2001-04-04 CITY OF ENCINIT AS YOUTH COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING DATE: April 4, 2001 4:30 PM. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL The Meeting was called to order at 4:35PM. Present: Commissioners Reyes, Briana Meyer, Summer Meyer, Kiara Porter, Frumin, Greenstein, Mitchell, and Goldstein. Absent: Commissioners Knite, Longdon, a~d Norling Also Present: Recreation Superintendent Alexander, Management Assistant Stauffer, and Recreation Coordinator Rubenstein 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Agenda Item 8A was moved to discussion following Agenda Item 5A. 5. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes for Regular Meeting of March 7, 2001 COMMISSIONER SUMMER MEYER MOTIONED AND COMMISSIONER FRUMIN SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES. MOTION WAS APPROVED 8-0. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Review and Discussion on the Greystone Project - Skate Feature Conceptual Park Design Chairperson Mitchell reviewed the Agenda Report. The Architect Representative/Project Manager Jeff Metz reviewed the design of the skate features and stated that they are still open to suggestions and changes in the skate feature plan. Management Assistant Stauffer reviewed the suggestions provided by Mike McGill's Skate Shop staff. McGill's recommended eliminating the stairs under the handrails for safety reasons, making the bank a smooth transition, and having the sidewalks be a smooth surface rather than segmented. The Architect stated that the sidewalks had to be segmented to prevent cracking. It was reported that Mike McGill also had volunteered to donate, a steel modular feature for the park. Commissioners then discussed the recommendations and decided that it would be best to widen the main sidewalk area for pedestrian use, make the banks with smooth transitions, eliminated the stairs under the rails, and eliminate the fun box/handrail to make room for a modular unit. The other skate features will remain on the park. Commissioner consensus was reached on this design. The project manager will review the suggested revisions of the conceptual plan for inclusion of these skate features into the park design. 6. ORAL COMMUNICA liONS None 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Status Report on Current YouthlTeen Activities (PHAT Films, Teen Trips, Teen Dance, etc.) Recreation Coordinator Rubenstein reviewed possible teen dance sites for the summer event. Different sites were discussed. The golf course cart barn and San Dieguito Academy gym were suggested. Staff will start researching site opportunities. Other suggestions for the dance included a tropical nights theme and having a radio station host the event. It was determined to call it "Summer Dance" with no other specific theme names. Friday July 20 was chosen as the desired date for the event. Food and snacks will be provided and costs for the dance will be between $3-5. B. Status Report on Commissioner Subcommittees . Skate Features Subcommittee - Summer Meyer, Chair Chairperson Mitchell clarified that the subcommittee meets as needed and does not have to meet until the next park being designed includes skate features or upon Staff request for other skate feature issues. . Elementary Age Issues Subcommittee - Kiara Porter, Chair Commissioner Kiara Porter reported that a date for the meeting needs to be set. Commissioner Summer Meyer stated that she will not be able to continue serving on the subcommittee due to other obligations. Commissioners Greenstein and Briana Meyer volunteered to assist with the subcommittee. . Teen Center Subcommittee - Samantha Greenstein, Chair Commissioner Greenstein reported on the field trip to different teen center sites. The Epicenter and Ground Zero were visited. The subcommittee has discussed items to be included in the Encinitas center and a floor plan has been designed. The next meeting will be on Wednesday April 18 at 3:30P.M. in the Orchid Room and will be in preparation of a presentation to be given to City Council in May. C. Status Report on the Media 101 Pilot Project Chairperson Mitchell reviewed the agenda report and suggested giving Media 101 a specific time frame to find a site. Teen Center Subcommittee members clarified that Media 101 will not be part of the proposed Teen Center unless there was extra space and interest at that time. Commissioners agreed to give Media 101 two months to find a site for their project before receiving the program status again. D. Discussion on Design for a Youth Commission Identification Banner Designs were reviewed and Commissioners decided to have two banners. The designs presented by Commissioners Summer Meyer and Briana Meyer were chosen. It was also suggested to use one of the designs for a commission T-shirt. After further discussion, it was decided to incorporate Poinsettia flowers into the sunset banner and having one banner instead of two. 8. NEW BUSINESS B. Information on Recruitment Timeline and Appointment Process for Youth Commission Chairperson Mitchell reviewed the agenda report and the recruitment timeline. Applications are due by April 26 and the new appointed Commissioners and mentors will be seated in June. C. Report on Municipal Code 11.10 Sale, Display, and Promotion of Tobacco Sales Chairperson Mitchell reviewed the agenda report. An article on the new City ordinance was passed out for the Commissions to review. 9. GENERAL INFORMATION/STAFF STATUS REPORTS None 10. COMMISSIONERS CORNER A. Commissioners Commissioners sha'red plans for Spring Break. Commissioner Greenstein passed out information on the importance of Folic Acid in diets. B. Staff Recreation Coordinator Rubenstein passed out summer school program information and reported that Open Gym will be Saturday night. 11. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:18P.M.