2017-03-08 Item 08G Fiscal Year 2016-17 Mid-Year Budget Status Report and Proposed Budget Amendments w= AGENDA REPORT City Council MEETING DATE: March 8, 2017 PREPARED BY: Tom Gallup DEPT. DIRECTOR: Tim Nash DEPARTMENT: Finance CITY MANAGER: Karen P. Brust SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2016-17 Mid-Year Budget Status Report and Proposed Budget Amendments RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends that City Council take the following actions: 1. Receive and file the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Mid-Year Budget Status Report; and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2017-18 titled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Encinitas Amending the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Budget' (Attachment 1) STRATEGIC PLAN: This agenda item falls within the Organizational Efficiency and Effectiveness focus area of the Strategic Plan by maintaining the City's financial health. FISCAL CONSIDERATIONS: The Finance Department has completed the mid-year review of the FY 2016-17 budget, which includes recommendations for budget appropriations and budget transfers for Council consideration. Proposed mid-year budget amendments for all funds will increase estimated revenues by $296,631 and reduce budgeted expenditures by $40,905. The impact of all proposed General Fund amendments is an increase of $258,355 in estimated revenue and an increase of $217,295 in budgeted expenditures, for a net increase in available fund balance of $41,060. Attachment 2 provides detailed descriptions of these proposed operating budget amendments. Proposed mid-year amendments to transfers between all funds total $352,401. The General Fund impact is as follows: An increase in operating transfers-out of the General Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund (401) of$39,000 and an increase in capital transfers-in of $194,984, for a net increase in available fund balance of $155,984. Attachment 3 provides detailed descriptions of these proposed amendments to transfers. A summary of previous Council actions and available fund balance is included as Attachment 4. The available fund balance in the General Fund is $7,494,813, which includes all previous 2017-03-08 Item 8G 1 of 32 FY 2016-17 General Fund budget amendments approved by the City Council since the adoption of the FY 2016-17 budget through 2/15/17 (but not including the proposed amendments under consideration). Approval of both the mid-year operating budget amendments and fund transfer amendments will increase the General Fund available fund balance by$197,044 to $7,691,857. Table 1 below summarizes beginning fund balances as of 12/31/16 (as reflected in Schedule A — Revised Budget Summary Mid-Year FY 2016-17 in Attachment 5), current budget amounts, proposed revisions, adjusted budget amounts and ending fund balances for the General Fund and all other funds following adoption of the proposed amendments. Table 1 FY 2016-17 Mid-Year Budget Summary All Funds General Fund Mid-Year Current Mid-Year Adjusted Current Budget Revisions Adjusted Budget Budget Revisions Budget Beginning Fund Balance $ 66,373,778 $ 66,373,778 $ 32,884,545 $ 32,884,545 Revenue 94,473,066 296,631 94,769,697 68,064,756 258,355 68,323,111 Expenditures (109,285,558) 40,905 (109,244,653) (59,987,306) (217,395) (60,204,701) Transfers-In 4,023,949 352,401 4,376,350 1,174,360 194,984 1,369,344 Transfers-Out (4,023,949) (352,401) (4,376,350) (20,287,754) (39,000) (20,326,754) Ending Projected Fund Balance $ 51,561,286 $ 337,536 $ 51,898,822 $ 21,848,601 $ 196,944 $ 22,045,545 BACKGROUND: On June 22, 2016, the City Council adopted Resolution 2016-64, approving the revised FY 2016-17 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) with appropriations. On August 24, 2016, the City Council adopted Resolution 2016-82 approving continuing appropriations to FY 2016-17 for unspent FY 2015-16 appropriations totaling $1,201,403. Of this amount, General Fund expenditure appropriations were $328,157. On October 19, 2016, the City Council received the Report on the Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2015-16 and adopted the ending FY 2015-16 fund balances as beginning fund balances for FY 2016-17. Beginning fund balance in the General Fund for FY 2016-17 was $32,884,544, with $18,594,757 unrestricted and available for appropriation. The unrestricted General Fund balance was projected to be drawn down $9,786,742 by the FY 2016-17 original appropriation for planned capital projects, leaving $8,808,015 available for City Council appropriation at the beginning of FY 2016-17. On November 16, 2016, the City Council received the FY 2016-17 First Quarter Budget Status Report and adopted Resolution 2016-104 amending the FY 2016-17 Operating Budget, resulting in an available fund balance of$7,315,813. Through February 15, 2016, the City Council has approved additional off-cycle amendments to the FY 2016-17 General Fund budget that have resulted in a net increase in available fund balance to $7,494,813. These previously approved budget amendments are listed in Attachment 4. Adopting the proposed mid-year budget amendments of $197,044 will result in an available General Fund balance of$7,691,857. ANALYSIS: Each year after the mid-point of the fiscal year, staff presents a report to City Council describing the status of the budget and the related revenue estimates. Staff also presents proposed amendments and transfers to the budget necessary to complete the fiscal year within budget. After the first six months of FY 2016-17, the budget remains balanced. Actual revenues are expected to exceed estimates by year-end, while budgeted expenditures are anticipated to be less than budget. Schedule A — Revised Budget Summary Mid-Year FY 2016-17 (Attachment 2017-03-08 Item 8G 2 of 32 5) provides the adjusted budget summary for all city funds for the current fiscal year. Totals that have been revised as a result of approved budget amendments since the 7/1/16 have been highlighted in bold. Schedule C — Detail of General Fund Revenue, Expenditures and Transfers (Attachment 6) presents a summary of budget versus actuals for General Fund operating revenues, expenditures and transfers. General Fund Revenues Table 2 below provides General Fund revenue totals by adopted budget, amended budget, year-to-date (YTD) actual and proposed mid-year revised projections. Table 2 General Fund Revenue Summary(December 31, 2016) Adopted Amended Percent Revised Budget Budget YTD Actual Realized Projections Description 2016117 2016117 2016117 2016117 2016117 Property Tax $ 42,027,561 $ 42,027,561 $ 14,341,734 34% $ 42,027,561 Sales Tax 13,190,000 13,190,000 4,195,267 32% 12,825,000 Transient Occupancy Tax 1,610,040 1,610,040 922,775 57% 1,610,040 Franchise Tax 2,218,970 2,218,970 558,228 25% 2,218,970 Licenses, Fees and Permits 249,000 249,000 132,012 53% 249,000 Intergovernmental Revenue 510,693 510,693 145,757 29% 510,693 Charges for Services 6,138,225 6,309,349 3,731,635 59% 6,509,349 Fines and Penalties 679,303 679,303 366,881 54% 789,303 Use of Money and Property 671,940 671,940 483,861 72% 671,940 Other Revenue 597,900 597,900 278,135 47% 911,255 Revenue Total $ 67,893,632 $ 68,064,756 $ 25,156,285 37% $ 68,3231111 General Fund revenues through the first six months of FY 2016-17 are $25,156,285 which is 37% of the total estimated revenue for the fiscal year. Current fiscal year revenue is $1,343,158 greater than for the first six months of FY 2015-16. In a typical year, a higher percentage of revenue is received in the second half of the fiscal year than in the first half. The primary reason for this is property tax receipts. Property owners can pay their taxes in two installments each year with the deadline for the first installment being December 10th and the second installment on April 10th. The San Diego County Treasurer - Tax Collector collects all property taxes and then distributes the taxes to the various governmental agencies that levy property taxes in the County. The City of Encinitas receives the majority of its property tax revenue in December, January, April and May. Over 87% of General Fund revenue is generated from taxes, with property tax alone accounting for nearly 62% of total General Fund revenue. Through the first six months of FY 2016-17, total tax revenue of $20,018,004 is up 5.4% over the same period in the prior fiscal year and is 34% of total estimated tax revenue for FY 2016-17. At mid-year, property tax revenue is $14,341,734 which is 4.1% ahead of last year's property tax revenue collected, while sales tax revenue is $4,195,267 which is 11.8% ahead of last year. Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) collections through six months total $922,775 which is 5.6% greater than last year's total at mid- year. TOT collections year to date are 57.3% of the estimate. Franchise taxes total $558,228 at mid-year, which is 25% of the estimated revenue. Revenue from franchise taxes is mostly collected in the second half of the fiscal year. Charges for services account for 9% of total General Fund revenue. Revenues from charges for services total $3,731,635, an increase of 6.9% from the first six months of FY 2015-16. Most of this increase is attributed to higher than anticipated revenues from planning, building, engineering and fire prevention fees due to increased development activity. 2017-03-08 Item 8G 3 of 32 The remaining 4% of General Fund revenue consists of licenses and permits, intergovernmental revenue (from other agencies), fines and forfeitures, use of money and other financing sources. Revenue from these sources total $1,406,646 through mid-year which is an increase of 5.9% over last year. The increase is mostly attributed to higher than expected investment earnings and higher than anticipated revenue from renegotiated leases for cell towers at city parks. General Fund Expenditures Mid-year General Fund expenditures amount to $27,449,481, or 46% of the budget, as shown in Table 3 below. Table 3 General Fund Expenditures Summary by Category(December 31, 2016) Adopted Amended Percent Revised Budget Budget YTD Actual Realized Projections Description 2016117 2016117 2016117 2016117 2016117 Personnel $ 31,110,754 $ 31,220,902 $ 15,547,734 50% $ 31,349,015 Materials &Supplies 1,404,663 1,413,164 437,129 31% 1,413,355 Contracts&Services 25,877,981 26,682,058 11,219,085 42% 26,771,049 Internal Cost Allocation 452,654 452,654 226,327 50% 452,654 Capital Outlay 80,394 91,503 19,207 21% 91,503 Debt/Finance 186,000 127,025 0 0% 127,025 Expenditure Total $ 59,112,446 $ 59,987,306 $ 27,449,481 46% $ 60,204,601 Expenditures in the personnel category are within budget at mid-year. The materials and supplies category is under budget for the current fiscal year due to less than anticipated expenditures during the first six months for the purchase computer hardware and software, firefighter personal protective equipment, street signs and related supplies, street repair and maintenance supplies and fuel (resulting from lower prices). Expenditures for these purchases are expected to be made during the remainder of the fiscal year. Additionally, furniture and fixture purchases for the Community Center will be made in the second half of the fiscal year. The contracts and services category is under budget for the current fiscal year due to fewer payments than budgeted for law enforcement services occurring during the first six months of the fiscal year. As of mid-year, this contract was 42% expended with five of twelve monthly payments having been made. Monthly payments total approximately $1.1 million. Also, approximately $430,000 in administrative fees assessed by the County of San Diego for property tax collection are scheduled to paid in the second half of the fiscal year. Expenditures for capital outlay are under budget at mid-year. Purchases of machinery and equipment budgeted in this category are expected to be made during the second half of the fiscal year. Planned purchases include a lifeguard all-terrain vehicle and dovetail trailer for the streets maintenance division. Table 4 below shows the variances for each General Fund expenditure category compared with YTD expenditures at mid-year for FY 2015-16. 2017-03-08 Item 8G 4 of 32 Table 4 General Fund YTD Expenditures-Variance by Category(Through December 31, 2016) YTD Actual YTD Actual Description 2015/16 2016/17 Variance Personnel $ 15,155,270 $ 15,547,734 $ 392,464 Materials & Supplies 519,504 437,129 (82,375) Contracts & Services 9,383,188 11,219,085 1,835,897 Internal Cost Allocation 226,195 226,327 132 Capital Outlay 33,569 19,207 (14,362) Debt/Finance 31,234 0 (31,234) Expenditure Total $ 25,348,960 $ 27,449,481 $ 2,100,521 General Fund expenditures (excluding transfers out and capital contributions) through the first six months of FY 2016-17 are $2.1 million higher than through the same period in FY 2015-16. This overall variance primarily results from an additional $392,464 in expenditures in the personnel category and $1,835,897 in contracts and services, as well as a reduction in expenditures of $82,375 in the materials and supplies category. Although year-to-date expenditures are higher than last fiscal year, all categories are under budget for the current fiscal year. The variance in personnel expenditures from the prior fiscal year is primarily due to a budgeted increase of $196,720 for salary and benefit adjustments for employees approved by the City Council and identified in the executed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and in a separate resolution for unrepresented employees. Additionally, personnel expenditures for firefighter strike team deployments totaled $188,113 more than last fiscal year. The City is reimbursed by the State of California and federal government in some cases for the costs associated with these deployments. Staff is requesting a budget amendment for these additional personnel expenditures, as well as the offsetting revenue from reimbursements. The City's largest contract for service is with the San Diego County Sheriff for law enforcement services with a budget of $13,399,800. The variance in the contracts and services category from the prior fiscal year is primarily the result of expenditures for Sheriff's contract law enforcement services in FY 2015-16 being accrued back to FY 2014-15. The resulting variance is $1.3 million. Also contributing to the overall variance in the contracts and services category were approximately $239,000 in budgeted election costs expensed this fiscal year (but not last year) and $227,000 in expenditures for maintenance contracts in the street maintenance division, which were primarily the result of budgeted increases in tree trimming and maintenance service contracts due to the State of California prevailing wage ruling requiring landscape contractors to pay prevailing wages to employees assigned to public sector contracts, as well as expenditures for striping and street light repairs that occurred during the first half of this fiscal year that were made in the second half of last fiscal year. Expenditures on materials and supplies are $82,375 less at the mid-year of the current fiscal year than last year, which is primarily the result of fewer street signs and related hardware and firefighter turn-outs and other firefighting equipment purchased in the first six months. 