1919-03-13 1 i , ` SPECIAL '. EETING OF THF. T40ARD OF DIRECTORS nF TNT? CARDIFF IRRIGATION DISTRICT FFLD AT T11'r OFFICE OF THE SAID DIS- TRICT IN TFF. TOWN OF CARDIFF, CALIFORNIA, ON THE 13th DAY OF MARCH, 1919, AT THE H^TTR OF 2:00 O 'CLOCK P. M. PERSIJANT TO THE FOLLOWPTG CONSENT AND WAIVER OF NOTICE. All the members of the Board being present and having signed a waiver of notice of the special meeting at the time and place above stated, the meeting was called to order. Present: =Directors J. Frank Cullen, W. E. Hyer, 'garner Rathyen, Chester A . Craig and Fred S. Cole. Secretary J. L. Minney. The President called the meeting to order. Secretary J. L. Minney stated the object of the meeting was to examine the report of Mr. Huber, the engineer of the District. The Secretary read the report. A motion was made, seconded and carried that the report by Mr. Huber, engineer for the District be laid on the table. A motion was made that the Secretary write the San Dieguito h.utual Water Co:::pany and state that the Board is ready to consider a proposition from them for the sale of their water aystem, including all subsiderary systems. This was seconded and carried. ---- --------------�- �=L1Il i fr President. Secretary.` '