2004-10-04 CITY OF ENCINITAS COMMISSION FOR THE ARTS MEETING MINUTES MEETING DATE: October 4, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Vice Chair Gagliardo called the meeting to order at 5:32pm Present: Commissioners Ranson, Gould, Van Haitsma, Slevinske, Nee, and Gagliardo Absent: Commissioners Rincon Also Present: Management Services Coordinator Hazeltine, Management Analyst Stauffer, and Arts Coordinator Chacon 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA None 5. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Meeting on August 2, 2004 COMMISSIONER GOULD MOTIONED AND COMMISSIONER VAN HAITSMA SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR MEETING ON AUGUST 2, 2004. MOTION WAS APPROVED 6-0. 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Arts Proclamation Chacon distributed a draft copy of the Proclamation for Commissioner comment. Commissioners discussed including accomplishments in the Proclamation. Commissioners will provide additional comments to Chacon via email later this week. B. NEA Grant – “Envision Encinitas” Update Commissioner Gould provided and distributed information on the workshops. There were 81 participants total for the 5 workshops. Commissioners thanked Chacon for her efforts. Information from the workshops will be compiled and provided to a design consultant for development of a product. Commissioners asked to review the information prior to it being presented to the consultant. 8. NEW BUSINESS None 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Funding (Rincon, Chair) (Ranson, van Haitsma) Commissioner Van Haitsma reported that the panel begins next week. B. Policy (Gould, Chair) (Nee) No report. C. Facilities (Ranson, Chair) (Rincon) No report. D. Public Art (van Haitsma, Chair) (Gagliardo, Ranson) Commissioner Van Haitsma reported that changes to the draft policy were discussed. It was recommended that the policy be presented to Council after November 2. Commissioner Van Haitsma also reported that Chair Rincon would be presenting a State of the Arts in Encinitas report to Council on October 13, 2004. E. Marketing (Slevinske, Chair) (van Haitsma) No report. F. Cultural Tourism (Gould, Liaison) This subcommittee will meet Thursday. 10. PROJECT/PROGRAM REPORTS A. Arts Grants Program Panels Chacon distributed and provided panel participant information. The panel will meet Monday October 11, 2004 from 10 am to 4pm. The 14 applicants were reviewed. 11. INFORMATION/STAFF STATUS REPORTS A. Budget Update – Continuing Appropriations Request Hazeltine reported that the Commission has approximately $29,000 in programming budgeted for FY 2005. $20,000 in Continuing Appropriations requested by the Commission was not approved due to its lack of appropriate criteria. Continuing Appropriations are approved budget expenditure items that have been encumbered but have yet to be expended due to a specific reason. Should it be necessary, the Commission may request additional funding during the mid-year budget review process. Alternative funding options for the grant program were discussed. 12. COMMISSIONER’S CORNER A. Commissioners Commissioner Nee spent the summer in New Hampshire. Commissioner Gould spent a week in Colorado. Commissioner Van Haitsma attended a literary seminar in San Luis Obispo. Commissioner Ranson is working on a video project. Commissioner Slevinske is working on a poetry book. Commissioner Gagliardo attended a play. B. Staff Story Arts information was passed out. Chacon reminded the grant panelists to review the material and thanked the Commission for their help in the Envision Encinitas workshops. 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:53pm.