2017-03-08 Item 8G 5 of 32 General Fund Transfers Transfers involve moving budgeted appropriations between funds. Staff is proposing increasing Transfers-In to the General Fund by $194,984 for the return of unspent funds from closed capital projects. Transfers-Out of the General Fund consist of operating transfers, transfers for debt service payments and transfer to fund capital projects. Staff is proposing an increase of $39,000 in transfers out of the General Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund (401) for the EnerGov project. Table 5 below provides a summary of proposed mid-year transfers. Table 5 General Fund Transfers Summary(December 31,2016) Adopted Amended Percent Revised Budget Budget YTDActual Realized Projections Description 2016117 2016117 2016117 2016117 2016117 Transfers In $ 1,174,360 $ 1,174,360 $ 710,384 60% $ 1,369,344 Transfers Out (19,742,288) (20,287,754) (17,359,476) 86% (20,326,754) General Fund Transfers Total $ (18,567,928) $ (19,113,394) $ (16,649,093) 87% $(18,957,410) Proposed Budget Amendments (Attachment 2) Detailed explanations for each proposed budget amendment (arranged by Department, Division and Fund) are included in Attachment 2. The City's sales tax consultant, HdL, has recently revised its revenue projection for the City of Encinitas. As a result of this revised revenue estimate, staff is proposing decreasing estimated sales tax revenue by $365,000. This decrease is the result of lower than anticipated receipts from fuel and service stations (due to relatively low fuel prices) and auto sales in the second sales quarter (July through September). Other amendments to estimated revenue include increases in anticipated revenues for cost recovery from strike team deployments, engineering fees and fines collected from red light camera traffic enforcement and parking citations. The overall result of these proposed amendments is a net General Fund revenue increase of $258,355. Proposed amendments for expenditures include $196,320 for additional expenditures related to fire strike team deployments, which will be reimbursed by the state and federal government; $29,975 to replace the tot lot playground surface at Moonlight Beach; $30,000 for parking citation enforcement (which is offset by revenue) and a return of$39,000 from the General Fund operating budget to the EnerGov project. The overall result of these proposed amendments is a net General Fund expenditure increase of$217,295. Table 6 below provides a summary of all the proposed operating budget amendments by fund, with additional detail provided in Attachment 2: 2017-03-08 Item 8G 6 of 32 Table 6 Mid-Year Operating Budget Amendment Summary Revenue Expenditure Fund Balance Increase Increase Increase Description (Decrease) (Decrease) (Decrease) General Fund (101) $ 258,355 $ 217,295 $ 41,060 Coastal Zone Management Fund (212) 86,276 86,276 Traffic Mitigation Fees Fund (233) (60,000) (60,000) Capital Improvement Fund (401) (225,197) 225,197 Section 8 Housing Administration Fund (551) 4,200 (4,200) Section 8 Housing Payments Fund (552) 6,000 12,000 (6,000) Pacific Pines Fund (561) 6,000 6,000 Operating Budget Amendment Total $ 296,631 $ 8,298 $ 288,333 Proposed Adjustments to Transfers between Funds (Attachment 3) In addition to the mid-year appropriations, several budget transfers have been identified which require City Council approval. The transfers are summarized below in Table 7 and detailed in Attachment 3: Table 7 Mid-Year Fund Transfer Amendments Transfer In Transfer Out Increase Increase Fund (Decrease) (Decrease) General Fund (101) $ 194,984 $ 39,000 Federal Grant Fund (223) 84,840 - Traffic Mitigation Fees Fund (233) 28,292 - Capital Improvements Fund (401) 39,000 313,401 Facility Maintenance Fund (403) 5,285 Fund Transfer Amendments Total $ 352,401 $ 352,401 Capital Improvement Program Status Update (Attachment 7) There were 102 active projects with project-to-date expenditures totaling $54.6 million as of 12/31/16. Staff is requesting that the following six (6) projects be closed and unspent funds be returned to their original funding sources: Civic Center Improvements (CF15A), 1-5 Interchange at Encinitas Boulevard (CSO4B), Cottonwood Creek Watershed LID Retrofit Plan (CS14D), Paul Ecke Central Improvements (CS16D), Urban Farming / Agriculture Ordinance Project (WC15D) and the Parks Master Plan (WP151). As a result of closing these projects $194,984 will be returned to the unassigned General Fund balance and $118,417 to other funding sources. Status updates and project-to-date expenditures for active projects are provided in Attachment 7. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: The action being considered by the City Council is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because it is not a "project' under Section 15378(b)(5) of CEQA Guidelines. The action involves an organizational or administrative activity of government that will not result in the direct or indirect physical change in the environment. 2017-03-08 Item 8G 7 of 32 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution No. 2017-18 titled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Encinitas Amending the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Budget' 2. FY 2016-17 Proposed Operating Budget Amendments— Mid-year 3. FY 2016-17 Proposed Fund Transfer Amendments— Mid-year 4. FY 2016-17 Summary of Budgetary Fund Balance 5. Schedule A: Revised Budget Summary—Mid-year FY 2016-17 6. Schedule C: Detail of General Fund Revenues, Expenditures and Transfers 7. FY 2016-17 YTD Capital Improvement Program Status Report (Mid-year) 2017-03-08 Item 8G 8 of 32 ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENCINITAS AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 BUDGET WHEREAS, on June 22, 2016 the City of Encinitas City Council adopted Resolution No. 2016-64 appropriating the budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17; and WHEREAS, changes in anticipated revenues and/or expenditures of the City of Encinitas necessitates a revision of the appropriations for Fiscal Year 2016-17; and WHEREAS, budgeted expenditures do not exceed anticipated revenue and available fund balance; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the proposed Fiscal Year 2016-17 budget amendments; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED that the City Council of the City of Encinitas does, hereby, adopt the amendments for Fiscal Year 2016-17 as shown in Exhibit A to this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8ffi day of March 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Catherine S. Blakespear, Mayor City of Encinitas ATTEST: Kathy Hollywood, City Clerk 2017-03-08 Item 8G 9 of 32 Exhibit A to Resolution 2017-18 Revenue/ Expenditure/ Transfer In Transfer Out Department Organization Object Project Increase Increase Fund Name Division Code Code No. Description (Decrease) (Decrease) 1. General Fund Unassigned 10100000 313.1 Reduce projected salestax $(365,000) revenue 2. General Fund Planning and Building 10150450 351.4 Increase projected revenuefrom $ 30,000 (Code Enforcement) parking citations 3. General Fund Planning and Building 10150450 435.1 Increase expenditures for $ 25,000 (Code Enforcement) processing parking citations 4. General Fund Planning and Building 10150450 459 Increase expendituresfor $ 5,000 (Code Enforcement) processing parking citations S. General Fund Planning and Building 10150410 412.1 Increase Overtime $ 22,214 (Current Planning) 6. General Fund Planning and Building 10150440 412.1 Reduce Overtime $ (22,214) (Code Enforcement) 7. General Fund Fire and Marine Safety 10162511 394 Increase projected revenuefor $ 313,355 (Cost Recovery) reimbursements 8. General Fund Fire and Marine Safety 10162511 412.1 Increase personnel expenditures $ 167,873 (Fire Operations) for strike team deployments 9. General Fund Fire and Marine Safety 10162511 423.1 Increase personnel expenditures $ 18,699 (Fire Operations) for strike team deployments 10. General Fund Fire and Marine Safety 10162511 424.1 Increase personnel expenditures $ 1,541 (Fire Operations) for strike team deployments 11. General Fund Fire and Marine Safety 10162511 455 Increase Travel and Mileage for $ 8,016 (Fire Operations) strike team deployments 12. General Fund Fire and Marine Safety 10162511 466 Increase Fuel for strike team $ 191 (Fire Operations) deployments 13. General Fund Public Works 10172700 344.1 Increase projected revenue for $ 200,000 (Engineering Services) engineering fees 14. General Fund Public Works 10172700 432.1 Increase Technical Services $ 133,697 (Engineering Services) Contracts for inspection services 15. General Fund Public Works 10172700 411.1 Decrease Salaries $ (65,000) (Engineering Services) 16. General Fund Public Works 10172710 351.2 Increase projected revenue for $ 80,000 (Traffic Engineering) red light camera violation fines 17. General Fund Public Works 10172720 431.1 Decrease Professional Services $ (68,697) (Storm Water) 18. General Fund Public Works 10171620 411.3 Increase Technical Services $ 5,000 (Environmental Contracts for CAP contract intern Services) 19. General Fund Public Works 10172710 432.1 Reduce Temporary Salaries $ (5,000) (Traffic Engineering) 20. General Fund Parks and Recreation 10180821 432.2 Increase Maintenance Contracts $ 29,975 (Recreation Programs) 211General Fund Planning and Building 10150405 431.1 Transferfunding back to EnerGov $ (39,000) (Management Services) project 2017-03-08 Item 8G 10 of 32 Revenue/ Expenditure/ Transfer In Transfer Out Department Organization Object Project Increase Increase Fund Name Division Code Code No. Descri tion Decrease Decrease 22. Capital Improvement IT/Planning and 40195101 580 WC16A Transferfunding back to EnerGov $ 39,000 Building project 23. Coastal Management Public Works Increase TOT revenue projection $ 86,276 Zone (Environmental Management) 24. Traffic Mitigation Fees Public Works 23300000 349.1 Reduce fee revenue projection $ (60,000) (Engineering Services) 25. Section 8 Housing Planning and Building 55150480 431.1 Increase Professional Services $ 4,200 Admin Contracts 26. Section 8 Housing Planning and Building 55200000 331.1 Increase revenue $ 6,000 Payments Fund 27. Section B Housing Planning and Building 55250480 494.2 Increase corresponding $ 6,000 Payments Fund expenditures 28. Pacific Pines Fund Planning and Building 56100000 391 Increase revenue $ 6,000 29. Section B Housing Planning and Building 55250480 494.51 Increase corresponding $ 6,000 Payments Fund expenditures 30. Capital Improvement Parks and Recreation 40195101 592 WP151 Close project $ (7,951) 31. Capital Improvement Public Works 40195101 590 CS16D Close project $ (60,294) (Engineering Services) 32. Capital Improvement Public Works(Facilities 40195101 590 CF15A Close project $ (77,535) Maintenance) 33. Capital Improvement Public Works(Facilities 40195403 590 CF15A Close project $ (5,285) Maintenance) 34. Capital Improvement Planning and Building 40195101 592 WC15D Close project $ (49,204) 35. Capital Improvement Public Works 40195223 590 CSO4B Close project $ (84,840) (Engineering Services) 36. Capital Improvement Public Works CS14D Close project(zero balance) $ - (Engineering Services) 37. Capital Improvement Public Works 40195233 590 CSO4B Close project $ (28,291) (Engineering Services) Total-Budget Amendments $ 296,631 $ (40,905) 1. General Fund 10100000 398.1 Transfer in for closed capital $ 194,984 projects 2. Federal Grant Fund 22300000 398.1 Transfer in for closed capital $ 84,840 projects 3. Traffic Mitigation Fees 23300000 398.1 Transfer in for closed capital $ 28,292 projects 4. Capital Improvement 40100000 398.2 W16A Transfer in for EnerGov project $ 39,000 Laa intenance 40300000 398.2 Transfer in for closed capital $ 5,285 projects und 10190999 498.2 Transfer out for EnerGov project $ 39,000 provement 40100000 498.1 Transfer out for closed projects $ 313,401 Total-Transfers 1 $ 352,401 $ 352,401 2017-03-08 Item 8G 11 of 32 ATTACHMENT 2 FY 2016-17 Proposed Operating Budget Amendments-Mid Year Revenue Expenditure Fund Balance Increase Increase Increase Department (Decrease) (Decrease) (Decrease) Description Division General Fund(101) Reduce Sales and Use Tax revenue projection to account for lower than General Fund $ (365,000) $ (365,000) anticipated sales in the fuel and service stations and auto sales (Revenue) categories. Reduce contracts and services budget and transfer funds back to the Planning and $ (39,000) $ 39,000 EnerGov project (WC16A). A first quarter budget amendment was Building approved on 11/16/16 to transfer $39,000 from the project to the (Management Planning and Building Department's operating budget. This money was Services) to be used to pay for a temporary .25 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Contract Planner IV to backfll for one of the existing staff planners while they worked on EnerGov project related tasks. It is anticipated that work on the project by department staff will not be required for the remainder of the fiscal year. A budget transfer was requested and approved on 11/16/16 to move Planning and $ 22,214 $ (22,214) overtime between divisions, but funding was placed in the wrong Building(Current division. This budget amendment moves the funding to the correct Planning) division, in Current Planning and will remedy the error. The transfer will move overtime funding budgeted in the Code Enforcement division to the Current Planning division. Paid overtime within this division has become necessary due to a heavy workload. This adjustment has a net zero impact on General Fund balance. Planning and $ (22,214) $ 22,214 Building(Code Enforcement) A budget increase in anticipated revenue from parking citations and an Planning and $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ - increase in expenditures related to the processing of parking tickets is Building(Code necessary. There has been an unanticipated rise in the number of paid Enforcement) and processed parking citations due to an increase in activity during the summer months. Typically,increased activity results in higher revenue than expenditures. However,this amendment will not result in a net revenue increase since expenditures were under-estimated. The Encinitas Fire Department provides assistance to other jurisdictions Fire and Marine $ 313,355 $ 196,320 $ 117,035 under the California Master Mutual Aid Agreement. The Department Safety(Fire deployed units to 15 different fires throughout California from June 2016 Operations) to October 2016. The City is reimbursed by the State of California and federal government (in some cases)for the costs associated with these deployments. Because the number of deployments was greater than anticipated, a