FEMA Coastal Mapping Kick-off meeting  From: Kwan, Wynne [mailto:WKwan@mbakercorp.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:06 PM To: Masih Maher; mmaher@encinitas.ca.gov; Masih Maher Subject: FW: FEMA CA Coastal Analysis and Mapping Project/Open Pacific Coast Study - Follow Up Email Hi Masih, Thanks for talking on the phone with me today regarding the FEMA Open Pacific Coast (OPC) Study.  Per our conversation, I mentioned that we are collecting contact information (names and email addresses) for City of Encinitas personnel who would benefit from participating in this meeting.  Suggested community representatives include elected officials as well as floodplain managers, planning, engineering, building department, GIS staff, and others who could provide engineering, topographic, and mapping data.  Once we have secured a specific date, time, and location for both of our Kick-off Meetings in San Diego County, we will send an email invitation to all invitees identified by each community approximately 3-4 weeks in advance.  Please provide a list of City of Encinitas personnel who you think should be invited to the Kick-off Meeting. Please visit the OPC Study webpage (http://www.bakeraecom.com/index.php/region-ix/coastal-studies/621/) and check out the OPC Study Fact Sheet.  If you have questions, please contact either me (wkwan@mbakercorp.com) or Lisa Messano (lmessano@mbakercorp.com) and your inquiry will be directed to the appropriate project staff or FEMA representative.  Thank you for your time and consideration. Best, Wynne Wynne Kwan, AICP, LEED AP | Senior Planner We have moved!!!  Please note our new address: Michael Baker Jr., Inc. | One Kaiser Plaza | Suite 1150 |Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: 510.879.0959 | Fax: 510.879.0969 | Cell: 510.301.4678 wkwan@mbakercorp.com | www.mbakercorp.com