1991-01-18 CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting Date: January 18, 1991; 1:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Wessel called the meeting to order at 1: 00 p.m. Present: Chairperson Wessel, Vice Chairperson Ash, Commissioners Hartley, Taaff and Motley Absent: Commissioner Rudolph Also Present: James Ellis, Recreation Superintendent and Jacqueline Reynolds, Senior Office Specialist 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Oral comments (maximum of three minutes- per person) will be heard from people who submit a speaker's white slip to the Recreation Superintendent. ' No action may be legally taken on such non-agenda items, they will be referred to the Recreation Superintendent. 4. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDARS A. Approval of Minutes for November 16, 1990. COMMISSIONER HARTLEY MOVED, TAAFF SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 16, 1990. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 5. PRESENTATION BY SUE SORENSON, DIRECTOR OF SAN DIEGUITO SENIOR CENTER Chairperson- Wessel called for the staff report. Superintendent Ellis introduced Sue Sorenson who gave the Commission an update on services offered by the San Dieguito Senior Center. Ms. Sorenson handed out a packet to each Commissioner with information on the Senior Center. She said the Center was J opened. in 1983 as a nutrition site for seniors with funding . from the Area Agency on Aging and Helen W. Woodward. Ms. Sorenson told the Commission the Center has 10 staff members and 80 volunteers. She said that approximately 50 meals per day are served at the Center at an average cost of $2 .50 per meal with a typical donation of $1. 38. The Center is open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Ms. Sorenson said the senior van provides an important service for the community, however, she feels more advertising is needed. She added that she endorses the NOCOSIA Dial-A-Ride Program and hopes that it will continue. Commissioner Motley commented that the van is difficult . for some seniors to use because it lacks handicapped equipment. Chairperson Wessel asked what type of duties are assigned to volunteers. Ms. Sorenson explained volunteers assist with clerical duties, information and referrals, kitchen tasks, tax assistance, instructing classes and conducting health checks. Chairperson Wessel thanked Ms. Sorenson for speaking before the Commission. • Connie McIntire, 890 Balour, Encinitas, who is coordinator for Meals-On-Wheels at the Senior Nutrition site, also addressed the Commission. She said that the Taxi Voucher Program is a very important service for Encinitas seniors. Chairperson Wessel explained that the Taxi Voucher Program is the next discussion item. Chairperson Wessel recognized staff member Leslie Suelter who requested an opportunity to address the Commission on the status of . the Taxi Voucher Program. Ms. Suelter gave an over view of the history of the Encinitas Taxi Voucher Program and a comparison of how the City and NOCOSIA administered the program. She gave the Commission a statistical report and said because of operational and qualification differences it was more costly to operate this program outside the City. Ms. Suelter suggested that a meeting be held with the Senior Commission Transportation Subcommittee, NOCOSIA representative John Burnett, Superintendent Ellis and herself to address issues concerning this program. Chairperson Wessel .commented that detailed statistics are • necessary prior to making a recommendation to City Council. She reminded the Commission that Legislator Lee Smith i. disclosed the senior population in North County has increased • 70% since 1980. She asked Ms. Suelter if the City has funding available to continue this program. Ms. Suelter answered that she feels City Council is willing to support this program by providing $600 per month funding for the remained of this fiscal year. She added that John Burnett of NOCOSIA can provided all necessary statistics on this program. Superintendent Ellis suggested that it is appropriate for the Transportation Subcommittee to discuss this issue and prepare relevant data for presentation to the Commission.. Chairperson Wessel concurred. Chairperson Wessel recommended a five minute recess to allow Jim Baumann, editor and publisher of Encinitas Magazine, to take pictures of the Commissioners. Mr. Baumann is providing a special feature on seniors in the February issue of the magazine. Chairperson Wessel thanked Mr. Baumann. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 7A. ELECTION OF SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION OFFICERS Chairperson Wessel called for the staff report. Superintendent Ellis said that it would be appropriate to set guide lines on how and when the Senior Citizen Commission will conduct elections. He explained that if. elections were held today there would only be three Commissioners eligible to hold office. Discussion followed. COMMISSIONER HARTLEY MOVED,, ASH SECONDED THAT OFFICER ELECTIONS BE HELD THE FIRST MEETING FOLLOWING THE JANUARY APPOINTMENT. MOTION CARRIED. 5-0. 7B. DISCUSSION ON THE JANUARY 18, 1991 NORTH COUNTY SENIOR COALITION MEETING Vice Chairperson Ash said the January NOCOSIA meeting was • presented by AAA on their Long Term Care Ombudsman Program. This program has 80 volunteers in San Diego County serving 363 i long term care facilities. She said their emphasis is on • elder care and that AAA is supportive of Durable Power of Attorney. Vice Chairperson Ash stated that an Ombudsman 6 week training session will begin February 5th in San Diego. She encouraged the community to become involved in this program. Information can be obtained from Jean Stein by g callin 560-2507. Chairperson Wessel thanked Vice Chairperson Ash on an excellent report. 8. COMMISSIONERIS CORNER Chairperson Wessel announced that AAA and the County Board of Supervisors will be holding a Senior Celebration Day, February 10th, at the San Diego Marriott Hotel. She said that she has- 10 tickets for any Commissioner who would like to attend. Chairperson Wessel gave the Commissioners information on the Gateway Program printed by S.D.G. &E. She told the Commission that she had received a letter from a senior in the community who had not been granted a senior citizen discount at a local car wash. Chairperson Wessel contacted the car wash and assisted in resolving this issue. She said this is an example • of a problem being handled by the Commission through the Chair. Chairperson Wessel announced that Director Wigginton will be speaker at the February Commission meeting and will discuss Oakcrest Park and the Needs Assessment. She added that Commissioner Rudolph has been ill and will report on Durable Power of Attorney at the next Commission meeting. Chairperson Wessel asked Superintendent Ellis to report on the status of the Needs Assessment. Superintendent Ellis told the Commission that San Diego County has approved the County Block Grant Funds for the Needs Assessment. He said this will need to be formally approved by the County Supervisors in February. After this endorsement City Council will be approached for approval of the study. Commissioner Hartley said that he received a call from Jack Stephens, an attorney who specializes in Elder Law. He asked to speak before the Commission on this subject. Commissioner Hartley announced that the February issue of the Encinitas Magazine has been dedicated to seniors. Chairperson Wessel thanked Commissioner Hartley for working • so hard to publicize -senior issues. i ti Commissioner Taaff commented that he supports a meeting with John Burnett to discuss the Taxi Voucher Program. He said he would like it on record that he has a complaint reference the City of Encinitas issuing a citation for an American flag being flown. Chairperson Wessel suggested that this be brought to the attention of City Council and the .newspapers. Commissioner Motley expressed a concern for errors in the Housing section of the Directory of Services. Chairperson Wessel said that she, Superintendent Ellis and Commissioner Motley will meet and make the necessary corrections. ' Vice Chairperson Ash told the Commission that she has received a memo from NOCOSIA requesting that dues 'of $10 be paid by all members. She added that Audrey Rant of the AAA Ombudsman Program would like to speak before the Commission. Vice Chairperson Ash would like Jean Stein of AAA speak at the same Commission meeting. Vice Chairperson Ash announced that NOCOSIA is having a Valentines Party in Escondido February 14Th and encouraged the Commissioners to attend. She added that NOCOSIA has scheduled • a memorial service for Dr. Lutz and William Atwell January 25th at the Oceanside Senior Center. Chairperson Wessel thanked staff for sending a condolences note to the family of William Atwell on behalf of the Commission. 9. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 3 :20 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Friday, February 15, 1991; at 1: 00 p.m.