1999-04-05 CITY OF ENCINITAS COMMISSION FOR THE ARTS MINUTES MEETING DATE: APRIL 5, 1999 6:30 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Commissioner Charnow called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Present: Commissioners Charnow, Duff, Hicks, Kaczorowski, Mayne, Witz Also Present: Community Services Management Assistant Hippert Absent: Cope 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Niels Lund, 887 Sandcastle Dr., Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA 92007, provided the commissioners with an update on the Poinsettia Theatre Performing Arts in the Classroom Project. Lund stated that as of this date, he has privately raised $7,416 for the program. His most accomplished fundraiser was gaining a combined donation of $500.00 from the Downtown Encinitas MainStreet Association, the Cardiff Chamber of Commerce, and the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce. Lund reported that he is currently providing arts programming in ten classrooms in the Cardiff Union School District. Lund also provided commissioners with copies of recent articles about the program published in the North County Times. Ms. Deanne Sabech, 574 Arden Drive, Encinitas CA 92024, addressed the Commission regarding artist involvement in the planning of public facilities within the City. She requested that the Commission consider agendizing this issue at a future meeting. Charnow directed staff to include this issue on the May, 1999 meeting agenda. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of Minutes March 1, 1999 Meeting WITZ MOVED, KACZOROWSKI SECONDED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 1, 1999 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. COPE ABSENT 1 Note: Charnow stated that the agenda would be taken out of order, to accommodate the presenters for Agenda Item 6D, Third Light Productions 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Introduction of new commission members Each commission member took a few moments to introduce him/herself to the rest of the commission, as well as the audience. C. Election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for the Commission for the Arts Charnow nominated Cope for Chairperson. Hicks seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations. Cope elected by voice vote 6-0. Kaczorowski nominated Charnow for Vice-Chair. Mayne seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations. Charnow elected by voice vote 6-0. B. Review of the Brown Act Hippert gave a presentation on the general points of the Brown Act, and how it pertains to meetings conducted by the Commission for the Arts. D. Presentation on Third Light Productions, regarding the promotion and presentation of art events in Encinitas Heather Feemster, of Third Light Productions, gave a presentation on the group’s activities in San Diego, and how they relate to the arts community in Encinitas. Third Light Productions produces arts fairs and festivals to promote all forms of art, and holds four events each year, usually associated with the seasons. The group also circulates art in restaurants, cafes and other business to feature local artists. A portion of the profits received at local shows is donated to local shelters. Feemster stated her willingness to assist commissioners with any events that may be planned for Encinitas, including street fairs, arts walks, etc. 5. OLD BUSINESS A. Report from Technology Subcommittee Charnow gave an oral report on the subcommittee. He and Hippert met with MIS Manager Tiller regarding the City’s web site, and whether the Commission for the Arts could have server space for their page. Charnow also requested City support for maintaining the page. Tiller stated that until the Council acts 2 on his program recommendation to create and add an Internet technician to his division, he would be unable to assist with this program. In the meantime, Charnow is maintaining the Commission’s page on his own, which is hosted by his company’s server. Hippert recently provided information to Charnow regarding the Artist’s Registry, and there are currently fifteen local (Encinitas residents) artists listed in the registry. As additional artists submit information, they will be added to the registry and the web page. Hippert also provided the commissioners with an annotated list of arts related web pages for their review. B. Discussion of conducting a Commission for the Arts Workshop to tour various sites within the City and County which feature public art Commissioners discussed whether to tour only local Encinitas sites, or to expand the tour to locations outside the City. The Commission determined the best course of action would be to remain generally in the North County area. Hippert stated that Carlsbad, Oceanside, San Marcos and Escondido have public art on display. Commissioners discussed when to conduct the tour, and felt that most members could attend on a Saturday. DUFF MOVED, KACZOROWSKI SECONDED, THAT THE COMMISSION CALL A SPECIAL MEETING TO TOUR PUBLIC ART LOCATIONS IN NORTH COUNTY ON SATURDAY, MAY 1,1999 FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 