2003-01-06 CITY OF ENCINITAS COMMISSION FOR THE ARTS MEETING MINUTES MEETING DATE: January 6, 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chair Rincon called meeting to order at 5:30PM Present: Commissioners Rincon, Gould, Ranson, Nee, and Slevinske Absent: Commissioner Hicks Also Present: Senior Management Analyst Hazeltine and Management Analyst Stauffer 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PRESENTATIONS A. Presentation by Keith Harrison on Art Spaces Keith Harrison spoke on his Art Spaces program in downtown Encinitas at the old Union Tribune distribution warehouse. The building is to be renovated with art spaces and an art gallery. Keith Harrison asked for the Commissions support on this project and for suggestions on how the Commission could become involved. Commissioner Ranson volunteered to tour the facility and provide a report for the Commission. Consensus was reached to agendize discussion of the Commissions involvement and support of the Art Spaces project at the next regular Commission meeting. 4. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA None 5. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes for Regular Meeting on December 2, 2002 COMMISSIONER GOULD MOTIONED AND COMMISSIONER NEE SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 2002. MOTION WAS APPROVED 5-0. 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Continued Discussion on Implementation of the Arts Master Plan (Next Steps) Chair Rincon facilitated continued discussion of presentation of the Arts Master Plan. The unveiling will be held at the Community Center. The City Manager and Council Member Guerin will be asked to prepare a “Forward” for the plan. The document will be bound and copied for distribution. Staff will prepare options on the bounding and the “Forward” for review at the next regular Commission meeting. Commissioners discussed color and black/white copies and who should be distributed a copy of the plan. The unveiling will be held March 8, 2003 from 4-6PM at the Encinitas Community Center. Commissioners agreed to send letters to all Master Plan participants. Commissioners Nee and Rincon will schedule performances, and Commissioners Slevinske and Gould will provide refreshments. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion of Printing, Publication, and Distribution of the Arts Master Plan. This item was discussed as part of Agenda Item 7A. 9. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS None 10. PROJECT/PROGRAM REPORTS None 11. INFORMATION/STAFF STATUS REPORTS A. Information Report on the FY04 and FY05 Budget Process Management Analyst Stauffer provided a brief overview of the budget process. Chair Rincon recommended that a part-time position be hired to run budgeted Art Programs for the remainder of the fiscal year and that funding for this part-time position come from the remaining balance in the Arts Trust Fund. COMMISSIONER SLEVINSKE MOTIONED AND COMMISSIONER NEE SECONDED TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THAT PART-TIME STAFF BE HIRED TO IMMEDIATELY PROCEED WITH THE NEXT STEPS OF THE ARTS MASTER PLAN AND THAT FUNDING FOR THIS POSITION COME FROM THE REMAINING BALANCE IN THE ARTS TRUST FUND. MOTION WAS APPROVED 5-0. Commissioners discussed priorities of programs and community participation for the development of new arts programs. Commissioners will review and discuss current budgeted programs in the amount of $28,688. A suggestion box was also discussed for arts programs. 12. COMMISSIONER’S CORNER A. Commissioners Commissioner Ranson commented on the opening of an art school at the old post office in downtown Encinitas and would like to know the status of the community use site in the Encinitas Town Center. Commissioner Gould commented that she was hired by the Mirage for a New Years party. Commissioner Nee commented that he met some new artists in his neighborhood. B. Staff None 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:54PM.