1999-05-20CITY OF ENCINITAS ACTION MINUTES OF REGULAR COMMITTEE MEETING TOURISM & MARK TING COMMITTEE May , 1999 Present: S Cameron, D Holz, D Lonsdale, P Davis, J Duval, K Richter, J Brooks, G Greenwald, M Trimmins, 1' Norby, , J Cunningham, M Rogers, S Anderson,D DeCordova, R Mance, B Bonde, A Quintasilla, ISSUE DIRECTION /ACTION ITEM # 1 Approved. Approve Minutes of May 6, 1999 meeting. ITEM # 2 Thank you for coming. Everyone introduced themselves. Dave DeCordova, Announcements/Regular Agenda Community Development made an announcement that a date for a workshop for downtown specific plan is being set for sometime in June. There will be no meetings in July. Mayor introduced Robert Mance. Robert is filling in for Sandy Cooper, our scheduled speaker for today. She had an emergency in the family and will come back next meeting to brief us. Thank you Robert. Focusing on commercial media industry: one aspect is a "kiosk" which is an immediate distribution technique. A kiosk is like an "atm" at the bank. A greeting card maker in the Savon. It's growing rapidly. Kiosks are a way to distribute the city and its tourism and hospitality. Robert gave a case history from New York. Advertising based kiosk which is "Touch Miami.com." This is a database of 300 or more commercials of the 2nd largest newspaper publisher in the US. It's a visitors information system. It has 40 locations. Maps, where they are located, etc. Dining, entertainment, shopping, real estate, beauty, wellness, special offers. There are costs to participate. To work you have to have buy -in from cities or people who use it. We need high -speed telecommunicatons to distriibute to also to get this through. Who are your clients that need to get to you. You need promotion marketing sales also. Customers are sometimes local, sometimes out of town guests. Anticipated Costs: Depends on the package you want. These can work to your advantage. Results of kiosks are phenomenal. Jerry Brooks is looking at a kiosk this weekend. He'll give us an update at our next meeting. What about distribution and security. They are pretty much public -proof now. Like metro and atm kiosks. Proof of concept then distribution. Networks /devices, then meld together. Quail Gardens and Legoland would be perfect spots to have one. Travel agents could utilize to their benefit. Every business could benefit from utilizing this idea. Security is a real concern though. Brochure upda+ We now have graphics designer. The theme is "Natures Coe ' Paradise ". We �,; gathering photos now. If you have appropriate ones, please auomit to subcommittee. We will meet again next Tuesday. We have contacted Isabella Breasted to submit. She will be attending next meeting. At last Council meeting library issue was discussed. No site was chosen. We can afford to build, but we can't afford to run it. We are looking at some mechanics to fund. A bond measure, before the city people is a possible way. The people will decide if they can afford to run it. Depending on the bond, will determine where to site. Cardiff has some funding for theirs, but they have to find a spot. Railroad crossings: Need forms of devices, gates, etc. that are safe or secure that trains don't have to blow whistles when they come through town. If there are to be more trains, we need more places to cross the tracks. NCTD needs to be willing to do that. We need to hear from the public. Do we need to have doubletracking or lowering of tracks? At Escondido City Council Meeting They did not support doubletracking issue. (4 -1 vote. Item on City Council Meeting on billboards: Robert Nanniga/Fred Caldwell proposed that if we keep billboards, over the millenium, maybe a nostalgia billboard could be put up. Like all classic cars advertised for a few months, from 40s and 50s. On the other hand, we'd like to get rid of the billboards. I've asked to have it put on the NCTD agenda. Crystal mentioned that some of the large ceramic trashcans in downtown are being stolen. One was stolen last night. Please watch for it. Bob Bonde mentioned that the helicopters are beginning to use Encinitas as a corridor. The Mayor is planning to "attack" this item. She will be writing a letter /letters. What about a cleanup campaign in town? We should have a clean up day across the whole city. Robert Mance mentioned that the cities such as Cardiff and Encinitas need to have some type of network for announcing Council meetings. Sheila explained how we promote the City Council meetings. What we maybe need to do is to be talking more with the papers. Fax hot sheet to various organizations on hot issues for support. These are all suggestions we need to look at. ITEM #3 a) Continued Discussions on Highway 101 Corridor Priorities Agenda Items for Future Meeting: b) Continued Discussions on New Promotional Brochure ITEM #4 June 3, 1999 Next Meeting: Adjournment Adjourned at 9:30 a.m. Prepared by Deborah Lonsdale