budget increase for anticipated revenue is required, as well as for the corresponding expenditures that include overtime,travel and fuel costs.Other costs that are reimbursed include indirect costs for vehicle wear and tear and administrative overhead costs. Increase revenue projection for engineering fees to better reflect actual Public Works $ 200,000 revenues received to date. (Engineering Services) 2017-03-08 Item 8G 12 of 32 ATTACHMENT 2 FY 2016-17 Proposed Operating Budget Amendments-Mid Year Revenue Expenditure Fund Balance Increase Increase Increase Department (Decrease) (Decrease) (Decrease) Description Division An increase in the revenue projection is requested for fines collected Public Works $ 80,000 $ 80,000 from red light camera traffic enforcement to better reflect actual (Traffic revenues received to date. Engineering) A budget amendment is necessary to increase the budget for contract Public Works $ 133,697 $ (133,697) inspection services in order to provide backfill when permanent staff are (Engineering on military leave and for an increased work load. This adjustment has a Services) net zero impact on General Fund balance. The Engineering Inspector position was vacant for six months and funding will be reduced for salaries. An adjustment is also being made to reduce funding for stormwater inspections, due to lower than expected demand for this service. Public Works $ (65,000) $ 65,000 (Engineering Services) Public Works $ (68,697) $ 68,697 (Storm Water) Savings from the Traffic Engineering division's contracts and services Public Works $ 5,000 $ (5,000) budget will be used to fund a contractual intern within the Environmental (Environmental Services division to assist with the development of the Climate Action Services) Plan (CAP). The savings are the result of fewer traffic counts required this fiscal year. This adjustment has a net zero impact on General Fund balance. Public Works $ (5,000) $ 5,000 (Traffic Engineering) The Tot Lot playground surface and equipment at Moonlight Beach is in Parks and $ 29,975 $ (29,975) poor condition and requires replacement and refurbishment. The City Recreation collects $29,975 in revenue from Surf Permits that are issued annually, (Recreation which offsets beach maintenance and other beach related operating Programs) costs. Total General Fund(101) $ 258,355 $ 217,295 $ 41,060 2017-03-08 Item 8G 13 of 32 ATTACHMENT 2 FY 2016-17 Proposed Operating Budget Amendments-Mid Year Revenue Expenditure Fund Balance Increase Increase Increase Department (Decrease) (Decrease) (Decrease) Description Division Coastal Management Zone Fund(212) 20% of all Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) revenue collected is Public Works $ 86,276 $ 86,276 dedicated to coastal zone management activities. This amendment (Engineering corrects the amount budgeted for revenue in this fund to reflect 20%of Services) the total General Fund TOT revenue projection. General Fund TOT revenue projections are up to date and do not require a budget amendment at this time. Total Coastal Management Zone Fund(212) $ 86,276 $ - $ 86,276 Traffic Mitigation Fees Fund 12331 A decrease in the revenue projection is requested for traffic mitigation Public Works $ (60,000) $ (60,000) fees to better reflect actual revenues received to date. (Engineering Services) Total Traffic Mitigation Fees Fund(233) $ (60,000) $ - $ (60,000) Capital Improvements Fund(401) Increase budget in the EnerGov project (WC16A). A transfer of IT/Planning and $ - $ 39,000 $ (39,000) $39,000 was previously approved to cover the cost of a temporary Building Contract Planner while existing staff shift their focus on EnerGov work. However, it is anticipated that work on the project by department staff will not occur until next fiscal year. The Parks Master Plan (WP151)was completed and final draft approved Parks and $ (7,951) $ 7,951 by Council on October 26, 2016. A budget amendment is necessary to Recreation return the remaining project balance to the General Fund. The primary purpose of the plan was to create a roadmap for upgrades, expansions, and potential additions to the City's park system to meet both current and future community needs for parks, open space, and trails that contribute to the public's health and well-being. Paul Ecke Central Improvements (CS16D) have been completed. On Public Works $ - $ (60,294) $ 60,294 December 14, 2016, Council authorized the fling of a Notice of (Engineering Completion. The project included construction of a queueing lane, Services) parking lane, and sidewalk along the western boundary of Paul Ecke Central Elementary School. The balance will be returned to the General Fund. Civic Center sewer rehabilitation and replacement of the emergency Public Works $ - $ (82,820) $ 82,820 generator (CF15A) was completed July 2016. The Notice of (Facilities Completion was approved by Council on August 17, 2016. $77,535 will Maintenance) be returned to the General Fund and $5,285 will be returned to the Facility Maintenance Fund(403). 2017-03-08 Item 8G 14 of 32 ATTACHMENT 2 FY 2016-17 Proposed Operating Budget Amendments-Mid Year Revenue Expenditure Fund Balance Increase Increase Increase Department (Decrease) (Decrease) (Decrease) Description Division The 1-5 Interchange at Encinitas Blvd project is closed (CSO4B). Public Works $ - $ (113,132) $ 113,132 Caltrans has approved the Project Study Report and given approval to (Engineering close the project. $84,840 of funding will be returned to the Federal Services) Grant Fund(223)and$28,292 to Traffic Mitigation Fees Fund(233). The Urban Farming / Agriculture Ordinance project (WC15D) was Planning and $ - $ (49,204) $ 49,204 completed. Council approved the Ordinance on May 11, 2016 and it Building was adopted on May 25, 2016. Coastal Commission approved the Ordinance on August 11, 2016. The balance will be returned to the General Fund. Cottonwood Creek LID Watershed (CS14D) is closed but there is no Public Works $ - $ - $ - budget balance remaining in the project. (Engineering Services) Total Capital Improvements Fund(401) $ - $ (274,401) $ 274,401 Section 8 Housing Administration Fund(551) This budget amendment is requesting an appropriation of funding to the Planning and $ 4,200 $ (4,200) professional services contracts expenditure account for an update of the Building Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program Administrative Plan. The current plan is out of date, inefficient and needs to be brought up to Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations. This streamlining of the plan will allow staff to continue to meet HUD compliance and, at the same time,improve staff efficiency and maintain excellent customer service. Total Section 8 Housing Administration Fund(551) $ - $ 4,200 $ (4,200) Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Fund (552) & Pacific Pines Fund(561) This budget amendment is being requested in order to increase both Planning and $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ the anticipated revenue, as well as the projected expenditure amounts Building for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program Housing Assistance Payments(HAPs). The HAP revenue recieved from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)for the HAPs is slightly higher than anticipated. Conversely, the HAP expenditures are also slightly higher. Additionally, both the HAP revenue and the HAP expenditures for the $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ - Section 8 vouchers currently under lease