1996-04-26 CITY OF ENCINIT AS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting Date: April 26, 1996, 1 :00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Hartley called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Present: Chairperson Hartley, Vice Chairperson Black, Commissioners Springer, Norling, and Small. Also Present: Recreation Superintendent Pamela Alexander, and Administrative Secretary Jacklyn Dakovich. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS , None. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of minutes for meeting March 15, 1996. MSC VICE CHAIRPERSON BLACK MOVED, COMMISSIONER SMALL SECONDED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF MARCH 15, 1996 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 5-0. 5. PRESENTATION None. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Status Report on Project Care. Nadine Proctor, Project Care Coordinator gave a monthly status report, and noted she had given several presentations during the past month, including the local Ministerial Alliance. She also discussed several issues regarding the Vial of Life and whether to continue using the magnetic envelope, or the plastic box which is in use in certain areas of North County. 4A-l ; I The Commission briefly discussed the use of the plastic box as opposed to the envelope and Vice Chairperson Black volunteered to review the issue and report back to the Commission Recreation Superintendent Alexander distributed the new Project Care brochure and advised the Commission that a Project Care video would be shown at the next meeting. B. Update Report on Senior Fair. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a status report on the Senior Fair, and distributed event flyers to the Commissioners for distribution at various local businesses, churches, etc. She also advised that news releases had been sent to newspapers, magazines, and radio stations and suggested the possibility of , running an ad in the North County Times or a flyer insert on Sunday, May 12. A brief discussion followed regarding'the cost of the ad as opposed to the flyer insert. IN CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION PREFERRED THE SUNDAY, MAY 12 NORTH COUNTY TIMES INSERT, HOWEVER, IF FUNDING WAS L1MIT~D, THEY WOULD SUPPORT AN AD IN THE NORTH COUNTY TIMES. Recreation Superintendent Alexander reviewed the list of attendees, noting there was only one 1/2 table left to be reserved. She also reviewed the door prizes that had been received to date, and encouraged Commissioners to contact various local businesses for additional raffle prizes. The Commission discussed involvement by City Council in the Senior Information Fair and Chairperson Hartley will attend an upco'Tling Council meeting and invite them personally. C. Update Report on Ad Hoc Sub-Committees (Senior Center Advocacy Group, Outreach Information Program). Chairperson Hartley gave a status report on the Senior Center Advocacy Group, advising the By-laws are ready and now need a title for incorporation. He further advised that he had obtained information from the Franchise Tax Board that would indicate that the group and/or person taking over the Advocacy Group could file as a non-profit association rather than non-profit corporation at a cost savings of $75. (Non-profit Association filing = $25; Non-profit Corporation = $100). Chairperson Hartley distributed a listing of possible names for incorporation and requested a recommendation from the Commission. A brief discussion followed. 4A - 2- ;'1\ IN CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION RECOMMENDED THE TITLE "NEW SENIOR CENTER FOUNDATION-ENCINITAS." Chairperson Hartley advised the Commission that to date, no one had come forward to file the necessary By-laws for incorporation and recommended local resident Lee Weikum (former Chairperson and Commissioner of the Senior Citizen Commission). IN CONSENSUS, THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION SUPPORTED THIS RECOMMENDATION. Outreach Information - Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised that the Project CARE Brochure and Senior Directory Brochure would be distributed next month and holders would need to be re-filled as well as new holders purchased for additional distribution sites. D. Status Report on Library, Community and Senior Center Site Location Meetings. Chairperson Hartley gave a report on the library site location meeting he had recently attended and advised that City Council had made a decision to support a Community Public Library in conjunction with the San Dieguito Academy site. An appointed Committee will explore costs, design, available funding, etc. Recreation Superintendent clarified funding needs for both the Library and Senior Center. Chairperson Hartley further advised that with regard to the Senior Center Site, both Oakcrest Park and the Target had been discussed, however, Target had been eliminated. Vice Chairperson Black suggested that information on the new Senior Center. Foundation be included as part of the Senior Fair. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion of Heritage Museum's Future Operations. This item will be re-scheduled for a future Senior Citizen Commission meeting, as no speaker was present. B. Discussion on Developing an Ad Hoc Sub-Committee in Regards to Senior Center Operations Review. 4A-3 :l Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on developing a Senior Center Operations Review Ad Hoc Sub-Committee. She further advised that staff was already preparing a preliminary operations plan. A discussion followed regarding operation/maintenance costs. Chairperson Hartley requested when the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee is formed that they prepare a survey on how Senior Centers in other cities raise money to support operations. Vice Chairperson Black advised that Commissioner Cruger appeared to have a background in finance and would be a good candidate for the Ad Hoc Sub- Committee. Chairperson Hartley volunteered to call Commissioner Cruger and discuss this suggestion. Commissioners Springer and Small will also be part of the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee. 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Commissioners Commissioner Norling advised that Edgar Engert, President of Encinitas/North Coast Chamber was looking for suggestions for the Encinitas Holiday Parade Grand Marshal. Vice Chairperson Black and Chairperson Hartley noted how pleased they were with City Council Senior Center support. B. Staff . Recreation Superintendent Alexander distributed Senior Citizen Commission member applications and encouraged the Commissioners to contact those interested in participating and invite them to participate and fill the one (1) vacancy. 9. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at ,3:25 p.m. Jacklyn Dakovich, Adm. Secretary 4A-~