2009-11-17 CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting Date November 17, 2009; 2:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 2:10 PM Present: Chairperson Vance, Vice-Chairperson Finch, Commissioners Campbell, Pollack, Harp, Larson and Drielsma Also Present: Senior Center Manager Goodsell and Administrative Coordinator Dakovich 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Harp. 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 4. CHANGES TO AGENDA None 5. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes for the regular meeting October 20, 2009 VICE CHAIRPERSON FINCH MOVED, COMMISSIONER HARP SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 20, 2009 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED 6- 0. (CHAIRPERSON VANCE ABSTAINED). 6. PRESENTATION A. Comprehensive General Plan Update, Michael Strong, Planner Planner Strong reported that progress has been made with regard to the General Plan Update, MIG Inc. has been selected as the consultant to provide professional services, and the project has a tentative start date of early 2010. He further noted the project had received a grant to engage civic groups (Youth Commission, Senior Citizen Commission and Family Enrichment Program) in a photography experience, capturing positive areas of the City, using provided disposable cameras or personal digital cameras. Chairperson Vance made several suggestions to minimize the cost of this effort – solicit need for disposable cameras and set up a FTP site for those using digital cameras. Vice Chairperson Finch requested the status of the suggestions made by the Senior Citizen Commission at an earlier presentation of the Update (1 year ago). She also noted senior citizen concerns such as transportation, affordable care facilities, inability to drive and asked how taking pictures would help these concerns. Planner Strong advised the Commission that their suggestions were included in a report to the consultant and provided Commission members with copies. He further responded that positive pictures of important City sites was vital to the community, helped get people involved and promoted an outreach process. He noted that he would prefer equal representation from each of the three groups. He suggested any further questions be directed to his office and thanked the Commission for the opportunity to present the information. 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Status Report on Project C.A.R.E. Senior Center Manager Goodsell reviewed the October 2009 Project C.A.R.E. report. B. Status Report on the Senior Center Senior Center Manager Goodsell advised that a new program, Israeli Folk Dancing, will begin December 4, with Instructor Andrew Jones. C. Update Report on Ad Hoc Subcommittees Outreach- (see following page) Senior Information Fair - Vice-Chairperson Finch suggested viewing the October minutes for details of her last report and as things progress, she will report further. Representative Reports Council Update – Chairperson Vance reported that he and Vice Chairperson Finch attended the recent Mayor’s Breakfast and sat with Mayor Houlihan and discussed three items: 1. Disaster Preparedness – the need to present program to various senior living facilities, determine if facilities already have a Disaster Management Plan, which could be forwarded to City Fire Department. 2. Web site for seniors – develop City website or senior channel with program listing information. Suggested that senior video and disaster preparedness information be available on the Web. 3. Mayor Houlihan noted there is a possible funding source (YMCA) for a Senior Center bus. Vice Chairperson Finch noted that after attending the Mayor’s Breakfast and listening to the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the various Commissions speak, she would like to suggest a meeting with that group to discuss various ideas. Commissioner Campbell felt the ideas were excellent and encouraged the Commission to act on them. Comprehensive General Plan Update Steering Committee Chairperson Vance advised that as a representative to the General Plan Update Steering Committee, he would provide the Commission with information as the process progressed. Outreach – Chairperson Vance suggested greater use of the Web site with more senior information, and suggested inviting a City IT representative to the January meeting to discuss Web possibilities. Vice Chairperson Finch suggested the Commission prepare a list of needs for the IT presentation. Senior Center Manager Goodsell noted the Senior Video, when updated, could be posted to the Web. Commissioner Campbell suggested Commission members examine the City Web site before the January meeting to see what is there and what needs to be there to benefit seniors. He suggested IT present to the Commission what they can do and the Commission can present what they would like to have included on a Web site. Chairperson Vance referred to the YMCA funding source and suggested Commissioner Campbell contact Mayor Houlihan for more details. Commissioner Campbell asked for and received permission from Chair Harp of the Ad Hoc Outreach Subcommittee to proceed. Chairperson Vance suggested the need for a list of senior citizen sites where the Disaster Preparedness Program could be presented. Senior Center Manager Goodsell will provide the list. Commissioner Drielsma suggested the possibility of a City-wide presentation on Disaster Preparedness. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. 2009 Holiday Parade Senior Center Manager Goodsell reviewed the staff report, announced that Irene Kratzer would be the Grand Marshal, and asked for show of hands on who planned to attend and who would have convertible vehicles that could be used in the Parade. Commission members who plan to attend: Chairperson Vance, Vice Chairperson Finch, Commissioners Larson, Pollack and Harp. Cars will be provided by Chairperson Vance and Commissioner Harp. B. Presentations for 2010 Chairperson Vance suggested a presentation by IT in January. As the General Plan Update representative, he would deliver updates and give senior perspective to group preparing the update. He requested that Senior Center Manager Goodsell contact Aging Independence Services for a presentation during Senior Month in May and a list of program ideas. He also suggested a presentation by Belmont Village, Encinitas. Senior Center Manager Goodsell will contact Belmont Village to schedule a presentation date. Vice Chairperson Finch suggested a presentation by Community Garden members in March. Commissioner Drielsma noted May is Senior Citizen Month. Chairperson Vance requested that Senior Citizen month be an upcoming agenda item. Commissioner Pollack suggested a presentation by CERT. Commissioner Harp suggested a presentation on fire safety. IN CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION AGREED TO THE SUGGESTED PRESENTATIONS FOR 2010, SCHEDULING TO BE DETERMINED. 9. COMMISSIONER’S CORNER/ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Commissioners Commissioner Harp noted the Senior Center room signage had not been installed. He also asked why the Senior Foundation was not listed under Representative Reports on the agenda? Senior Center Manager Goodsell advised there was an upcoming meeting on Center signage and she would have more information at that time. Chairperson Vance noted that since the Senior Foundation was not winding down until Spring, the Foundation should continue to be part of the agenda. Commissioner Larson shared a musical presentation written by Don Swanson, called “Encinitas 101”, which she would like to see acknowledged as the official City song. Commissioner Drielsma noted the Mira Costa College musical “1940 Radio Hour” and encouraged Commission members to attend a performance – Great fun and memories. B. Staff Senior Center Manager Goodsell suggested a rebranding of the Senior Center, and will provide more information at the January meeting. 10. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 3:12 PM.