at the Pacific Pines condominium complex are higher than anticipated. Al of these increases can be attributed to the number of actual leased vouchers being higher than the projected number, as well as an increase in the amount of each voucher payment due to an increase in the payment standards in October. Total Funds(552&561) $ 12,000 $ 12,000 $ Total All Funds $ 296,631 $ (40,906) $ 337,537 2017-03-08 Item 8G 15 of 32 ATTACHMENT 3 FY 2016-17 Proposed Fund Transfer Amendments-Mid Year Transfer In Transfer Out Increase Increase Description Department Decrease Decrease General Fund This General Fund transfer to the Capital Improvements Fund (401) Planning and reflects a Planning and Building Department request to transfer funds from Building/IT the Departments operating budgetto the EnerGov project(WC16A). General Fund(101) $ 39,000 Capital Improvement Fund(401) $ 39,000 Capital Improvements Fund (401) The Parks Master Plan (WP15I) was completed and final draft approved Parks and by Council on October 26, 2016. A budget amendment is necessary to Recreation return the remaining project balance to the General Fund. Capital Improvement Fund(401) $ 7,951 General Fund 101 $ 7,951 The Urban Farming / Agriculture Ordinance project (WC15D) was Planning and completed. An Ordinance was adopted by Council on May 25, 2016 and Building approved by Coastal Commission on August 11, 2016. Capital Improvement Fund(401) $ 49,204 General Fund(101) $ 49,204 Paul Ecke Central Improvements (CS16D) have been completed. On Public Works December 14, 2016. Council authorized the filing of a Notice of (Engineering Completion. Services) Capital Improvement Fund(401) $ 60,294 General Fund 101 $ 60,294 Civic Center sewer rehabilitation and replacement of the emergency Public Works generator(CF15A) was completed July 2016. The Notice of Completion (Facilities was approved by Council on August 17, 2016. Maintenance) Capital Improvement Fund(401) $ 82,820 General Fund(101) $ 77,535 Facility Maintenance Fund 403 $ 5,285 The I-5 Interchange at Encinitas Blvd project is closed (CSO4B). Caltrans Public Works has approved the Project Study Report and given approval to close the (Engineering project. Services) Capital Improvement Fund(401) $ 113,132 Federal Grant Fund(223) $ 84,840 Traffic Mitigation Fees Fund 233 $ 28,292 Total Transfers $ 352,401 $ 352,401 Fund Transfer Amendments-Mid Year General Fund(101) $ 194,984 $ 39,000 Federal Grant Fund(223) 84,840 - Traffic Mitigation Fees Fund(233) 28,292 - Capital Improvements Fund(401) 39,000 313,401 Facility Maintenance Fund 403 5,285 Fund Transfer Amendments Total 352,401 352,401 2017-03-08 Item 8G 16 of 32 / ( } } } \ \ / / ( /\ \ § : 2 : : = = : : : : z :& = ! � 0x { \ \\ \ \ co § %— k /\ ]!K\Az } \ \ \ {\ \ \ j \ \ \\\ } ATTACHMENT 5 Schedule A: Revised Budget Summary Mid-Year-FY 2016-17(through 12/31/16 (Column 1) 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 Unassigned Approved Approved Intedund Intedund Intedund Intedund Current Unassigned Fund Revenue Operating Capital Transfers Transfers Tmnsfers Transfers Year Projected Balance Projections Expenditures Expenditures In Out Debt Service Capital Summary Fund Balance Fund Name Fund 712016 .3-45 8 .2+9 GENERALFUND Available Fund Balance 101 18,594,758 68,064,756 59,987,306 1,174,360 (2,736,589) (4,250,552) (13,300,613) (11,035,944) 7,558,814 Committed&Unspendable Fund Balance 101 1,109,425 - 1,109,425 Contingency Reserves(20%of Operating Expenditure3 101 11,822,489 - 11,822,489 Budget Stabilization Reserve(2b of revenues) 101 1,357,873 - 1,357,873 Other Re30Ne3 101 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1 32884545 68064756 1 59987306 1174360 2736589 4250552 13300613 11035944 21848601 INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS State Gasoline Taxes 201 334,835 1,321,810 - - - (1,085,652) - P36,158) - 334,835 State Capital Grants 203 - 594,500 - - - - - (594,500) - - Transnet Program(Prop A Sales Tax) 211 - 5,337,000 - - - - - 5,137,000) 200,000 200,000 Coastal Zone Management Fund 212 689,190 315,274 226,547 - - - - (305,000) (216,273) 472,917 Federal Capital Grants 223 - 1,566,200 - - - - - 1566200 - - TOTALINFRASTRUCTUREFUNDS 1024025 9134784 226547 1085652 838858 16273 1007752 GRAM FUNDS State Law Enfom e ment Grant 202 20,848 100,000 100,000 - - - - - - 20,848 Govern ment Educati on Access 213 175,020 404,601 191,609 - - - - (336,570) (123,578) 51,442 Solid W ante,Recyclin g and HHW 214 900,150 411,125 508,904 - - - - - (97,779) 802,371 Asset FodeiWre 215 103,558 538 10,197 - - - - - (9,659) 93,899 Senior Nutrition Grant 221 - 83,000 130,293 - 54,389 - - - 7,096 7,096 Comm Gavel Block Grant(CDBG) 222 - 504,633 341,425 - 32,792 - - (196,00(D) - - HOMEEntitlementProgram 227 - - 4,980 - 4,980 - - - - - FederalLaWEnforoementGrant 228 - 10,000 10,000 - - - - - - - Donetions&Contributions 229 128,690 111,000 252,223 - 75,000 - - - (66,223) 62,467 CSA17 Fire Operations 230 210,625 00,000 119,163 39,163 171,462 TOTAL GRANT FUNDS 1,538,891 1,704,897 1,668,794 167,161 32,570 329,306 1,209,585 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FUNDS Per;Improvement Fees 231 930,634 151,460 - - - - - 1857,940) (706,480) 224,154 Per;Acquisition Fees 232 1,952,265 203,119 - - - - - (1,650,000) (1,446,881) 505,384 Traffic Mitigation Fees 233 594,099 218,093 - - - - - (425,00(D) (206,907) 387,192 RTCIP-(Regional Arterial System)Fee 234 767,816 158,702 - - - - - - 158,702 926,518 Open Space Acquisition Fees 235 128,153 34,049 - - - - - - 34,049 162,202 Recreational Trails Fees 236 38,469 6,531 - - - - - - 6,531 45,000 Community Facilities Fees 237 - 45,680 - - - (45,680) - - - - Fire Mitigation Fees 238 - 43,028 - - - (43,028) - - - - Flood Control Mitigation Fees 239 332,131 51,139 - - - - - (315,239) (264,100) 68,031 In Lieu Fees Curb Gutter Sidewalks 251 12,634 24 - - - - - - 24 12,658 In Lieu Fees Underground Utilities 252 8,209 1,885 - - - - - - 1,885 10,094 Affordable Housing 253 1,376,982 2,000 1 2,000 1,378,982 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FUNDS 6,141,392 915,710 88,708 ,248,179 2,421177 3,720,215 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS Villanitas Road M I D. 291 252,599 11,760 21,607 - - - - - (9,847) 242,752 Cerro Street M l D. 292 362,894 40,700 36,848 - - - - - 3,852 366,746 Village Park M I D. 293 135,316 33,010 47,182 - - - - - (14,172) 121,144 Wire Park M I D. 294 2,789 11,010 19,885 - 8,400 - - - (475) 2,314 Encinitas Lighting Lorascepe District 295 668,022 1,231,550 1,397,232 - - - - 5Q000) (225,682) 442,340 Encinifas Ranch Lighting Landscape 297 1,299,778 622,620 573,237 0000 20,617 1,279,161 TOTAL MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FUNDS 2,721,398 1,950,650 2,095,991 8,400 130,000 266,941 2,454,457 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Debt Service Fund 301 504,199 150 480,918 - - - 480,768 - - 504,199 Encinifas Public Finance Authority 302 2,069,993 37,240 4,414,236 3,769,784 607,212 1,462,781 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 2,574,192 37,390 4,895,154 4,250,552 607,212 1,966,980 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS Capital Project Fund 401 - - - 21,564,220 - - - 21,564,220 - - CapitalProjectFund 402 - - - 3,406,000 - - - 3,406,000 - - Facility Maintenance Fund 403 217,441 616,000 1,000,000 384,000 601,441 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS 217,441 25,666,220 1,000,000 25,050,220 384,000 601,441 CARDIFF SANITARY DIVISION FUNDS Operations 511 3,411,061 4,953,152 3,592,338 - - - - (1,629,784) (268,970) 3,142,091 