2013-05-01 CITY OF ENCINITAS YOUTH COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES: May 1, 2013 4:30 PM SECTION 1: PROCEDURAL CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chair L. Barth called the meeting to order at 4:36 PM. Present: Chair L. Barth, and Commissioners A. Barth, N. Conger, Forrest, Eyl, and Sands Also Present: Recreation Superintendent Gorham and Management Analyst Roff Absent: Vice-Chair Ferreirae, Commissioners M. Conger, M. Lawson, K. Lawson, and Maskiewicz PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CHANGES TO THE AGENDA None ACTION COMMISSIONER EYL MOTIONED AND COMMISSIONER A. BARTH SECONDED TO ADOPT THE MAY 1, 2013 AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED 6-0 (COMMISSIONERS FERREIRAE, M. CONGER, M. LAWSON, K. LAWSON AND MASKIEWICZ ABSENT). APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 3, 2013 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES ACTION COMMISSIONER FORREST MOTIONED AND COMMISSIONER EYL SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 3, 2013 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED 6-0 (COMMISSIONERS FERREIRAE, M. CONGER, M. LAWSON, K. LAWSON AND MASKIEWICZ ABSENT). PRESENTATIONS None PUBLIC COMMENT None SECTION 2: ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 1. 2012/13 Youth Commission Work Plan Commissioners Eyl, A. Barth, Forrest, Sand and L. Barth volunteered to serve on the End- of-Year Presentation to Council Ad-Hoc Subcommittee. ACTION COMMISSIONER A. BARTH MOTIONED TO CREATE A PRESENTATION TO COUNCIL SUBCOMMITTEE, COMMISSIONER N. CONGER SECONDED THE MOTION AND THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 (COMMISSIONERS FERREIRAE, M. CONGER, M. LAWSON, K. LAWSON AND MASKIEWICZ ABSENT). SECTION 3: OPERATIONS REPORTS  Youth Teen Update SECTION 4: COMMISSION REPORTS  Homeless Teens (Commissioners Eyl, Forrest, Lawson and Sands) Commissioner Eyl volunteered to be the lead on the Presentation to Council Subcommittee.  North County Youth Summit (NCYS) Commissioner A. Barth the NCYS was fun, the team building exercises were enjoyable and the Keynote speakers were very good. Commissioner N. Conger reported have a very fun time, participating in a lot of team building and commissioner building activities and the Keynote speakers were very successful.  Commissioners Corner Commissioners reported on school activities. SECTION 5: ADJOURNMENT ACTION COMMISSION FORREST MOTIONED FOR ADJOURNMENT, COMMISSIONER N. CONGER SECONDED THE MOTION AND THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 (COMMISSIONERS FERREIRAE, M. CONGER, M. LAWSON, K. LAWSON AND MASKIEWICZ ABSENT). Meeting Adjourned at 5:05 PM