1996-02-16 ( i CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting Date: February 16, 1996, 1 :00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Hartley called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Present: Chairperson Hartley, Vice Chairperson Black, Commissioners Norling, Small, and Springer. Also Present: Recreation Superintendent Pamela Alexander, and Administrative Secretary Jackllyn Dakovich. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES II A. Approval of minutes for meeting January 19, 1996 MSC COMMISSIONER NORLING MOVED, COMMISSIONER SMALL SECONDED, TO APPROVE MINUTES OF JANUARY 19,1996 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 5-0. 5. PRESENTATION A. Presentation by Encinitas School District Superintendent Patricia Clark- White on Proposition 0, School Bond. Recreation Superintendent Alexander introduced Superintendent Clark- White to the Commission. Superintendent Clark-White gave an interesting presentation on the importance of Proposition 0 to the community and encouraged Commission and community support. She also advised that the funds would be spent for building and equipment improvement, and that a citizen's committee would be established to insure that these improvements would be made. iI 4A-l ( A brief question and answer period followed where the Commissioners had an opportunity to have their questions answered, as well as their concerns clarified. Chairperson Hartley thanked Superintendent Clark.,.White for her presentation and noted that although the Commission could not support Proposition 0 as a group, the bond proposition could be supported on an individual basis. B. Presentation by Jan Wischnia on the Eldercare Program. Recreation Superintendent Alexander noted that Jan Wischnia was not able to attend the meeting today, however, Neil MacClelland of the Eldercare Program would be presenting the program and introduced Mr. MacClelland. Mr. MacClelland gave a brief overview on the Eldercare Program, as well as distributing material and showing a video, that further clarified how this program assisted seniors in a variety of areas. Chairperson Hartley thanked Mr. MacClelland for his indepth presentation. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Status Report on Project Care. i I Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on the current status of Project Care as well as noting that Josephine Rutledge had resigned as Coordinator effective the end of February. Project Care Coordinator Rutledge gave a brief status report on Project Care as well as the recent meeting she and Bess Small attended, which emphasized how to promote the program in your local ,area. B. Status Report on Senior Fair. ,Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief status report on the Senior Fair, reviewed the draft flyer and requested input on the door prize raffle. IN CONSENSUS, THE COMMITTI:E SUPPORTED TWO DRAWINGS - ONE AT 10:30 A.M. AND ONE AT NOON. C. Update Report on Ad Hoc Sub-Committees (Senior Center Advocacy Group, Outreach Information Program). i ( Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on the Ad Hoc Sub- Committees and their current reports. 4A-2. ( r, Senior Center Advocacy Group - Chairperson Hartley reported that both he and Vice Chairperson Black have reviewed by-laws from three organizations. He further noted that Recreation Superintendent Alexander had met with Ralph Strahm. Mr. Strahm's response to questions on the by-laws was distributed to the Commission. A discussion followed regarding the proposed foundation, the need to raise money, and senior center sites. Commissioner Norling distributed an agenda from Lee Wei1<um, who will meet with City Council on the Senior Center issue. Outreach Information - Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised the Commission that she had done a presentation on Project Care! and the senior brochure at Seacrest Village. She further advised that the senior brochure was being revised and also distributed a list of the locations of the Project Care/Senior Directory brochure boxes. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Report on Library Site Location Meeting. Chairperson Hartley gave a report on the library site location meeting he had recently attended. The meeting discussion involved costs and possible sites that included the San Dieguito Academy, Oakcrest Park and Target. These sites were to be reviewed and a determination made on the best site for the next meeting. B. Discussion on Issues for Senior Assistance (Street Signs, Customer Service, etc.) , Commissioner Norling recommended that all new street signs have larger print, which would be easier for all to read. He also noted need for a lobby receptionist at City Hall to provide citizen service. MSC COMMISSIONER NORLING MOVED, VICE CHAIRPERSON BLACK SECONDED TO RECOMMEND THAT CHAIRPERSON HARTLEY WRITE THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY COUNCIL REGARDING NEED FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION PERSON IN CITY HALL LOBBY. MOTION CARRIED. 5-0. 4A-3 (( 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Commissioners Commissioner Norling suggested holding a Commission meeting at the San Oieguito Senior Center, and suggested a guest speaker on Paramedics/Ambulance services in the Encinitas area. Vice Chairperson Black advised she had attended the recent City Council meeting in support of COBG funding for senior projects. Commissioner Springer inquired about applicants for the Senior Citizen Commission. Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised there were two new applicants as well as those who had re-applied from the current Commission. Chairperson Hartley advised that Regina Ash was presented with a plaque for Senior Citizen Commission service at the City Council meeting, February 14, 1996. B. Staff !( Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised the Commission that an 800 number was available for Caller 10 Blocking. 9. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. J. cklyn Dakovich, Secretary ( 1-A -1-