2000-03-22 (Report) 41 . . j I I I L CITY OF ENCINITAS HOUSING AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 22,2000 -l Honorable Mayor and HOji \~boi~rd Kerry L. Miller, City Ma~~ge) l).i S,andra Holder,. ca,m~unlty eve!ocrnent Director&l (Jal)' T. Barberio. Semor Planner ~ Amanda Mills, Housing & Grants Analyse SUBJECT: Public hearing to n:ccive input on the draft 2000-2005 Encinitas Housing Authority Agency Plan, TO: VIA: FROM: BACKGROlIND: The Fncinitas Housing Authority must now prepare an Ager.cy Plan in compliance with Section 511 of the Quality Housing and v'/urk Responsibility Act of 1998. The Agency Plan looks at the housing needs of lower income households in the community, particularly households receiving Secti,)ll 8 Rental Assistance, and develops priorities and objectives to meet those needs over the next five years. Publ ic hearings are scheduled for March :nnu and April 121h to receive input on the Ensinitas Housing Authority Agency Plan. Public comments will be received on the draft Plan until April 10'''. lhe public is invited to comment in person, in writing, or during the public hearings. ANAL YSI~: Based on analysis of demographic data and funding es~imates, staff has developed the 2000/2005 Agency Plan. The members of the Housing Authority Board have received a copy of the entire draft Agency Plan. Due to the size of the document, the proposed Executive Summary and Strategy For Addressing Nt.:eds Table are included in this report as Attachments A and B. A draft copy of the entIre Agency Plan can be viewed at the Community Development Departmenr . Some of the reljuip~d components include: · The Housing Authority's mission for serving the needs of i-.;~....-in('Clme. very low income, and extremely low-income families in the jurisdiction; · (;oa!s and objectives, including quamifiabk measures of slIccess in reaching objectives OWl' the c~)urse of the 5 years: . } lousing Needs; · Slatelm~nt of Financial Resources: · Policies on Eligibility, Selection and Adm: ,1\.>I1S; . . . ATTACHMENT H STRATEGY TO ADDRESS ~EEl>S ---------.---------~---------------------_._---- As it is not possible to address all the llousing r.:.:eds of low income and special needs households, the Encinitas Housing Authority has selc',ted th~ following priority needs on which to focus the City's resources in the upcoming year, Factors thr" int1uencc sclectil1n of the strategies inc~"de: funding constraints. staffing constraints. limited avail;-.;ility of sites appropriatdy zoned f()r multi-family housing, the housing market and results of community input. ~eed: Shorta~e of affordahle housin~ for all elieihle populations StrateK:v I The Encinitas Housing Authority will focus on th~ following activities to maximize the number of affordabk units available to the PHA within its current resources: I) Maintain or increase Section 8 lease-up mles by marketing the program to owners, particularly those outside areas of minority and poverty concentration 2) M' '"tam or increase Section R lease-up rates by establishing payment standards that will cnaolt: familit:s to rent throughout the jurisdiction. S'lratey;y 2: number ( The Encinitas Housing Authority will focus on the following activities to increase the . fordable ilOusing units: .pply fl)r additional general Section 8 units should they become available. 2) Consider mo<.lilications to existing f nClllsionary Housing Poli~y to expand options beyond very hw income accessory units. which will increase the number of affordable units actually available in the rental market. . I ;'\Ieed: Extremely Ilm' l~come (Families at Gr below 30% of median incom~) ,I.,'lrutey;y t. The Encinitas ilqusir.g Authority will focus on the following activities to t~ rgel available dssistance to families at or below 30% of AMI: 1) Maintain or increase Section 8 lease-up rates in the Sec~ion 8 mainstream program for ptrsons with disabjliti~s by increasing 0utside agency participation. ~ed: ___ VC1llAlW "~co~le (Families at or below 50% of me,lian income) .\'trwegy f The Encinitas Housing Authority will focus on the following activities to target available assistance to families at or below 50% of AMI: 1) Adopt admissions preference for working families. 2) Adopt rent pol icies to encourage work. Nccd~,__t:idcrly l3ouseholds .\'lraley;y I. The Enciniws Housing Authority will focus on the following activities to target available assIstance to elderly households. I) Apply for special-purpose voucher~ targeted to the elderly, should they become available. 2) Work with lk'vdopers on creating and maintaining at1lmlable units for elderly households,