1996-09-20 CITY OF ENCINIT AS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting Date:u September 20,1996, 1 :00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Black called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Present: Chairperson Black, Vice Chairperson Norling, Commissioners Hartley, Small, and Cruger (1 : 15). Also Present: Recreation Superintendent Pamela Alexander, and Administrative Secretary Jacklyn Dakovich. Absent: Betty Springer-Baker 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of minutes for regular meeting July 19, 1996. MSC VICE CHAIRPERSON NORLING MOVED, COMMISSIONER HARTLEY SECONDED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF JULY 19, 1996 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 5-0. 5. PRESENTA TION I I A. Introduction of New Senior Commission Member. Recreation Superintendent Alexander introduced and the Commission welcomed new Commission member Elizabeth Patton. B. Recognition of Carrie Stone, Recreation Program Coordinator and Community Services Department for Senior Fair Event Coordination and . Assistance. -fA - { Chairperson Black and the Commission thanked Carrie for her event coordination and assistance and presented her with a plant. Chairperson Black advised the Commission that the next item to be heard would be Item 7 A. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion with Directors of Local Senior Centers. Chairperson Black thanked those in attendance at today's meeting: Maureen Fleming, Director of the Oceanside Senior Center, Cindy Wright, Solana Beach (Presbyterian Church) Senior Center Director, Councilmember DuVivier, Project CARE Coordinator Nadine Proctor, John Burnett, NOCOSIA, Mike Andreen, Council candidate, a representative from Carltas, and reporters from the Sun and North County Times. Chairperson Black gave a brief overview on need to discuss and share information . on the development and operation of a Senior Center and proceeded to introduce Maureen Fleming, Director of the Oceanside Senior Center. Maureen Fleming, Director of the Oceanside Senior Center - emphasized the need for more room to accommodate a growing population of seniors in the Oceanside area. The Center is looking at the possibility of a satellite site to assist with this need. She further noted the importance of a well-rounded program that would serve not only the fragile seniors but the active seniors as well. The seniors involved with her programs start at age 55. Some clubs using the facility start at age 50. Chairperson Black opened the meeting to the public. Councilmember DuVivier asked several questions, including senior population figures, how many using services, how site locations are determined, and actual site size to accommodate current users. Maureen Flemtng responded that the current Oceanside senior population was approximately 30,000 with 9,000 using the services per month. She noted a site should be located in an area where many seniors live, if possible, and that she would like to see the size of the current facility (13,000 sq. ft) doubled. Chairperson Black asked if Oceanside had a preference to having an available kitchen to cook meals on site or to using a caterer for senior meals. Maureen Fleming responded that in Oceanside they prefer the availability of a kitchen, and noted that the prices for meal preparation are about the same comparing kitchen to catered (Off-site prepared meals). 1-A-~ Mike Andreen asked how fast the senior population of Oceanside was growing. Maureen Fleming responded that the senior population of Oceansdie was growing at rate of approximately 11 % with a 42% growth rate in the County. Commissioner Cruger asked if there were any problems keeping food preparers . on staff. Maureen Fleming advised that it was very important to have a good head cook, who would work with the food preparers. Chairperson Black asked if the nutrition room was used for other activities. Maureen Fleming advised that due to space constraints, the room was used for other activities, that they employed a full-time maintenance man and helper, who as part of their duties, turned the room twice daily. Chairperson Black thanked Maureen Fleming for her information and introduced Cindy Wright, Director of the Solana Beach Senior Center (located at the Presbyterian Church). Cindy Wright, 12150 Joshua St., Escondido (Solana Beach Senior Center Director) - noted that her Center is an outreach program using church facilities. She felt there was a need to increase promotion of the facility through more publicity, as well as the need to create an identity for the site, separate from the church. Commissioner Hartley asked do seniors use public or private transportation to reach the Senior Center. Cindy Wright responded that approximately 90% of those who attend drive their own vehicles and that the Center draws seniors from Oceanside, Escondido, and La Jolla, as well as locally. Commissioner Hartley asked if the site has a kitchen facility or uses a catering service, and percentage of frail seniors that are served. Cindy Wright advised they do have kitchen facilities and cook on site only two meals per week and also deliver to those seniors that are shut-in. They also have planned activities for seniors five days a week. She further noted that they have a full round of services for fragile seniors (approximately 20-25% of the total seniors they serve). 