2010-02-23 ENCINITAS II^NCH ENCINITAS R.ANCH GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING CIVIC CENTER 505 SOUTH VULCAN AVENUE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairman Dean called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. DIRECTORS PRESENT: Peter Cota-Robles, Phil Cotton, Bill Dean, and Chris Hazeltine. DIRECTORS ABSENT: Cindy Jacob. ALSO PRESENT: Rod Linville, Kent Graff and Bob Dobek from JC Resorts; City Staff, Jay Lembach, Nancy Sullivan and Board Secretary Joan Woods. There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. ORAL COMMUNICATION: Dr. Charles Gilman spoke regarding the recent golf advertisements and the rate structure of Encinitas Ranch Golf course. AGENDIZED BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Approve Minutes of Special Meetiniz of 1-26-10. Contact Person: Board Secretarv Woods. This item was taken out of order and heard after item #2. 2. Proposal for ERGA donation of golf rounds to the Encinitas Ranch Men's Club Golf tournament sponsors. Contact Person: Encinitas Rand Men's Club Representative Brakas. Mr. Brakas presented a proposal which requested the Board authorize free rounds for the sponsors of the E-ncinitas Ranch Men's Club weekend tournaments, which equated to 24-36 rounds of golf annually. Mx. Lindville from JC Resorts stated that the Men's Club was 1 currently receiving a"4-some" free round of golf from each JC Golf Course for their annual member-guest tournament and Mr. Brakas' request was in addition to these rounds. ACTION: Cotton moved, Hazeltine seconded for discussion the proposed increase in donated golf rounds to the Encinitas Ranch Men's Club. Dean made a substituted motion to authorize 24 free rounds annually for the sponsors of the Encinitas Ranch Men's Club. Motion failed for lack of second. Cotton requested an amendment to the motion, Hazeltine seconded to authorize free rounds for the sponsors of the Encinitas Ranch Men's Club weekend tournaments not to exceed 36 rounds annually, to be reviewed in one year. These free rounds were to be in addition to the complimentary 114 some" rounds provided by JC Resorts. Motion amended carried. Ayes: Cota-Robles, Cotton, Dean and Hazeltine. Nays: None. Absent: Jacob. 1. Approve 1Vlinutes of Special Meeting of 1-26-10. Contact Person: Board Secretary Woods. ACTION: Cota-Robles moved, Cotton seconded to approve the 1-26-10 Regular Meeting minutes. Motion carried: Ayes: Cota-Robles, Cotton, Dean, and Hazeltine. Nays: None. Absent: Jacob. 3. Review Sulninarv of Revenues and Expenditures/Financial Statement/update on Capital Reserves for January. Contact Person: JC Resorts; Rod Linville/Kent Graff. Mr. Rod Linville presented the January summary of revenues and expenditures and Mr. Graff presented the capital reserves for January. Mr. Lindville updated the Board on the two capital reserve expenditures, the "token less" ball machine and the security system. 4. Marketin rg epOrt and centralized call reservation center monthlv update. Contact Person: JC Resorts; John McNair/Rod Linville. Mr. Linville updated the Board on the current marketing efforts: the co-op with Sports Clips, the addition of free WiFi at the clubhouse, and a promotional monitor in the pro shop/restaurant which would announce upcoming events and specials. 5. Report on Course Enhancements. Report from subcommittee meeting and course walk through on Februarv 4th. Contact Person: JC Resorts; Kent Graff. 2 Chairman Dean reported that he and Board Member Hazeltine on February 4th had toured and evaluated the course and the impact of the water conservation efforts had on the appearance of the course. Kent Graff and Bob Dobek from JC Resorts presented some solutions for the course appearance/playability and recommended a three prong approach: 1. Let the bermuda grass grow 8" to 10" longer in the rough areas rather than all new native plantings. 2, Replacement of sod with Paspalum (salt tolerate) in selected areas prioritized by the location of the golf holes. 3. Using an acid "End Grow" now available in California injected to the soil from the irrigation systems, which would enhanced root growth. , Chairman Dean requested these options be agendized for the March meeting. 6. Update on Cell Tower Discussions. Contact Person: JC Resorts; John McNair. Mr. Linville reported that the AT&T cell tower had made power connection last Friday. 7. Incidents and Accidents. Contact Person: JC Resorts; Rod Linville. 1V1r. Rod Linville reported on one accident for the month oP January. REPORTS FROM DIRECTORS AND/OR MANAGER REPORTS Chairman_Dean stated he would be making a presentation on the Encinitas Ranch Golf Authority at the April 14'h City Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Dean adjourned the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, • Jo~A Woods, Board Secretary Bill Dean, Chairman of the Board 3