WITH ONE ABSTENTION (WITZ). C. Discussion of Commission for the Arts new program recommendations for 1999/2000 Charnow gave a presentation to the commissioners regarding revising the recommended new program requests. He stated that Cope had met with Community Services Director Wigginton and Management Assistant Hippert, per City Council direction, to “pare down” the original request of $431,000. Charnow stated that the Department’s recommendation is to request the establishment of the Arts Trust Fund, and to make an initial deposit into the Trust Fund of $150,000. The reasoning behind asking for a set figure, rather than requesting a percentage of the Capital Improvement Program budget, is that the CIP will fluctuate annually, and may not provide and adequate level of funding for designated programs. Charnow stated that the Commissioners do not have to accept the Department’s recommendation, but could modify it to have a smaller amount put into the trust fund and some money allocated to direct programming. Witz felt strongly that Department staff has a good feel for the direction of Council, and should accept their recommendation. 3 Charnow recommended that if the Commission felt very strongly about specific programs, they should be left in the recommendation, as well as the establishment of the trust fund. Witz felt that it was not a good idea to be unreasonable in the Commission’s recommendations. Hicks requested that the commissioners take a look at individual programs again, to determine which, if any should be funded outside of the trust fund. The meeting was in recess from 8:00 p.m. to 8:10 p.m. so Hippert could provide budget resources for commissioners. After the recess, Mayor Sheila Cameron addressed the Commission regarding her feelings on the budget process. Her guidelines included that the Commission should be an organizer of arts in Encinitas. She also expects commissioners to be “hands-on” and find ways to do the art or find artists to do the art in some way. She stated that the amount of money the commission requested was staggering. She stated that neither the Youth Commission nor the Commission for the Arts were established to be a tremendous drain on the City. They were more established to be a stimulator, and to raise the consciousness of the community for the arts. She recommended that the commission review the programs submitted, and choose one or two within a reasonable amount of money, that may be a possibility, and to try to attract money though grants, with the Council potentially putting money towards that. Mayor Cameron stated that there will be a sculpture garden at the Encinitas Sanitation District site. The Commission needs to figure out how the City will get art and sculpture pieces there. From the meetings the mayor has conducted with the Tourism and Marketing Committee, there is a desire to do a mural on the building which houses Vigilucci’s, depicting the old downtown. There will also be an upgrade to the front of the Civic Center, and there may be some artwork that can be incorporated. She would like the Commission to attempt to fit into programs that are already in place; the Parks and Recreation programs, the Tourism and Marketing Committee, etc. She stated that she and rest of the Council are very excited about the Commission, and they are looking forward to working with them. After the Mayor spoke, Witz made the following motion: WITZ MOVED THAT THE COMMISSION FOR THE ARTS ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATION FROM CITY STAFF FOR $150,000 FOR THE TRUST FUND, AND RECOMMEND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TWO PERCENT SET ASIDE FOR ART FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT BUDGET. 4 There was no second, and the motion died. Duff stated that after the Mayor’s comments, the Commission should reconsider what was discussed before she arrived. She stated that the mayor has a different idea of what the Commission is supposed to be doing than what the Commission felt they were to be doing. The commissioners then began a review of individual programs in the original recommendation. Duff made a suggestion that commissioners look at programs that are low dollar items, and see if they can be done at no cost, which can be started right now. Mayne reported that in a conversation with the Mayor, the Mayor suggested that the Commission create a subcommittee to look at the budget issues prior to the Council meeting on April 20. Kaczorowski stated that unless there was another special meeting to review the subcommittee’s recommendations, decisions would have to be made tonight. Mayne also recommended that the commissioners put the recommendations into a simpler format, that would better prioritize the requests. Duff felt that the commission should recommend funding for the trust fund, and then pick out several low-dollar programs that can be done quickly, and request funding for them as well. Charnow stated that this would put the commission in a rather tight place, as there is no clear determination as to what the balance of the trust fund would be used for. Witz continued to press for the commission to make a decision on recommending the $150,000 initial deposit into the Arts Trust Fund. Charnow requested a recommendation from staff regarding what type of presentation would be appropriate if the Commission recommended the Arts Trust Fund. Hippert stated that the presentation should be made with a broad brush, not with specific numbers. The Commission would then come back to the Council with direct recommendations once the trust fund is established. Note: Commissioner Witz left the meeting at 8:43 p.m. Charnow recommended that the Commission look at the individual priorities requested in the original recommendation, and, by percentages, make the new recommendation match that, with the total not to exceed $150,000. 