1990-06-15 CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES _ Meeting Date: June 15, 1990; 1:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Wessel called the meeting to order at 1: 00 p.m. Present: Chairperson Wessel, Vice Chairperson Ash, Commissioners Hartley, Rudolph, Motley, and Quinn. Absent: Commissioner Taaff. Also Present: James Ellis, Recreation Superintendent, and Jacqueline Reynolds, Office Specialist. 2 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Tasha Easton, 155 Rosebay Dr. , Apt. #41, Encinitas, who is disabled, told the Commission that disabled citizens have been excluded from the Encinitas Dial-A-Ride Program. She said that the disabled are often low income and unable to drive. Ms. Easton gave the Commission a report on "Transportation Services for the Elderly and Disabled" compiled by the Coordinated Transportation Service Agency. She is requesting that the Commission take action to include disabled people of all ages as eligible to use the Dial-A-Ride _Program. Commissioner Taaff arrived at 1: 15 p.m. Beatrice Maguranyi, 802 Regal Rd, M-6, Encinitas, is concerned that the Encinitas Dial-A-Ride Program does not include disabled citizens. She is requesting that disabled people be allowed to use the Dial-A-Ride Program for transportation to doctors and the hospital. Marion Laruso, 454 Requeza St. , #135E, Encinitas, said that she cannot understand why disabled citizens are not allowed to use the Dial-A-Ride Program. As a disabled citizen she is requesting that the Commission include the disabled person among those who are eligible to use the Dial-A-Ride transportation program. Elvera Marino, 454 Requeza St. #133E, Encinitas, told the Commission that she is disabled and is dependent on cabs for transportation. She explained that cabs are very expensive and is requesting that disabled citizens be allowed to use the Dial-A-Ride transportation system. Chairperson Wessel explained to the speakers that the Commission was unable to take action today on their request to add disabled citizens to the Dial-A-Ride Program because it was not an agenda item. She assured those who spoke that they will be hearing from the Commission on this issue. 4. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDARS A. Approval of Minutes for May 18, 1990. Commissioner Hartley requested that all references to the Alert Program be changed to the Gatekeeper Program. COMMISSIONER HARTLEY MOVED, ASH SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 18, 1990. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. 5A. PRESENTATION BY TOM REESE, SENIOR SENATOR AND FLORENCE SMITH, SENIOR ASSEMBLYWOMAN DISTRICT 5 CALIFORNIA SENIOR LEGISLATURE PERTAINING TO SERVICES PROVIDED FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Senator Reese told the Commission that the California Senior Legislature is elected by Californians who are 60 years of age or older and registered voters. There are over 5 million seniors in California. The California Senior Legislation was formed in 1980 and is the only elected body to represent the seniors in the State of California. Senator Reese explained that the Area Agency on Aging is responsible for setting up the voting areas and these voting areas are manned by volunteers. He told the Commission that San Diego County is broken. up into 55 voting stations. Senator Reese added that the next opportunity to vote will be March 1991. Senator Reese explained that Senior Legislator positions are volunteer. The only funds available are through donations marked by voters on the California Income Tax Form under California Fund for Seniors. These funds are used by Legislators for transportation and expenses when they go to Sacramento. Senator Reese said that last year the Senior Legislature had 133 bill proposals of which 63 passed. He explained that the Senior Legislature has 5 committees in the Senate and 5 committees in the Assembly. Senator Reese told the Commission that Senator Mello, who is the Majority Whip in the Senate, is referred to as the "father of California Senior Legislature" because he was responsible for initiating the original idea of a senior legislature. Senator Mello has initiated more bills relating to seniors than any other California Senator. Senator Reese introduced Florence Smith who is the Senior Assemblywoman for the 5th District. Assemblywoman Smith told the Commission that she has represented Encinitas for four years. She emphasized the importance of organizing and getting seniors out to vote for issues which involve seniors. She said it is critical to make an inter-generational tie because people need to take care of each other. Chairperson Wessel thanked Senator Reese and Assemblywoman Smith for their information and asked the Commissioners if there were any questions. Commissioner Motley asked Senator Reese what method is most effective in getting information to seniors concerning Senior Legislation issues, and when and where to vote? Senator Reese said there are several ways of getting information out to the public. He said "The Senior World" publication, senior nutrition centers, senior centers and retirement homes are all good vehicles for conveying information and soliciting the vote. Commissioner Rudolph commented that the Senior Citizen Commission is given 1/2 page in the Encinitas Newsletter. She said this is another tool that can be used to get information to the community on senior issues. Commissioner Rudolph asked Assemblywoman Smith if anything is being done by government to provide an inexpensive Health Plan for seniors. Assemblywoman Smith told the Commission the number one priority at the Federal and State level is Health Insurance for seniors. She added that networking through organizations you belong to is a key tool for getting information out and projects accomplished. Chairperson Wessel thahked Senator Reese and Assemblywoman Smith for taking time from their busy schedule to address the Commission. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6A. A REPORT ON THE STATUS OF THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION'S SERVICES SUBCOMMITTEE Commissioner Hartley, Chairperson for the Services Subcommittee, gave the Commission a copy of the Final Report of the Services Subcommittee. This report listed the type of services available in Encinitas for seniors. COMMISSIONER HARTLEY MOVED, ASH SECONDED THAT REFERENCE TELEPHONE NUMBERS BECOME AN INTRODUCTION TO THE REFERENCE WORK TO BE USED IN THE FINISHED BOOR AND CIRCULATED TO SENIORS IN THE COMMUNITY. