2001-06-06 CITY OF ENCINITAS YOUTH COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING DATE: June 6, 2001 4:30 PM. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL The Meeting was called to order at 4:32PM. Present: Commissioners Briana Meyer, Summer Meyer, Kiara Porter, Aaron Frumin, Jed Goldstein, Shane Wilson, Lindsay DuBois, Tom Joseph, Tre Guerin, Anthony Prieto, Ziggy Longdon, and Dan Leeper Absent: None Also Present: Management Assistant Stauffer, Recreation Coordinator Rubenstein, and Recreation Superintendent Alexander 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PRESENTATIONS A. Introduction of New Youth Commissioners Commissioners and Staff introduced themselves to each other. Interests for becoming Youth Commissioners included making a difference in the community, learning about the community, having fun, and representing the youth. B. Youth Commissioner Meeting orientation and Binder Review Commissioner Summer Meyer facilitated the review of Commissioner binders. The binders are provided for reference. Sections of the binders include contact information, the Youth Commission Ordinance, Commission Work Plan, meeting information including the Brown Act and Making a Motion, Attendance, and a calendar of events. 4. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA None 5. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes for Regular Meeting of May 2,2001 COMMISSIONER FRUMIN MOTIONED AND COMMISSIONER KIARA PORTER SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES. MOTION WAS APPROVED 12-0. 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Status Report on Current Youthffeen Activities (PHA T Films, Teen Trips, Teen Dance, etc.) Recreation Coordinator Amy Cooper introduced herself and announced that Dinner Nights Out will be held June 21 from 4-6p.m. at Moonlight Beach'. Channel 93.3 will host the event. There will be free food at the event. The teen dance will be held July 20 at the San Dieguito Academy Gym from 9-12p.m. Recreation Coordinator Amy Cooper asked for Commissioner input for music to be played at the dance and for volunteers to help at Dinner Nights Out. Recreation Coordinator Vicki Rubenstein reported that Open Mic on 6/1 had over 210 youth in attendance and that Open Gym on 6/2 had over 60 youth in attendance. B. Status Report on Commissioner Subcommittees . Skate Features Subcommittee - Summer Meyer, Chair Commissioner Summer Meyer reviewed the Subcommittee's accomplishments. Skate features will be included in the park being built on the Corner of Sanford and Vulcan Avenue. · Elementary Age Issues Subcommittee - Kiara Porter, Chair Commissioner Kiara Porter reviewed the Subcommittee's goals. A sixth grade forum will be held at the beginning of the next school year. One goal of the Subcommittee will be to identify issues effecting the transition of sixth graders into middle school. . Teen Center Subcommittee - (vacant), Chair Samantha Greenstein reviewed the Subcommittee's accomplishments and resigned as Chair of the.Subcommittee due to her term if service being completed. The Subcommittee has made site visits to various teen centers in the area, developed a floor plan and budget for a potential teen center, and has made presentations to City Council on their progress. A Teen Center site is currently being sought. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Election of Commission Chair and Vice-Chair Commissioner Summer Meyer reviewed the Agenda report and asked for Chair nominations. Commissioners Summer Meyer and Aaron Frumin were nominated for Chair. Commissioner Summer Meyer asked for Vice-Chair nominations. Commissioners Anthony Prieto, Shane Wilson, Ziggy Longdon, Kiara Porter, Dan Leeper, and Lindsay DuBois were all nominated for Vice-Chair. COMMISSIONER SUMMER MEYER WAS ELECTED CHAIR AND COMMISSIONER KIARA PORTER WAS ELECTED VICE-CHAIR OF THE YOUTH COMMISSION. B. Discussion of Meeting date for July 2001 Chairperson Summer Meyer reviewed the Agenda Report. The July regular meeting was cancelled as it occurs on July 4th. COMMISSIONER KIARA PORTER MOTIONED AND COMMISSION ZIGGY LONG DON SECONDED TO HOLD A SPECIAL MEETING JULY 18 AT 4:30 P.M. MOTION WAS APPROVED 12-0. C. Recognition of Outgoing Youth Commission Members and Mentors Certificates of Appreciation were presented to outgoing Commissioners Mitchell, Reyes, and Greenstein. 9. GENERAL INFORMATION/STAFF STATUS REPORTS None 10. COMMISSIONERS CORNER A. Commissioners Flyers for youth/teen events, and the "Keep Kids Alive, Drive 25" ad campaign were passed out. Copies of newspaper articles relating to the Youth Commission were also passed out. B. Staff Superintendent Alexander announced that she will be taking a less active role in the Youth Commission and that Recreation Coordinator Vicki Rubenstein and Management Assistant Mike Stauffer will be providing staff support for the Youth Commission. She expressed appreciation to the Commissioners for their hard work and dedication and enjoyed the opportunity to work with them. 11. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:37 P.M.