1996-03-15 CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting Date: March 15, 1996, 1 :00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Hartley called the meeting to order at 1:20 p.m. Present: Chairperson Hartley, Vice Chairperson Black, Commissioners Springer and Small (1 :20). Also Present: Recreation Superintendent Pamela Alexander, and Administrative Secretary Jacklyn Oakovich. Absent: Commissioner Norling 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Jack Broward, 234 Village Run West - spoke on his interest in the community and the community's senior population. He advised the Commission that he had been asked by the Beach News to develop and write a senior's column, and asked that available information and news regarding seniors be forwarded to him. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of minutes for meeting February 16, 1996 MSC VICE CHAIRPERSON BLACK MOVED, COMMISSIONER. SPRINGER SECONDED, TO APPROVE MINUTES OF JANUARY 19,1996 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. 5. PRESENTATION None. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Status Report on Project Care. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on the status of Project Care and introduced the new Coordinator - Nadine Proctor. 4A-, Nadine Proctor gave a report on current statistics and also advised the Commission that there was a need for volunteers, who would be interested in working in the program. She further noted that she had met with local churches and the hospital regarding the need for volunteers and looked forward to some positive results. B. Update Report on Senior Fair. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a status report on the Senior Fair, and distributed the event flyer for review. She then introduced Carrie Roth, Recreation Coordinator-Special Events, who presented the various colors available for the event and theme colors were selected. A brief discussion followed on the promotion of the event and several suggestions were made such as including flyers in the North County Newspaper and the San Dieguito Senior Center Newsletter. Vice Chairperson Black would like to see families of seniors invited and asked that this invitation be<?ome part of the flyer. - C. Update Report on Ad Hoc Sub-Committees (Senior Center Advocacy Group, Outreach Information Program). Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on the Ad Hoc Sub- 'Committees and advised that Walter Norling had taken the Senior Center Advocacy Group by-laws to the attorney for review. Senior Center Advocacy Group - Chairperson Hartley continued the Advocacy Group report, and noted that the by-laws had been revised and were ready to be re-typed with corrections (Vice Chairperson Black had volunteered to re-type by- laws). Chairperson Hartley also reviewed the packet that had been sent to various interested community members and the City Council. He further reported that he had met with various parties to discuss their interest and desire in forming a non- profit fund raising unit to raise funds in the Community to build the Center. He also advised that Carltas, DEMA and the Encinitas/North Coast Chamber were advised on the project. Lee Weikum will be making a Senior Center presentation to City Council. Commissioner Springer advised she had distributed a prepared announcement for the Senior Center presentation to the recent AARP meeting and would be distributing to the San Dieguito Senior Center as well. Chairperson Hartley discussed the need for a Center operations plan to present to City Council that would include needed staff, volunteers, services, management, organization etc. Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised staff was in the process of gathering and preparing such information. 4A- '-' Commissioner Springer volunteered to chair Ad Hoc Sub-Committee to research and revieW Center operation needs. This will be further discussed at the April meeting. Outreach Information - Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised that the Project CARE Brochure and Senior Directory Brochure updates would be available soon and that Project CARE Coordinator Nadine Proctor would assist with brochure distribution. D. Status Report on Library Site Location Meeting. Chairperson Hartley gave a report on the library site location meeting he had recently attended. He noted the proposed sites were San Dieguito High School, Target and Oakcrest Park, and the Committee was currently determining the use cost of each site. He asked for any recommendations from the Commission on the proposed sites. Vice Chairperson Black requested a status report on Oakcrest Park. Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised that due to endangered plant life, reducing the available development acreage, the pool and amphitheater would be removed as part of the Oakcrest Park site plan, and that re-design of the Community and Senior Center would occur. She further noted that a library site needs to be determined before any re-design starts. Vice Chairperson Black recommended the City build the Community and Senior Center and let City Council then determine when to start the library site construction. She further suggested the Commission reiterate to City Council their desire for a Center at Oakcrest Park. THE COMMISSION CONCURRED WITH VICE CHAIRPERSON BLACK'S RECOMMENDATION. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Report on Commission Appointments Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised that Senior Citizen Commission interviews with City Council would be held March 20 and appointments would be made March 27. 8. . ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Commissioners ~A-~ ( B. Staff Recreation Superintendent Alexander distributed various information to the Commission, including City Manager's Newsletter, City Council Agenda, event announcements and information on how Commission attendance records are kept. 9. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m. Jack n Dakovich, Adm. Secretary ( ( 4--A-+