5 Hippert reiterated that it would be better to request the specific dollar amounts at Council meetings after the trust fund was established; otherwise the Council may hold the Commission to their original estimates of expenditures by category. Hicks stated that there should be some small-dollar items included with the presentation, to be funded from the trust fund, that could be completed quickly, immediately after the budget is approved. The commissioners decided on the following points to be included with the presentation:  Create a publicly owned location for one art piece $ 2,500  Art Mentorship $ 1,000  Artists in Schools $10,000 The following programs should be mentioned as talking points, with no costs stated:  Historical Art/Photo Contest  Arts Festival  Expand Summer Concert Series  Public Relations/Marketing Commissioner Charnow requested a 10 minute recess at 9:06 p.m. The meeting returned from recess at 9:12 p.m. Commissioners continued discussion on the type of presentation to be prepared for the City Council for the special meeting on April 20. At the end of the discussion, Kaczorowski made the following motion: KACZOROWSKI MOVED, DUFF SECONDED, THAT THE COMMISSION FOR THE ARTS SUBMIT A REVISED PROPOSAL TO THE ENCINITAS CITY COUNCIL, WHICH WOULD ESTABLISH THE ARTS TRUST FUND, MAKE AN INITIAL DEPOSIT OF $150,000 INTO THE ARTS TRUST FUND AND THAT THE PRESENTERS WILL MENTION THAT SEVERAL PROGRAMS WILL BE ABLE TO BE STARTED IMMEDIATELY. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 E. Discussion of Commissioners providing a public relations/marketing event Commissioner Duff provided her interpretation of what this event would entail. She stated that it would be similar to an open house, inviting members of the community and having information available regarding the Commission’s activities. After discussion by the commission, Duff made the following motion: 6 DUFF MOVED, HICKS SECONDED, TO CREATE A PUBLIC RELATIONS/OUTREACH SUBCOMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED 5-0 Commissioner Duff will be chair of this subcommittee, with Kaczorowski and Charnow as members. Duff asked staff to provide her with a new list of commissioner’s addresses and phone numbers. Commissioners then discussed whether or not to participate in the street fair on April 10 and 11, 1999. Mr. Lund, representing Poinsettia Theatre for the Performing Arts, stated that he would make a space available at their table for an Arts Commission member to provide commission information. Mayne stated that she will staff the table for several hours on Saturday, April 10. Mayne asked staff to provide adequate copies of the Commission’s Artist’s Registry prior to the street fair. 7. COMMISSIONER’S CORNER Hippert directed Commissioner’s attention to the proposed ordinance revision brought forth by City Council regarding commission absences. The revised ordinance states that Commissioners that miss three regular or special meetings in a year will be removed from office. Mayne reported on a periodical available at San Diego art venues called “The Publication.” It is a listing of art events and galleries throughout the region, and is free. She thought it may be a good idea to consider advertising the Commission in it. Hicks – No report. Charnow – No report. Duff – No report. Kaczorowski – Reported that he will be participating in a group art show, partnering with David Zapf in San Diego. 8. ADJOURNMENT DUFF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 10:00 P.M. SECONDED BY MAYNE. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0 7 A transcribed portion of Mayor Cameron’s remarks to the Encinitas Commission for the Arts, April 5, 1999. “ . . . ways that this Commission and the Commissioners can get involved, and do the art, or help do the art, or find the artists to do the art in some way. The amount of money you asked for was staggering. OK? You’re a brand new commission and neither the Youth Commission nor the Arts Commission were established to be um a tremendous drain on the City. They were more established to be a stimulator and to uh work with the community to raise a consciousness, particularly the Arts Commission, in the arts. I see that, I think that there’s a lot of of small hands-on things that you can do to start already, raising public consciousness with the arts, and for being there.” 8