2016-06-06 ACTION MEETING MINUTES CITY OF ENCINITAS COMMISSION FOR THE ARTS Monday, June 06, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Meeting was called to order by Commissioner Tanha at 5:08 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Filsinger, Kuta, Sabeck, Stefanko and Tanha; Chair Thum by teleconference. ABSENT: Commissioner Meyers ALSO PRESENT: Arts Administrator Gilliam, Acting Executive Secretary Gloger, Management Analyst Zenns, CIO Tufts 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Kuta led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS / POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF None. 4. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA None. 5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 02, 2016 MEETING. ACTION: COMMISSIONERS THUM MOVED AND SABECK SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 2, 2016, REGULAR MEETING. MOTION CARRIED: AYES: FILSINGER, KUTA, SABECK, STEFANKO, TANHA AND THUM; NAYS: NONE; ABSENT: MEYERS; ABSTAIN: NONE. 6. ACTION ITEMS - OLD BUSINESS None. 7. ACTION ITEMS - NEW BUSINESS 7A. Input on City Communications. CIO Tufts and Management Analyst Zenns presented information on methods used by the City 1 of 3 2016 06-06 Commission for the Arts Meeting Minutes to communicate with residents. The presentation touched on information access, online services and efforts toward community outreach. The Commission gave feedback on several areas, focusing largely on increasing community outreach and social media activity. 8. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 8A. Encinitas Alliance for Arts Education Report. Commissioner Stefanko is working to set up a meeting with local school district superintendents to promote the District Art Plan project. 8B. Public Art Ad Hoc Report: K Street Pocket Park, Marine Safety Center, Active Transportation Plan. Commissioner Sabeck is awaiting a design for the pocket park. The Marine Safety Center has not yet gone to City Council. Planners Strong and Yentile are to schedule a meeting with the ad hoc regarding the active transportation plan. A document is being compiled to provide examples of public art. 8C. Encinitas Student Film Festival Report. Commissioner Filsinger presented a video on the student film festival. There were 40 films submitted and shown over two screenings, with over 300 attendees between the two screenings. Awards were presented, including a $1000 scholarship from the Surfing Madonna Foundation. 8D. Encinitas Friends of the Arts Report. rd Commissioner Tanha reported that EFA will present Passport to France on Saturday, July 23. The event will have a French circus theme with performances by Fern Street Circus, DragonKnights th Stilt Theatre, a French band for dancing, visual art, a marketplace, and more. On August 28, EFA will partner with Leucadia 101 Mainstreet for LeucadiART Walk, and will be part of the Childrens Art Pavilion. 8E. iPalpiti Festival Report. th Arts Administrator Gilliam reported that the iPalpiti festival will be starting after the 4of July. There thththth will be Soloist Concerts at the Encinitas Library on the 7, 8, 9, and 10. The iPalpiti Orchestra thth . This is the 5year the festival has been presented in Encinitas. 8F. Ballet Folklorico de San Dieguito Report. Arts Administrator Gilliam reported that Ballet Folklorico has submitted grant requests to both the City and County of San Diego. The program is successfully engaging families in the community. 8G. Commission for the Arts FY 2016-17 Work Plan. Once City Council has reviewed and approved the work plan which was discussed in the previous commission meeting, commissioners will be assigned to projects. 2016 06-06 Commission for the Arts Meeting Minutes 2of 3 8H. Commission Sponsored and Co-sponsored Events. Arts Administrator Gilliam reported the th June 17. This concert will feature Quarteto Nuevo, a jazz percussion group from Los Angeles. 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Standing Committees Grant Applications Public Art Update iPalpiti Festival update 10. REPORTS Commissioner Kuta commented on the benefits of the Nextdoor app which had been -permanent exhibit rd on June 23 imaginative world created by a young artist. Commissioner Filsinger reported that one of the shows she produces was chosen by the th Discovery Channel for a 13 episode run beginning in the 4 quarter of 2016. The show, entitled a reality show following a used car lot in Encinitas. Another show, in early 2017. Commissioner Filsinger also anticipates a great Commissioner Stefanko reported that a new show opened at the SD Art Institute opened on rd June 3 the SD Art Institute, the show will move to Lux. Commissioner Tanha had nothing to report. Commissioner Sabeck had nothing to report. Commissioner Thum reported that the Coastal Communities Concert Band will be holding a th concert on June 12. Commissioner Thum also raised the possibility of starting a high school mariachi band as part of the Ballet Folklorico program. 11. ARTS ADMINISTRATOR REPORT Arts Administrator Gilliam had nothing additional to report. 12. ADJOURNMENT Chair Thum adjourned the meeting at 6:25 p.m. Jed Gloger Jed Gloger, Acting Commission Secretary Next Meeting: Monday, July 11, 2016, Council Chamber, Encinitas City Hall 3 of 3 2016 06-06 Commission for the Arts Meeting Minutes