2003-11-06 CITY OF ENCINITAS ACTION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CULTURAL TOURISM COMIVIITTEE November 6, 2003 - Present: ' Deputy Mayor Maggie Houlihan, Council Member Dan Dalager, City Manager Kerry Miller, City Planner Tom Curriden, Sherry Smoot, Kathryn Gould, Sid Shaw, LaVerne Shaw, Chuck Ades, Adam Kaye, Wendy Haskett, )im Clark, Cyd Shaw, Paul Davis, Peggy Poorman, John Mclsaac, Gary Tucker, Lois Sunrich, Ann Dunham, Jim Esposito. DIRECTION/ACTION Call to Order and Announcements Council Member Houlihan called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Self-introductions were made. Agenda Item #3 Jim Espositq with the San Diego Woodies Club, briefly discussed the 101 Woodie Tour and Wave Crest event. He noted that the atmosphere of the City appeals to the people who participate in the 101 Woodie Tour and Wave Crest Wrap-up event. The event brought in hundreds of people from all over the state, which in turn means that (Item #3 was taken first out of order) our hotels, restaurants, and merchants benefited from the event. Mr. Esposito indicated that he would like to develop the event into a community-wide event that runs for a week or longer. He would like to hold the tour in conjunction with city events such as the Machado Surf Classic. Additionally, since spouses and other family members often attend the event, he would like to have organized activities available such as golf, tours, and surf contests. The following people offered to volunteer to assist with organizing the event and the ancillary activities: Kathyrn Gould, Gary Tucker, Jim Clark, Chuck Ades, Sherry Smoot, and Ann Dunham. Mr. Esposito invited the volunteers to attend the woodies club meetings which take place the second Saturday of each month at Davina's Cabo Grill at 8:30 a.m. Agenda Item #4 Tom Curriden, planner with the City and project manager of phase II of the Downtown Streetscape, Downtown Stree#scape Phase II (F to K Streets) gave an overview of the Phase II Streetscape plans. The project runs from F Street to K Street. He (Item #4 was taken second out of order) noted that four alternative designs have been prepared and a brief description of each was given. Mr. Curriden noted that the project is in the evaluation phase. Public hearings would be held within the next month or two to receive public comments before going to the City Council. Lastly, it was noted that construction is not scheduled to begin unti12005. 11/06/03 Cultural Tourism Committee Meeting Action Minutes Page 1 of 3 Wendy Haskett reported that the Backward Glances event is scheduled for January 20, 2004 at the Agenda Item #2 Community Center. The event is co-sponsored by many groups. She also noted that all five Backward Glances Event Update communities within the city will be highlighted at the event. (Item #2 was taken third our of order) The sub-committees were reported on as follows: Agenda Item #1 Along the EZ Camino Real - There was no report from the chairperson. Sub-Committee Reports Enhancement of the Visitors Center - Sherry Smoot noted that the Encinitas Brochure needs to be (Item #1 was taken last out of order) redeveloped and redesigned. She would like the committee to work on the brochure. She noted that she would like to see the city's annual cultural events listed on one of the pages. Ms. Smoot will meet with the City Manager to further discuss the item. Visitor/Economic Impact and Demand Survey - There was no report from the chairperson. Cultural Tours - There was no report from the chairperson. History without Walls -'I`here was no report from the chairperson. Artwork to the Rail Bridge - There was no report from the chairperson. America in Bloom - Chairperson Chuck Ades reported that the event was a wonderful opportunity to bring many groups together. He noted that next year, the arts, historical groups, and businesses need to be involved in the event. The group agreed that this event should be pursued again next year. This item will be agendized for the next meeting for further discussion and to also determine who would serve as the coordinator for the event since the City Manager's Intern Arlene Rosado would not be available. Historic 101 Marketing - There was no report from the chairperson. Hwy 101 Southern Entrance PYOject - There was no report from the chairperson. Oral Communications The following announcements were made: Ann Dunham reported that the organization of the Leucadia 101 group is progressing. Gary Tucker reported that the Encinitas Chamber is holding a sundowner at Quail Botanical Gardens on November 11, 2003 at 5:30 pm. 11/06/03 Cultural Tourism Committee Meeting Action Minutes Page 2 of 3 Oral Communications Kathryn Gould, with the Arts Commission, reported that the Arts Master Plan Unveiling went very (continued) welL She also reported that mini-grants would be issued ranging from $500 to $2000. The grant applications would go out towards the end of November and the grants would be awarded in January. Lois Sunrich indicated that a tribute to Mac Hartley would be held at the Senior Center on November 16, 2003 at 2:00 pm. Tickets are $20 and are available at the Encinitas Visitors Center as well as at the door. Chuck Ades reported that the Ades and Gish Nurseries would hold a Poinsettia Open House on Saturday, November 22, 2003 from 10:00 a.m: to 4:00 p.m.. The nursery would allow public sales during the open house. Paul Davis reported that the Rotary Club would start a new fundraiser next year -"Wine Tasting at Quail Botanical Gardens. Jim Clark thanked the City for their assistance with the vagrants at the Carpeteria Park. Jim Esposito commented that there are so many wonderful events taking place in the City. There needs to be a way to distribute this information to the community. This item would be placed on the next agenda for further discussion. Cid Shaw indicated that the San Dieguito Academy would hold a Veteran's Memorial Dedication on November 11, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. Deputy Mayor Houlihan reported that there would be a Veteran's Memorial Dedication at the Cottonwood Creek Park on December 7, 2003 at 1:00 p.m. Discussion of Future Agenda Items 1) Exploration of ways to create and publish a joint community calendar of events. 2) The formation of the America in Bloom Committee; Designation of a coordinator for the gr'onp• Next Regular Meeting The next meeting will take place on December 4, 2003. Adjournment Deputy Mayor Houlihan adjoumed the meeting at 10:05 a.m. Prepared by Gina Zenns November 12, 2003 11/06/03 Cultural Tourism Committee Meeting Action Minutes Page 3 of 3