2000-04-26 CSD Item C3 Soon Shin Annexation . 10. Is the subject territory within a district or CIty [hat provides @ NO public water service? If yes, which agency? SAN ~1~GUIT() {/-I It T f;"J( J>fST/Ue T 11a. ff the answer to #10 is no, is a weil or other on-site water YES @ system currently used on the property? 11b. Is an on-site water system proposed to be used when the YES @ property is developed? 12. Is annexation for water service necessary? If yes, which YES (~ district or city? N'/A . 13. Will the affected agency be prepared to furnish water service @ NO upon annexation? If not, please explain. ~/a- . 14. Does the affected agency have the necessary contractual and ,@ design capacity to serve the proposal area? If not, what plans does the agency have to increase its capacity? NO 15. Will the subject territory be annexed to an improvement YES @) district? 16. Specify any improvemsnts (on and off site) that will be necessary to connect and serve the anticipated development. Indicate the total cost of these improvements and method of financing (e.g., general property tax, assessment district, landowner or developer fees). OWN E: R WIL./.,. PR.CJV! DE Wit T E R. . L-A T E R I} J.-=. 17. "'/hat is the distance for connectIon to the agency's existing water system? 2. c/ (!LAL,EJ<. !. ~ T....) ft. 5 C3 ~ II . . . SAN DIEGO LAFCC CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION DISCLOSURE PROVISIONSI PARTY DISCLOSURE FORM LAFCOs are subject to the campaign disclosure provisions detailed in Government Code Section 84308, and the Regulations of the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC), Section 18438. Please carefully read the following information to determine whether the provisions apply to you. If you determine that the provisions are applicable, the nttached form must be completed ..nd returned with your proposal application. 1. No LAFCO commissioner shall accept, solicit, or direct a contribution of more than $250 from any party, or agent. while a change of organization proceeding is pending, and for three months subsequent to the date a final decision is rendered by LAFCO. This prohibition commences when your application has been filed, or the proceeding is other'vvise initiated. "Party" is defined as any person who files an application fOf, or is the subject of, a proceeding. "Agent" is defineci as a person who represents a party in connection with a proceeding. If an individual acting as an agent also is acting as an employee or member of a law, architF!ctural, engineering. or consu'~ing firm, or a similar entity or corporation, both the individual and the entity or c.orporation are agents. When a dosed corpv~ation is a party to a proceeding, the majority shareholder is subject to these provisions. 2. P. party tv a LAFCO ;Jroceeding s; .all disclose on the record of the proceeding any contribution of more than $250 made to any commissioner by the party, or agent, during the preceding 12 months. No party to a LAFCO proceeding, or agent, shall make a contribution to a r:ommissloner during the proceeding and for three months tollowing the date a final decision is rendered by LAFCO. 3. Prior to rendering a decision on a proceeding, any commissioner who received contribution of more than $250 witnin the preceding 12 mr':ths from any party, or agent, to a proceeding shall disclose that fact on the record of the proceeding, and shall be disqualified from participating in the proceeding. However, if any commis~iioner receives a contribution that otherwise '.AJould require disquc:lification, and returns t~e contribution within 30 days (.)f k. .owing about tne contribution and the relevant proceeding, that commissioner shall be permitted to participate in the proceeding. C~-/1 6197923494 THE PROTEUS GROUP 236 P02 .UAlF~cQ) 1600 Pacific Highway' Room 452 San Diego, CA 9210~ · (619) 531-MOO - San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission PARTY OISCI-OSURE FORM NJa_ ChlirwQman Oilfllle J~ COIlI\IY BlWd of $IIP,,,,,;,.or= Memboro Itt1 Horn Callflty eollll 01 S~lVltors 8hir11tV HI.lr1on ""YOf, Citt 01 Chilli V131a Lori Howard Counl;;ltm~rT1D!lr, City 01 SlaW-ill HItlY Malfll' CoIIl'lCllrMmIlar, City gf Stn Diego . Or. LJlII;JIn M. CIIIld. HuIlll W~\er O~lnc;t JaM Snao "rftldcn!. Barrllga WI\for Oill1ia Or. L-'eoll Fronvn PublIC MClll~r Alternatll Mftmbj)~ Gl1IQ ClD r.ouNfV soam 01 ~I'or$ JuliInna N)"jIllarll C41,,"C:~/TM/1'lNf, City ot CirWll\IJ JWllI\ vlrgrn COU:II;dmpmll<<r. City 01 8M Ci~o AowuoWl W. \Ncol\oo VIIIIII FI111 l'rolttC!llln [)i,~ Dlvld A PerkIns PWlIe Mltll1lHlf EiXItCuUVII Offlcllr ~halll 0 Olt . Coun,.l (Ac"n;) Jobn J. S;maollft Proposed chaoge(ll) of orglilOlzation: Nam. and addrnu of any party, or aU.llt. who has contributed more than $250 to uny commbulionar wlthln tho preceding 12 months: N /11 1. 2. NilL Oate and amount of contritJution: N)A 7 1. ~ Amount $ Jill} AmQ~lnt Data 2. Date ~.me of commlsslone, ~ _Niflc~nmbUtio: was mado: 2. AI ! 11 ~ . .. ...... - --. I certIfy that the above Information Is provided to the best of my knowledge. S"ij(';1/_ .,~-::;;"'~' Phone: [~2JJ.6/~ 71122 )-; ft? . v/el Ivr;, Nama of Rospondent -~ Date JLJ L ~.e / To be comoleted byj..j\FCO: Tltto of Proposal: Ref. No:, C3-/ft,