Capital Replacement 512 (1,180,502) - - 1,280,010 - - - 1,629,784 349,774 (830,728) Capital Expension 513 811,146 51,255 51,255 862,401 TOTAL CSD FUNDS 3,041,705 5,004,407 3,592,338 1,280,010 132,059 3,173,764 ENCINITAS SANITARY DIVISION FUNDS Operations 521 1,766,632 2,727,121 1,562,793 - - - - (1,427,152) (262,824) 1,503,808 Capital Replacement 522 4,137,530 - - 1,344,622 - - - 1,427,152 82,530 4,220,060 Capital Expension 523 2,319,846 72,360 72,360 2,392,206 TOTAL ESD FUNDS 8,224,008 2,799,481 1,562,793 1,344,622 107,934 81116,074 OTHER PROPRIETARY FUNDS Section 8 Housing Armin 551 40,330 220,200 273,022 - 56,361 - - - 3,539 43,869 Section 8 Housing HAP 552 7,017 965,266 987,300 - - - - - (22,034) (15,017) Pacific Pines Affordable Housing 561 1,551,091 224,342 228,916 - 13,661 - - - 9,087 1,560,178 Recreation Programs 571 - - - - - - - - - - Jr Lifeguard Program' 572 TOTAL OTHER PROPRIETARY FUNDS 1,598,438 1,409,808 1,489,238 70,022 9,408 1,589,030 2017-03-08 Item 8G 18 of 32 ATTACHMENT 5 Schedule A: Revised Budget Summary Mid-Year-FY 2016-17(through 12/31/16 (Column 1) 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 Unassigned Approved Approved Intemnd Intehund Intemund Intehund Current Unassigned Fund Revenue Operating Capital Transfers Transfers Transfers Transfers Year Projected Balance Projections Expenditures Expenditures In Out Debt Service Capital Summery Fund Balance Fund Name Fund 712016 .3-45 8 .2+9 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Self-Insurance Fund 601 2,785,763 1,157,187 2,165,193 - 988,006 - - - (20,000) 2,765,763 Wastewater Support 611 - 1,046,827 933,827 - - (113,000) - - -Fleet Maintenance 621 - 597,169 597,169 - - - - - -Vehicle Replacement 622 880,072 10,000 300,000 - 113,000 - - - (177,000) 703,072 Mach Equipment Replacement 623 1,284,106 10,000 375,000 - 125,000 - - - (240,000) 1,044,106 Fire ApparsWs Replacement 624 1,457,802 630,000 1,105,356 378,000 97,356 1,360,446 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 6,407,743 3,451183 5,476,545 1,604,006 113,000 534,356 5,873,387 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1 66,373,778 1 94,473,066 1 80,994,706 1 28,290,852 1 4,023,949 4,023,949 (14,1112,492)l 51,561,206 Funds 571 and 572 were merged into the General Fund(101)beginning in FY 201516, 2017-03-08 Item 8G 19 of 32 ATTACHMENT 6 SCHEDULE C: Detail of General Fund Revenues, Expenditures and Transfers FOR YTD ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 Adopted Budget Amended Actual Budget Budget Budget Amendment Budget Amounts Variance Variance 6/22/2016 Over/(Under) Over/Under (Column 5-4) (Column 6/4) REVENUES TAX REVENUE 1 PROPERTY TAXES-CURRENT SECURED 41,517,561 - 41,517,561 14,118,441 (27,399,120) -66% 2 DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAXES 510,000 - 510,000 223,293 (286,707) -56% 3a SALES TAXES 13,190,000 - 13,190,000 4,195,267 (8,994,733) -68% 3b SALES TAX TRIPLE FLIP - - - - - 4 TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 1,610,040 - 1,610,040 922,775 (687,265) -43% 5 FRANCHISE FEES 2,218,970 - 2,218,970 558,228 _-75% 6 TAX REVENUE TOTAL $59,046,571 - $59,046,571 20,018,004 39,028,567 -66% OTHER REVENUE 7 LICENSES AND PERMITS 249,000 - 249,000 132,012 (116,988) -47% 8 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 510,693 - 510,693 145,757 (364,936) -71% 9 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 6,138,225 171,124 6,309,349 3,731,635 (2,577,714) -41% 10 FINES AND PENALTIES 679,303 - 679,303 366,881 (312,422) -46% 11 USE OF MONEY 671,940 - 671,940 483,861 (188,079) -28% 12 OTHER REVENUE 597,900 - 1 597,900 278,135 319,765 -53% 13 OTHER REVENUE TOTAL $8,847,061 171,124 $9,018,185 $55,,115368,,228851 3,879,904 -43% 14 TOTAL REVENUES $67 893 632 171 124 $68 064 756 $2 42 908 471 -63% EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 15 CITY COUNCIL-ADMINISTRATION 462,021 - 462,021 171,135 (290,886) -63% 16 CITY COUNCIL-COMMUNITY GRANT - - - - - 17 CITY COUNCIL-CITY ATTORNEY 375,500 - 375,500 131,798 (243,702) -65% 18 CITY MANAGER-ADMINISTRATION 1,148,441 (13,103) 1,135,338 408,701 (726,637) -64% 19 CITY MANAGER-ARTSADMIN 178,098 (178,098) - (50) (50) 20 CITY MANAGER- ECONOMIC DEV 108,500 - 108,500 44,500 (64,000) -59% 21 CITY MANAGER-HUMAN RESOURCES 817,598 25,000 842,598 347,470 (495,128) -59% 22 CITY MANAGER-INFORMATION TECH 1,704,344 - 1,704,344 749,287 (955,057) -56% 23 CITY MANAGER-GEOGRAPHIC INFO 677,469 - 677,469 327,708 (349,761) -52% 24 CITY CLERK-ADMINISTRATION 584,014 - 584,014 255,216 (328,798) -56% 25 CITY CLERK-ELECTIONS 101,900 138,881 240,781 240,042 (740) 0% 26 FINANCE-ADMINISTRATION 1,877,388 - 1,877,388 835,447 (1,041,941) -55% 27 NON DEPT-CENTRAL PURCHASES 153,136 - 153,136 52,388 (100,748) -66% 28 NON DEPT-SHARED EXPENSES 2,198,673 220,434 2,419,107 1,756,656 662,451 -27% 29 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 10,387,082 193,114 10,580,197 5,320,298 5,259,898 -50% PLANNING&BUILDING 30 PLAN BLDG-ADMIN CUSTOMER SVC 669,022 14,930 683,952 274,043 (409,909) -60% 31 PLANBLDG- MANAGEMENT SVC 618,469 120,708 739,177 224,053 (515,124) -70% 32 PLAN BLDG-CURRENT PLANNING 1,015,245 15,573 1,030,818 466,787 (564,031) -55% 33 PLAN BLDG-APPLICANT DEPOSITS 12,500 - 12,500 1,400 (11,100) -89% 34 PLAN BLDG-ADVANCED PLANNING 591,505 (1,837) 589,668 252,305 (337,363) -57% 35 PLAN BLDG-CODE ENFORCEMENT 621,688 (46,749) 574,939 161,948 (412,991) -72% 36 PLAN BLDG- BUILDING SERVICES 1,802,800 1,802,800 785,964 1,016,836 -56% 37 TOTAL PLANNING AND BUILDING 5,331,229 102,625 5,433,854 2,166,500 3,267,354 -60% PUBLIC SAFETY 38 PLAN BLDG- PARKING CITATION 83,500 - 83,500 54,407 (29,093) -35% 39 PUBLIC SAFETY-LAW ENFORCEMENT 13,685,300 58,975 13,626,325 5,597,020 8,029,305 -59% 40 TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT 13,768,800 58,975 13,709,825 5,651,427 8,058,398 -59% 2017-03-08 Item 8G 20 of 32 ATTACHMENT IS Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 Adopted Budget Amended Actual Budget Budget Budget Amendment Budget Amounts Variance Variance 6/22/2016 Over/(Under) Over/Under (Column 5-4) (Column 6/4) 41 PUBLIC SAFETY-FIRE ADMIN 646,045 - 646,045 277,573 (368,472) -57% 42 PUBLIC SAFETY-FIRE OPERATIONS 11,552,347 - 11,552,347 5,970,976 (5,581,371) -48% 43 PUBLIC SAFETY-LOSS PREVENTION 642,844 - 642,844 291,551 (351,293) -55% 44 PUBLIC SAFETY-DISASTER PREP 171,336 - 171,336 112,883 (58,453) -34% 45 PUBLIC SAFETY-MARINE SAFETY 1,197,562 - 1,197,562 605,179 (592,383) -49% 46 PUBLIC SAFETY-JR LIFEGUARDS* 221,452 221,452 124,019 97,433 -44% 47 TOTAL FIRE AND MARINE SAFETY 14,431,586 14,431,586 7,382,180 7,049,406 -49% PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING 48 PUBLIC WORKS-ADMINISTRATION 219,707 - 219,707 71,402 (148,305) -68% 49 PUBLIC WORKS-ENVIRONMENTAL 110,242 20,000 130,242 47,603 (82,639) -63% 50 PUBLIC WORKS-STREET MAINT 1,944,777 54,000 1,998,777 1,035,177 (963,600) -48% 51 PUBLIC WORKS-FAC MAINT CVC CTR 433,430 18,478 451,908 229,223 (222,685) -49% 52 PUBLIC WORKS-FAC MAINT FIRE ST 242,647 - 242,647 113,060 (129,587) -53% 53 PUBLIC WORKS-FAC MAINT PW YRD 238,609 - 238,609 93,523 (145,086) -61% 54 PUBLIC WORKS-FAC MAINT LIBRARY 336,995 - 336,995 161,287 (175,708) -52% 55 PUBLIC WORKS-STORM WATER MAINT 717,665 - 717,665 327,773 (389,892) -54% 56 PUBLIC WORKS-STORMWATER FLOOD 140,927 - 140,927 31,413 (109,514) -78% 57 ENGINEERING-CITY ENGINEERING 2,815,042 180,000 2,995,042 1,373,370 (1,621,672) -54% 58 ENGINEERING-TRAFFIC ENGINEERNG 713,085 - 713,085 298,392 (414,693) -58% 59 ENGINEERING-STORMWATER FROG 760,101 18,750 778,851 