP for the design of the sign within six months and have the sign fabricated and installed within another six months. It will require the City's involvement and help from DEMA. Revenue is already set aside for the project. Item 3) Continuous Sidewalk Along the Entire Length of Hwy 101: Adopt a strategy similar to the project on Birmingham Dr. with the help of the City and merchants. The timeframe is to have the areas identified and a plan in place within one year. Item 4) Streetscape: To include uniform old fashioned or period streetlights in all areas; parking which is most needed in the downtown area but there may be other options in Cardiff and Leucadia; lowering of the railroad tracks (long -term goal). This will require that the City and DEMA work together with the goal of the design completion and implementation within one year. Ralph Rogers for Group 2 indicated that their action plan mainly deals with the downtown area — the beaches, the lagoon, campground areas. They would like to recover the ambiance of older days. Focus on fully developing pedestrian access, and using the spiritual communities in bridging the aesthetics of the City. The infrastructure needs to be developed in a way that one can easily be transported to all the different locations in town without the use of a car. For example, have the parking structures near the freeways and have shuttle services provided to different tourist type locations such as to the campgrounds, the golf course, shopping areas, beaches. Ms. Cameron added that we need to focus on the use of International style signs, which would indicate site and mileage (i.e., .5 miles to the library, 1 mile to the beach, etc.) Also, at the base of the signs, have brochures available, which provide information on the various sites /locations. Vanessa Williams for Group 314 indicated that their action plan revolves around promoting Encinitas and its image through the use of brochures, videos, tourist guides that are distributed through the businesses, restaurants, residents, hostelries. Also, the website can be used for promoting Encinitas. Develop hyperlinks to the Visitor's Guide, San Diego Business Convention. Kent Bry added that we need to develop a website that all the community is creating together. Peder Norby noted that "Sign On San Diego" is their 2' largest referral source to their association. These promotional items can be developed through the chambers, DEMA, hostelries and restaurants. The cost would be minimal. The group decided that Jerry Brooks and Judy Cunningham will handle the videos; Michelle Hayes and Therese Vaillancourt will work on marketing. The group plans on meeting monthly to further develop and work on their plans. Carolyn Cope indicated for Group S that their action plan focuses on developing a common theme that relates to the spirit of the City. Surfing, the Arts, and the beaches are common themes. Their group would like to see the statue of a surfer on a big wave with flowers at the base erected either at the grassy area at Swami's or at one of the beaches. They would also like to work with reinforcing the sand on the beaches with the use of sandbags and art work/sand sculptures made of sandbags at various points along the bluffs, which will dissolve into sand for the beach. There are numerous art events, which take place throughout the year, in various areas that can promote the artistic atmosphere of the City. These events include: A "chalk it up" event at Encinitas Days, which will allow each school to work with a block. This can help in connecting the whole city together; A surf art exhibit, using local artists, will be held during the Rob Machado Surf Contest; The San Diego Art Guild holds a teaching series at the Quail Gardens, which are open to the public. The City will also be having some festivals: Endangered Spaces will take place in May, 2001; Dan Hare's Film Society has a lot of momentum and it is anticipated that in five years there will be a good size film festival held in Encinitas; Robert Mance is working on a digital arts festival involving music and a light show to take place during the holidays. Kerry Miller noted that the Arts need to play a larger role in any community. He believes the statue is a great idea. It can act as a symbol of the City. The statue can be used as a meeting place and can create a tourism market and draw tourists to the City to view the artwork. NOTE: * *Mr. Miller indicated that the spokesperson for each group can serve as the group facilitator. The spokesperson for each group will need to arrange for the group to get back together before our next meeting in order to define the group's issues with more specificity. At the next meeting, the group spokesperson will then provide a follow up report. Mr. Miller would also like the groups to think about how their work can enhance the other groups. ** Ms. Cameron added that there are a few things she would like to see happen. She would like to see an Adopt a Block Program started with the assistance from the businesses. She also encouraged the committee members to visit Encinitas Glass and see how they painted flowers on their building. The businesses should look at these types of ways to create a more artistic feel /look for the City. "DO NOT LOOK BACK IN ANGER, OR FORWARD IN FEAR, BUT AROUND IN AWARENESS" She also suggested that the group working on brochures obtain all the brochures that have already been done and see what works with each of them. Lastly, Ms. Cameron noted that there are two famous pieces of art in the world that are very small: 1) The Little Mermaid in Copenhagen Harbor, and 2) The Mona Lisa — less than 2'x3' in size. She suggested that when it comes to doing art/sculptures, the groups might consider the quality of the work rather than the quantity. # 3 None. Oral Communications ITEM #4 1) Sub - Committee Action Plan Follow Up Reports. Discussion of Agenda Items for Future Meeting Next Meeting April 6, 2000. The meeting will be another 2 -hour meeting. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m. Prepared by Gina Rubottom "DO NOT LOOK BACK IN ANGER, OR FORWARD IN FEAR, BUT AROUND IN AWARENESS" ATTACHMENT A SUB - COMMITTEE CATEGORIES 1) Parking, Sidewalks, Convenience, Specific Plans, Railroad [Bruno Scharer, Gary DeWitt, Tom Black, Sid Shaw, Crystal Wells, Fred Caldwell, Peder Norby, John McIsaac, George Gowland] 2) Ambiance, Beaches, Beach Promotion/Lagoons, Physical Infrastructure [Ralph Rogers, Charles Marvin, Lynne Love, Julian Duval] 3) Image, Publications, Niche, Mission Statement, Programs, Visitor's Center, Packages/Tours [Chuck Ades, Judianne Shannon, Vanessa Williams, Paula Kirpalani, Michelle Hayes, Jim Clark, Kent Bry, Kirsten Richter, Gary Tucker, Paul Davis, Julian Duval, Marietta Rogers, James Statser, Jerry Brooks, Encinitas Chamber of Commerce: Rob, Judy Arlene] 4) Educate Residents, Involvement, City Pride [Vanessa Williams] 5) Arts, Statues, Festivals [Carolyn Cope, Barbara Miller, Judianne Shannon, Robert Mance, Joe Koch, Kirk Van Allyn, Dan Hare, Edgar Engert[