1991-10-18 CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting Date: October 18, 1991 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Vice Chairperson Ash called the meeting to order at 1: 15 p.m. Present: Vice Chairperson Ash, Commissioners Hartley, Taaff, Reaves, Anderson and Motley Absent: None Also Present: Pamela Alexander, Recreation Superintendent, and Jacqueline Reynolds, Senior Office Specialist 2 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice Chairperson Ash requested a moment of silent prayer in remembrance of Chairperson Wessel. COMMISSIONER HARTLEY MOVED, TAAFF SECONDED THAT A LETTER OF RECOGNITION OF CHAIRPERSON WESSEL'S TIRELESS WORK ON BEHALF OF SENIOR CITIZENS BE SENT TO HER SON. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. Commissioner Motley noted that Commissioner Wessel's energy and dedication was remarkable. Commissioner Anderson stated that Commissioner Wessel's work toward the building' of a senior center needs to be continued. Commissioner Hartley noted that Commissioner Wessel was a very creative writer with a fine sense of humor. Commissioner Reaves added that Commissioner Wessel had gained his respect quickly. Commissioner Taaff noted that Commissioner Wessel will always be remembered for her tireless work on behalf of all seniors. 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 4. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDARS I A. Approval of Minutes for September 20, 1991 COMMISSIONER HARTLEY MOPED, REAVES SECONDED TO APPROVE THE CORRECTED MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1991. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. B. Recommendation to Cancel the December Senior Citizen Commission Meeting. COMMISSIONER HARTLEY MOVED, TAAFF SECONDED TO CANCEL THE DECEMBER SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. 5. PRESENTATION A. Presentation by William R. Kellas, Ph.D. , Regarding How to Maintain a Healthy and Active Body Dr. Kellas passed out flyers which augmented his indepth presentation on the concept of "Toxic Immune Syndrome" , emphasizing the "system's approach" as opposed to "isolated symptoms" in dealing with illness. Dr. Kellas; of Comprehensive Medical Center, stated that the "germ theory" is not an absolute contributor to ill health. He noted that health is influenced by several factors including emotional stress, spiritual stress, what is ingested, radiation, electromagnetic influences and heavy metals invading the body. He added that all these are contributing factors to heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Vice Chairperson Ash opened the meeting to Commission discussion. Commissioner Hartley asked what age clients are treated at the Comprehensive Medical Center. Dr. Kellas answered that 60% of his patients are age 35 and older. Discussion followed. Vice Chairperson Ash and the Commission thanked Dr. Kellas for his comprehensive presentation. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Report on the October 17 , 1991 Focus Group Workshops OSuperintendent Alexander introduced Barbara Thompson, y _� Associate with Economic Research Associates, (ERA) , who gave an overview on the status of the October 17th Focus Group Workshops. Ms. Thompson noted that two workshops were held at the YMCA on October 17th. She gave an overview of the draft telephone survey and noted that concern was expressed on the need for a senior center, better transportation and getting information on services and referrals to the senior community. Ms. Thompson stated that 400 telephone surveys will be administered the first week of November and analyzed the second week of November. B. Discussion on the Senior Needs Assessment Telephone Survey Draft Superintendent Alexander noted that the telephone survey, which was prepared by ERA and is being conducted by this firm, is- an important part of the Senior Needs Assessment. She added that the Commission is encouraged to supply additional input to ERA on the survey. Ms. Thompson passed out copies of the survey to the Commission and asked if there were any suggestions for additions or corrections. oDiscussion followed and several additions and corrections were noted. Commissioner Anderson left the meeting at 3 : 20. Ms. Thompson advised that Bill Treadwell will be responsible for rewording the additions and corrections to the survey questions to comply with survey language. She added that when these corrections are completed the survey will be presented to the Commission's Needs Assessment Subcommittee for review. Commissioner Hartley suggested that a letter be sent to each person who participated in the workshops explaining how the survey is progressing. Superintendent Alexander noted that staff is working on this communication. vice Chairperson Ash and the Commission thanked Ms. Thompson for a comprehensive discussion on the Senior Needs Assessment Telephone Survey. 7 . NEW BUSINESS ® A. Appointment of Regina Ash as Acting Chairperson and Selection of an Acting Vice Chairperson Commissioner Anderson rejoined the meeting at 3 : 35. Discussion followed. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON MOVED, MOTLEY SECONDED TO APPOINT REGINA ASH AS ACTING CHAIRPERSON. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. COMMISSIONER HARTLEY MOVED, MOTLEY SECONDED TO APPOINT ALFRED TAAFF AS ACTING VICE CHAIRPERSON. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. 8. COMMISSIONER'S CORNER Chairperson Ash handed out a copy of the letter which has been sent to Jack Kemp, Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, requesting a fair and equitable determination on the . request for senior housing status by Pacific Serena. Commissioner Hartley noted that the October issue of Encinitas ® Magazine focused on transportation in Encinitas. He added that his issue also has an article on the 63 year old La Paloma Theatre. Chairperson Ash asked Superintendent Alexander which Commissioner's terms are about to end. Superintendent Alexander noted that she has spoken to the City Clerk and that applications will not be accepted and reviewed until December. She added that the following Commissioner's terms will expire in January.; Anderson, Hartley, Motley and Taaff. Superintendent Alexander reminded the Commission that there will also be a replacement appointed for Commissioner Wessel. She also added this item will be on the November agenda. Commissioner Taaff asked if notes had been sent to those who participated in Senior Services Day thanking them for making the event a success. Superintendent Alexander commented that Supervisor Berner has sent out thank you notes to all participants. 9. ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONER HARTLEY MOVED, MOTLEY SECONDED TO ADJOURN THE OMEETING AT 4:05 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. yA - y