2006-05-01 CITY OF ENCINITAS COMMISSION FOR THE ARTS May 1 , 2006 Minutes 1. CALJ"cIQ.QRPER/RQl..J-=CAl..1.. Chair Gagliardo called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m:mm- PRESENT: Chair Gagliardo, Commissioners van Haitsma, Mesaros, Stamp, Thum, Santuccio ABSENT: Commissioner Maria Younker ALSO PRESENT: Arts Administrator Jim Gilliam, Secretary Gina Zenns 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PRESENTATION A. City Council Goal Setting Presentation, 2006 , Arts Administrator Gilliam gave a brief overview of the City Council's Goal Setting Session that took place in January 2006. Some of the Council's project priorities that resulted from the goal setting session included the development of the Hall Property, the Public Works Facility and the rehabilitation of the Fire Stations. Gilliam also indicated that during the goal setting session, the Council reviewed the Citizen Satisfaction Survey performed in 2005 which rated the City at an overall good to excellent in services, quality of life, and overall direction of the City. Gilliam indicated that the Commission could possibly have input in the artistic elements of the Fire Station Rehabilitation projects, the Hall Property and the Public Works Facility. Chair Gagliardo suggested that meetings be arranged with the project manager of the fire station projects and the Hall Property and then re-agendize the issue. 4. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA (deletions and/or additions of consent or general information items) None. 5. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes for Regular Meeting on April 3, 2006 COMMISSIONER SANTUCCIO MOTIONED AND COMMISSIONER STAMP SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ON APRIL 3, 2006. MOTION WAS APPROVED 6-0-1 (YOUNKER ABSENT). 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS \ ) None. May 1, 2006 Commission for the Arts Minutes 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Ad Hoc Committee Reports 1. Envision Encinitas .~~ArlsAdmjni~tri3.tQLGjIUam..IePQd:ed. that he_had_bee.(Lw_orking~wjthc~Lw.eb_de~ig ocoOJpamLtQJineccc= tune the goals for the website. He noted that the firm's proposal was $30,000. Since the budget was $20,000 for the entire project, the City's web master was reviewing the proposal to determine if there were any areas that could be reduced. Gilliam hoped to have counter proposal discussions next week. 2. Public Art: Encinitas Senior and Community Center Arts Administrator Gilliam reported that the committee was gathering an artist list for the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). They would also be determining what information to inClude in the RFQ. 3. Theater at the Encinitas Ranch Town Center Commissioner Mesaros, who is the Producing, Director of Miracle Theatre Productions, reported that she met with the Council Members to discuss moving forward with the theater. She noted that the Council wants the theater, but they were not willing to provide funding. Commissioner Mesaros indicated that a Memorandum of Understanding would be prepared which would outline each party's responsibilities. ) 4. Community Grant Policy Arts Administrator Gilliam reported that he was awaiting the City Manager's approval of the Community Grant Policy with the recommended changes before he could take the policy to Council for theirapproval. 5. Christmas Concert Arts Administrator Gilliam reported that the concert was scheduled for Saturday, December 2, 2006 and that he and the Ad Hoc Committee were taking suggestions for the line-up. 6. Ad Hoc Committee, Public Art: Encinitas Child Arts Administrator Gilliam reported that the ad hoc committee recently met. The committee had some concerns with the design and location of the artwork and would recommend some changes to the artist. 8. NEW BUSINESS Chair Gagliardo reported that the foundation design for the Surf sculpture, that would be located at Chesterfield, was being developed. They hoped to have the artwork installed by September and in time for the Machado Surf Classic. 9. OPEN DISCUSSION ) Commissioner Stamp reported that 'the Lux Art Institute would be sending out invitations for their fundraising event. The groundbreaking ceremony would take place in July, 2006. May 1, 2006 Commission for the Arts Minutes Page 2 of3 Commissioner Thum reported that the Coastal Communities Concert Band would be performing a Spring Concert on May 21, 2006 at the Carlsbad Community Church. Commissioner Thum thanked Commissioner Mesaros for her offer of tickets to see her show. Arts Administrator Gilliam announced that the Off Track Gallery would be holding an Open House and Artist Reception on Sunday May 7, 2006. He encouraged the commissioners to attend the event. Discussion ensued about possible locations and options for an art center. 10. DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS 1. GOAL SETTING WORKSHOP Arts Administrator Gilliam announced that the Commission for the Arts' Goal Setting Workshop was scheduled for Thursday, June 22 at 9:00 A.M. at City Hall. Lunch would be served. Mayor Guerin would discuss Council's goals, direction and their interest in the Arts. City Manager Kerry Miller would facilitate the goal setting session and the City Attorney would give an overview of the Brown Act. Chair Gagliardo suggested that the commissioners give Arts Administrator Gilliam their ideas prior to the Goal Setting Workshop. 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Gagliardo adjourned the meeting at 6:57 p.m. NEXT MEETING: June 5,2006 meeting canceled. Goal ,Setting Workshop scheduled for June 22, 2006 9:00 a.m. at City Hall, Carnation Room ) May 1, 2006 Commission for the Arts Minutes Page 3 of3