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. Discussion followed. COMMISSIONER HARTLEY MOVED, QUINN SECONDED THAT THE REPORT BE ACCEPTED BY THE COMMISSION AND BECOME PART OF REFERENCE WORK FOR SERVICES FOR SENIORS. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. Discussion followed. COMMISSIONER HARTLEY MOVED, RUDOLPH SECONDED THAT WHEN ALL SUBCOMMITTEES HAVE COMPLETED THEIR ASSIGNMENTS THE COMMISSION CONSIDER USING OUTSIDE HELP TO SURVEY, COMPILE, AND SUPPLEMENT THE REPORT TO INCLUDE SERVICES TO ENCINITAS SENIORS AND SENIORS WHO ARE LOCATED OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS. MOTION CARRIED 4-3. CHAIRPERSON WESSEL, COMMISSIONERS MOTLEY AND ASH OPPOSED. 6B. A REPORT ON THE STATUS OF THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION'S ALIVE & WELL SUBCOMMITTEE Commissioner Quinn told the Commission that the Alive and Well Subcommittee met last week and that 1/3 of the report is finished. He said the report will be completed and presented at the July 20th Commission meeting. 6C. A FINAL REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION' S SURVEY OF SENIOR CENTERS IN SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES Commissioner Hartley gave each Commissioner a copy of the 'Summary Survey of Senior Citizen Centers' and explained how the survey figures were obtained and how percentages were compiled. An important finding of the survey indicated a lack of direction being given to the San Dieguito Senior Center by any organized board. The survey also indicated the following areas for development at the San Dieguito Senior Center: -The administration of the Center -The finances and budget } -The center is principally a nutrition site and the quality of. food has been criticized . -The constricting lease arrangement -The administrative jurisdiction -The lack of complete services -The limited hours of operation -The relative high cost per usage -The limited percentage of seniors being served -The lack of adequate funding/operations budget -The inadequate size of the present facility COMMISSIONER HARTLEY MOVED, ASH SECONDED THAT THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL THE NEED FOR IMPROVED SENIOR CITIZEN FACILITIES AND ASR THAT LONG TERM PLANS BE PUT INTO PLACE TO ESTABLISH THOSE FACILITIES. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. Following the unanimous approval of the motion Chairperson Wessel informed the Commission that she had been advised by Jim Benson' s office that the Senior Center had not applied for funding for the Dial-A-Ride Program. This information was given to the Transportation Subcommittee. Vice Chairperson Ash explained that the San Dieguito Senior Center is not a senior center. It is the Helen Woodward Nutrition Center operated by Family Services. She said that the Director of the nutrition site, considers the Dial-A-Ride Program too expensive to run through this site. Chairperson Wessel asked Superintendent Ellis for guidance on establishing a committee to study the feasibility of establishing an Encinitas Senior Citizen Facility. Superintendent Ellis said that when the Commission has gathered all necessary information and speaks to City Council they need to be specific as to what seniors need in a • facility. This would include a recommendation on location and financing. Chairperson Wessel asked that the Services Subcommittee meet with Superintendent Ellis and prepare an agenda item to include a feasibility study relating to a Senior Center for Encinitas. Commissioner Rudolph requested permission to leave the meeting at 3 :20 p.m. COMMISSIONER HARTLEY MOVED, QUINN SECONDED THAT A REPORT BE MADE BY STAFF ON THE SENIOR CENTER SURVEY AND BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE PARTICIPATING CENTERS. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. 7 . NEW BUSINESS 7A. DISCUSSION ON THE JUNE 15 1990 NORTH COUNTY SENIOR COALITION MEETING Vice Chairperson Ash told the Commission that the speakers at today' s North County Senior Coalition Meeting were Barbara Baker, San Diego Probation Office Guardian Program, and Mr. Williams who is assigned to Superior Court of San Diego by the Mental Health Department. Vice Chairperson Ash said that the Guardian Program functions as a protective service for juveniles as well as conservators for adults. She handed out information on the Crisis Team Speakers Group (San Diego County Mental Health Services) , and suggested that one of their speakers be invited to speak to the Commission. Chairperson Wessel thanked Vice Chairperson Ash for an informative report. 7B. TRANSPORTATION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT ON THE MAY 21, 1990 "PUBLIC FORUM ON ROUTE 36111 Commissioner Taaff told the Commission that North County Transit District, (NCTD) , held a meeting on May 21st to discuss new ideas dealing with the public transportation system. NCTD has it under consideration to re-route 361 and to coordinate train service linked with bus service to better serve the public. Commissioner Taaff said that NCTD has a target date of 1993 for this proposed service. Chairperson Wessel thanked Commissioner Taaff for an excellent report. 7C. DISCUSSION ON YUNDING PROGRAMS ENDORSED BY THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION Discussion followed. Commissioner Hartley said the Commission needs to identify and place priorities on each Budget Item for Fy 91-92 before requesting funds from the City Council. Commissioner Quinn said he would like to have a Senior Fund established which would cover the Dial-A-Ride Program, the Van, and other senior needs. Vice Chairperson Ash asked Superintendent Ellis if it is possible to locate grant money to cover senior programs? Superintendent Ellis said that a process needs to be established. 0 Commissioner Hartley said that the Commission needs to identify senior citizen needs . which would validate the justification for requesting funds. 8. COMMISSIONER' S CORNER Commissioner Taaff complimented Commissioner Hartley on his report saying that it was well organized and analyzed. Commissioner Motley said the Oceanside Senior Center provides in home help 3 days a week. Commissioner Quinn told the Commission that Susan Sorenson, who is Director of the San Dieguito Senior Center, called Mr. Richie, (Red Richie Ford) , and requested that the next donated van have the name changed to San Dieguito Center. The name currently on the donated van is Encinitas Center. Chairperson Wessel said that the Transportation Subcommittee will discuss the request to change the name on the Van. 9. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 4 : 00 p.m. i The next regular meeting will be Friday, July 20, 1990 ; at 1: 00 P.M.