2006-07-10 CITY OF ENCINIT AS COMMISSION FOR THE ARTS Meeting Minutes: July 10, 2006 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chair Gagliardo called the meeting to order at 5:39 pm PRESENT: Chair Gagliardo, Vice Chair van Haitsma, Commissioners Stamp, Thum ABSENT: Commissioner Santuccio Also Present: Arts Administrator Jim Gilliam, Secretary Sharon Scott 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA (deletions and/or additions of consent or general information items) None. 5. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes for Regular Meeting on May 1, 2006 COMMISSIONER THUM MOTIONED AND COMMISSIONER VAN HAITSMA SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ON MAY 1, 2006. MOTION WAS APPROVED 4-1-0 (SANTUCCIO ABSENT) B. Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting on June 22, 2006 COMMISSIONER THUMMOTIONED AND COMMISSIONER VAN HAITSMA SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING ON JUNE 22, 2006. MOTION WAS APPROVED 4-1-0 (SANTUCCIO ABSENT) 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Ad Hoc Committee Reports 1. Envision Encinitas \ Arts Administrator Gilliam reported that the ad hoc committee has been working with local } Encinitas design company Lyon and Associates to develop a website and a promotional postcard within the project's budget. 2. Public Art: Encinitas Senior and Community Center Arts Administrator Gilliam said a draft Request for Qualifications will need to be reviewed by the ad hoc committee. 3. Theater at the Encinitas Ranch Town Center ArtsAdlllinistrator Gill.iam provided a brief updatengo tbestatus of the project and said that Miracle . Tfleaferl'roauCllons.hausfouna a .parfnerlo assist wlU,fne ucOrisfruct]on.offne- 5unaini;f-Tnecity~-- Council will be reviewing a proposal from Miracle Theater during closed session this week. Miracle Theater Productions proposes to have two theaters and a rehearsal space that could be used for performances. The building would be between 10,000 and 15,000 square feet. 4. Community Grant Program Arts Administrator Gilliam noted that the revised Community Grant Program Policy will be reviewed by the City Council at their July 19th meeting. The policy was revised by the ad hoc committee and has to be approved by Council. He outlined some of the proposed changes including introducing an arts category and eliminating language that split the money between one time and ongoing projects. The new policy allows for individual artists to apply by teaming with a non-profit organization. 5. Christmas Concert Arts Administrator Gilliam reported that Westland Brass has confirmed their availability for the concert and will be the headline act. 6. Public Art: Encinitas Child Arts Administrator Gilliam said he had met with Manuelita Brown to discuss the possible need for a redesign so that the legs of the sculpture are not extending out over the sidewalk. She has been asked to revisit the arm gesture on the sculpture. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Review New 2006/07 Arts Goals . Performing Arts Theater: Conduct a market and facility needs assessment for Encinitas groups. Commission discussion ensued regarding the most effective means to identify groups within the community who may have a need for space. There is a need for a market assessment that should be done in collaboration with the theater company. Chair Gagliardo said there was a need to determine what the cost of space within the new theater will be and to identify who will be marketing the space. There was consensus that the identification of Encinitas groups should begin as soon as possible. \ / . Facilitate and promote arts equcation for adult audiences Chair Gagliardo suggested this goal could. be promoted through the Community Grant Program process. There was consensus from the Commission to delete "facilitate" from the language of the goal and Vice Chair van Haitsma said the goal should be interactive and "audiences" implies passive. The Commission revised the goal to "promote arts education for adults". Once a list of arts users has been compiled as part of the theater project goal the education goal could be achieved via correspondence with arts organizations. Arts Administrator Gilliam suggested a workshop with local groups once a list has been compiled. Chair Gagliardo suggested the ad hoc committee needs to develop a specific plan on how to address this goal. . Review EIR for Hall Property and provide comments to staff Once the Hall Property EIR is released the Commission for the Arts will be given the opportunity to review the EIR as a Commission. . Develop a long term plat:l for arts events, facilitate and enhance opportunities for arts group involvement, and incorporate art and ecology elements. Commissioner Thum said she felt that this goal could be achieved by the creation of a calendar or list of eventsfQLI;D9inilC)~,-GbC)iruQClgUE![Q911_Qt~_d_JI1C!LCI (;C)lendC)ris to be incorporated il1t()Jb~_. ----u--Envlsf6nuEncinitas project. The market assessment that -wilf6ecompTeFea--as-au.partof the - Performing Arts Theater goal could be made available to event coordinators within Encinitas to provide them with a list of arts groups and venues. Vice Chair van Haitsma said this goal could promote opportunities for long term arts group networking. Arts Administrator Gilliam noted thatthis goal could be achieved by utilizing artists within Encinitas in existing programming. A directory could be produced from the market assessment and provided to local event organizers as a resource tool. There was consensus to revise the goal as follows "Facilitate and enhance opportunities for artist, and arts groups, involvement in Encinitas events". COMMISSIONER THUM MOTIONED AND COMMISSIONER STAMP SECONDED TO APPROVE THE GOALS AS REVISED AND SEND THEM TO COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION. MOTION APPROVED 4-1-0 (SANTUCCIO ABSENT) 9. OPEN DISCUSSION Commissioner Stamp attended a Lux Art Institute fundraiser and reported that they are close to achieving their fundraising goal. Groundbreaking is anticipated to be in early August. Commissioner Thum thanked the Commission for their support of the Coastal Communities Concert Band performance at the City of Encinitas Community Center in June. Arts Administrator Gilliam informed the Commission that the Library Public Art Element Request for Qualifications is soon to be released. The project has an anticipated budget of $55,000. He also noted that there are two vacancies on the Commission for the Arts and that the positions are likely to be filled by October. 10. DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS Appointment of an Arts Commissioner to the Library Public Art Element Request for Qualifications review committee. COMMISSIONER VAN HAITSMA MOTIONED AND COMMISSIONER STAMP SECONDED TO CANCEL AUGUST MEETING. MOTION APPROVED 4-1-0 (SANTUCCIO ABSENT) 11. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:06 pm NEXT MEETING: September 11th, 2006 1. )