1-A~3 Recreation Superintendent Alexander asked if the senior center works with the City of Solana Beach Community Center that offers senior services and who funds her senior program. Cindy Wright advised that they do work with the Community Center and that funding comes from a $10 annual membership fee, as well as the church and donations. She further recommended that you plan and build big, as the senior population continues to grow. John Burnett, NOCOSIA - noted that the City of Vista is struggling with senior issues. The nutrition center is too small and their Jefferson site is not able to offer many needed services. The City is working on one large, single center. He also noted in some areas the trend is away from various centers and there is an emphasis on home support services, however, he emphasized the tremendous need for centers and services in North County. Chairperson Black thanked the guests and speakers and closed the meeting to public input. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Status Report on Project CARE. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief report on Project CARE, referring to the attached monthly report. Vice Chairperson Norling asked for any recent Project CARE success stories. Project CARE Coordinator Nadine Proctor related a story and then advised that she had written several health care agencies for support and received a $100 donation from Heath Net as well as a $300 donation from Scripps Hospital. B. Update Reports on Ad Hoc Sub-Committees. (Senior Center Advocacy Group Development, Outreach Information, New Senior Center Operations Review). Senior Center Advocacy Group Development - Commissioner Hartley advised the Commission that the Advocacy Groupwas now an approved non-profit entity. He also advised that Advocacy member Lee Weikum would soon be organizing a press conference/fund raiser for the Advocacy. i '" Outreach Information - Commissioner Cruger advised there was no official meeting this past month, however, she had finished and distributed the Commissioner sphere of influence information. She also noted the need for more senior citizen publicity. Council Contact - Vice Chairperson Norling emphasized the importance of maintaining Council contact and reviewed future contact plans. \ 1-A'1- New Senior Center Operations Review - Commissioner Hartley advised that no meetings will be held until the City's Community Development Department responds to questions presented by the Senior Center Task Force, at their July _meeting. C. Review of Encinitas Day Participation. Recreation Superintendent Alexander reviewed the plans for Commission participation in Encinitas Day. Chairperson Black will coordinate booth/handouts, and work with Recreation Superintendent Alexander on any miscellaneous details. 7. NEW BUSINESS. continued B. Review of Community/Senior Center Capital Improvement Program Budget. Recreation Superintendent Alexander briefly reviewed the Community/Senior Center Capital Improvement Program Budget. The Commission received the report. C. Information on City Hall Volunteer Receptionist Recruitment. Recreation Superintendent Alexander reviewed the information on the need for volunteer receptionists at City Hall. She further noted that training and scheduling would begin in early October and be handled by the City Clerk's office. D. Determine Participation in the Encinitas Holiday Parade. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on the upcoming Encinitas Holiday Parade and possible participation by the Commission. Vice Chairperson Norling suggested using the same car as last year, noting it is available and would hold several Commissioners. Recreation Superintendent Alexander suggested that the Commission determine who would be available and bring information to the next meeting. Chairperson Slack elected to poll the Commissioners today and determined that Commissioners Hartley and Small would be available and Commissioner Patton would be available to help with decorations. 1-A-S 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Commissioners Chairperson Black shared several letters and service brochures she had received. B. Staff Recreation Superintendent Alexander distributed the new Senior Citizen Commission list, briefly discussed the Oasis Senior Program being held at North County Fair and noted the upcoming Moonlight Beach Cleanup Saturday, September 21, 1996. 9. ADJOURNMENT 4A-~ Meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m. ~~ J cklyn Dakovich, Adm. ecretary