291,401 487,450 -63% 60 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING 8,673,227 291,228 8,964,455 4,073,626 4,890,829 -55% PARKS&RECREATION 61 PARKS REC-ADMINISTRATION 1,016,874 11,250 1,028,124 450,283 (577,841) -56% 62 PARKS REC-PARK MAINTENANCE 1,901,028 - 1,901,028 690,365 (1,210,663) -64% 63 PARKS REC-BEACH MAINTENANCE 540,078 21,000 561,078 175,733 (385,345) -69% 64 PARKS REC-TRAIL MAINTENANCE 131,875 - 131,875 38,806 (93,069) -71% 65 PARKS REC-RECREATION PROGRAMS 320,723 (9,850) 310,873 104,473 (206,400) -66% 66 PARKS REC-CITYWIDE SPECIAL EVENTS* 241,419 - 241,419 116,194 (125,225) -52% 67 PARKS REC-DEPARTMENT MARKETING* 96,314 2,000 98,314 37,278 (61,036) -62% 68 PARKS REC-COMMUNITY CENTER 979,992 (26,600) 953,392 388,692 (564,700) -59% 69 COMM CTR TINY TOTSNOUTH/TEENS* 170,974 17,340 188,314 87,651 (100,663) -53% 70 COMM CTR ADULT PROGRAMS* 8,709 12,150 20,859 7,617 (13,242) -63% 71 COMM CTR YOUTH SPORTS* 76,053 64,070 140,123 68,344 (71,779) -51% 72 COMM CTR ADULT SPORTS* 20,285 (1,400) 18,885 7,974 (10,911) -58% 73 COMM CTR EVENTS - - - 161 161 74 COMM CTR FACILITY RENTALS* 97,487 1,600 99,087 41,681 (57,407) -58% 75 SENIOR CENTER* 233,980 4,000 237,980 105,697 (132,282) -56% 76 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAMS* 176,073 14,750 190,823 84,835 (105,988) -56% 77 SENIOR CENTER EVENTS* 14,129 (3,500) 10,629 5,348 (5,281) -50% 78 REC FACILITIES TINY TOTSNOUTH* 256,406 5,000 261,406 190,426 (70,980) -27% 79 REC FACILITIES YOUTH SPORTS* 172,736 25,325 198,061 139,670 (58,391) -29% 80 REC FACILITIES ADULT SPORTS* 29,122 - 29,122 11,059 (18,063) -62% 81 REC FACILITIES RENTALS* 36,264 - 36,264 15,958 (20,306) -56% 82 REC FACILITIES CULTURAL ARTS* 209,733 209,733 87,203 122,529 -58% 83 TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION 6,520,522 346,868 6,867,390 2,855,450 4,011,940 -58% 84 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 59,112,446 874,860 59,987,306 27,449,481 32,537,825 -54% 85 EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES 8,781,186 703,736 8,077,450 2,293,196 10,370,646 -128% 2017-03-08 Item 8G 21 of 32 ATTACHMENT IS Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 FY 16-17 Adopted Budget Amended Actual Budget Budget Budget Amendment Budget Amounts Variance Variance 6/22/2016 Over/(Under) Over/Under (Column 5-4) (Column 6/4) GENERAL FUND TRANSFERS TO/FROM OTHER CITY FUNDS: 84 TRANSFERS IN-OPERATING 1,174,360 - 1,174,360 587,180 (587,180) -50% 85 TRANSFERS IN-CAPITAL - 123,204 123,204 123,204 - 86 TRANSFERS IN-OTHER - - - - - 87 TRANSFERS OUT-OPERATING (2,728,739) (7,850) (2,736,589) (1,831,417) 905,172 -33% 88 TRANSFERS OUT-CAPITAL (12,762,997) (611,616) (13,374,613) (13,374,613) - 0% TRANSFERS OUT-OTHER - - - - - 89 TRANSFERS OUT-DEBT SERVICE 4,250,552 4,250,552 2,153,447 2,097,105 -490/, 90 TOTAL TRANSFERS (18,56 928 (496,262) 19 064 190) (16,649,093) 2,415,098 -13% 91 GRAND TOTAL EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES&TRANSFERS 2017-03-08 Item 8G 22 of 32 Q O d C_ O O N N O (n O O d aJ n E c o ? n m ° N y E 0 w a F `0 `o c0 a 0 O m 'i5 c0 m w w Z .w N U W c r .. 0 E _ N N E Z w d a N d U >• U 2` O m o Z m Q = 0 F o = a n n > d n` m o w w m 'E m '_v n` `0-' E E d Ti M Q w .d o 6 '� w m w w E o cm o .� LL cm m m V o N m e w c E 'o n N $ o- d a c_ w o o a N g '° U n .c w o o a Ej 4E n nc .. .o tl oo m w; d u x o- 3 >O w >O E w E E E 0 Y/1 ° Ti 5 a 'o w `w ° n a n >O 00 a >O >O w m y w o m o cm m w o y ° w E m w E E E w .w n o c0 w v > v 5 V o r a .o =_ c_ a w aO v v a `d E a w °n L a m w 'w N 'w ❑ a m z Q z Q w m 0 o wa ap mE W o u ? V c 0 o m cGi Gia w n '- 'o v m x o O>w.1n U N U a $w m o c ° m oc d m tc. c w m ° m y OO m yo c N ° a o d o,j o C-O O c5 o o j �no d `o- 2a b b o w ° 46 .6 d 10 � d m `> m 0 0 w — rw. E o a E d 0 E m x E m = 0 a O r n` m r 0 U�° U cm !^ U Q of ¢` ¢` w o m i N_ d Q N r C' } yo 0d Q V 0 m m 'mm 'm 'm 'm N '0 '0m U Sj � E Z N N m ° - U O O y N y O y N O V m O O r r O m N t7 {7 d O m V O m N m N m N m O ` N O N r N N t7 {7 N m V m m N m r m T O O m N O O r N N t7 {7 m 0 m N (O 1� 0 N t7 Lo V O O N (O 0 O h y N h N O) OI YI d N O� N N m n N 0 m_ V N N N ` N N N M C m O V V m U O N WC {7 N V {7 m ry Iw m co M E 0 0 0 r O o Lo o o ° m m o m Lo m rn r n m `o m m O N O N m n o N u� n m e d N t7 N N O N m r r m m m O m ID O r I (7 N N N M N r m m r yp N m O N 1� C N W V V N � {7 N {7 N y 9 a O y r U w 0 M N N m N O O m O O O O N O N O W O O f O N O N N m O m O N O N N m O r N O m O O } y O t7 m V ID V r N O V O O rn O m O m m O N O O Q V h O h V N OI' O O' N N O m N O N N N Lo fD ee bl N N V t7 m V N ID N w m0 9 N } O m r LL d Z O O_ m U 9 v C7 C7 C7 C7 m 5 of -CE W W W W 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 000 O} ❑ ❑ 0000 N W n Z Z Z Z U U U U 000 F W W W W W W K z a QZQ N 0. W ❑ U m N WW m m Q m Q m QQ y2 Q m m U U V O O O O r d Z ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ LL U U U U 000 W W W W W W li Tj U U U U U U U U 000 V U U 0000 U U 0 W co `o 0 m m w m o A W O d c 0 W w w W m E m o w w wwv tt O wO E m V E 0 � 8 m n E b b E O U E ° d E 0' E E a ° N E� Lw ` V E-! -`! o N E c a w o °O w w w U v 0 w �Z ❑ E c � m ' u m00 m o f m E > w d m o N o N w m U O � K U rv� E > a U � WODNNN U Z O r r N N {7 V N ID r W rn 0 9 N {7 V N ID r w w w o .- c U w w ° N o 1' y m m Q d 0 (a N U w e -o o a Ot m VV m L o m n w x w > a n w :° m 0 o w c w LL o. c o v m w a °-a r m m n `o w w mug r w" w e w w N w o ow v w m i` 3 c w mUr > �°w v a- '° w- 5 `w a' � ac .2 Ea m Z a w o f_° @ ° `! r uni :° a w m e m �' .. c a o ° E E m V c m ._ Twi - w n 'n `m ° w a 'c u r o '3 r w o w '" r Q ry o N = m am a s ° E o. w `� one w-O m w e `m u - 6 n `o a m m w m Q v c w C7 U � m c wU n o wlu a a v m0 mw > aw a o- 3 .. w c m '"ww-w 46 3: IS E k m 5 ww `o r E _= := a -m 3 n o L E w v v rn n LL 0 n V E U U °u in a °u-'• c o Q noonm„ woo.Pv c` E- , .P .. 2a v wwwaEo 1 I o grm oy c w n > " m `o < N `m - o n' m a w w ` w m N W " a E N m a > m 5 E `� w ' m `o Q❑ m a °a ° w o `m `o o m 0 w 'Q o w `o w � m D > w mo >.w� - a.� 'x `mr '° ¢Z m= ` " mmw � m > vcca U .. � 5 ❑ w � U n� v 3 o w w w n w `m 3 o w 0 Z m ° - a w w? m r N r w s w o m E o Q m N a ._ a `o i3 a n E a w N E "o = a .. w 'N v U `w w `m od 3 x o .2 w o 'o w > aU onT w ° w m c .P E m o w w � m n} nor Q' m w - - 3 -W ma._ Yil r� uwE ° w ;° w canow `w wnnw. Ti ; w „ w o� U wy o... w mN .= w nvrrN oa ow w >O mu - a w E o-!-' mwc oai `w m . o m a 5 � m m w w ° m a❑ a ° n 0 - w r ° w a w wa E - w '° w o v � w > g w `m `o- w ° m'a - d°- o m o uN o mQmnT w - o m m >> v :° E :c o `m �i N u r w ._ n'- 3 >.N b -O o >a `E mw w° mca um ryw `owy, cav N mw0 wmy o ° .v `w U5 `ow m aw n $ 3Oy n.. ❑ m >, mw` wa mu ma �U 01r w ._ c- na nDwa wn �” m o w `w ° a to o Qga `w `w `°- mEvm -_ wSa Euni mor 10 >� mur.2wwv `m o! > `o-, w0 a ,� o wx r w N w v 'w co ..,p` : w o 4 r E :a n T h r w m m o N `o_ s `on= Ew mwwEEv w „ o ma u� S N � o m'2ax mm rw 'a rvm .y_°. x cm wx 4f '0 w w 2 m a- o `w a s w 10 � n c '- a m p `m o .� v � 3 ` m F a 'n o r °O- w o 'm m a a 'm 'o-`w > w U m m > m ”E E a w'a w n` ° o U a m w w w a o nw -' '>0 m - ui c` -O_ '- w o w ° o w `w o a .. � B.-6 ° r d o-o w m N w m .. r a m `o- a v m w U ? o °- w O ._ `o r Ew — `o- x `o `wm ` v v . 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O o $ a o x O N aw S Y m � r o `w r m v .. E a E a n m �°.� a T E .. Em s '°U `w 2° °n u °U a v w ` `m o a m cr v w n.- w � a m m `w c maac U o O y 3 E m w m a s m -0 v 'E w - a a n T m w c w a p'0 O N t w b T W m .2 a 0 w r ? 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