1995-11-17 CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting Date: November 17, 1995,1:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Hartley called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Present: Chairperson Hartley, Vice Chairperson Black, Commissioners Small, Springer, Norling, (1:10) and Ash (1 :15) . Also Present: Recreation Superintendent Pamela Alexander and Administrative Secretary Jacklyn Dakovich. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3 . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of minutes for meeting October 6, 1995. MSC COMMISSIONER SMALL MOVED, COMMISSIONER SPRINGER SECONDED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 6, 1996 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. 5. PRESENTATIONS A. Presentation by Betty Springer on October trip to China as representative of the National Council on Aging Delegation. Commissioner Springer gave a very interesting presentation on her recent trip to China as a representative of the National Council on Aging. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Status Report on Project Care. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a status report on Project Care. 0//1-/ Project Care Coordinator Josephine Rutledge gave a report on the recent marketing meeting held to promote Project Care. She noted that the emphasis during the meeting was on setting up meeting with agencies and homeowners groups, promotion to increase awareness of information on the Program, and keeping computer/fIle records updated. She' further advised that Marty Emerald of Channel 10 Television was putting together a promotional video on Project Care, which would be available after the first of the year. Chairperson Hartley advised he had attended a Green Valley Homeowners meeting, spoke about the Project Care Program and distributed flyers. B. Discuss and Finalize Commission's Participation in the Encinitas Holiday Parade. Recreation Superintendent'Alexander reviewed the Commission's participation in the Encinitas Holiday Parade. Commissioner Norling advised that his son had a car the Commission could use in the Parade and Chairperson Hartley and vice Chairperson Black volunteered to ride in the car and represent the Commission. . IN CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION SUPPORTED THIS RECOMMENDATION. C. Update Reports on Ad Hoc Sub-Committees (Senior Center Advocacy Group, Outreach Information Program) . Senior Center Advocacy Group - Commissioner Norling gave a brief report on his Sub-Committee meeting with Dan Dalager regarding the use of the Patrons of Encinitas Parks non-profit status to raise funds for Re-SANDiego, a non-profit group trying to improve local beaches. Also discussed at this meeting was how the seniors could be a part of this non-profit agency. Recreation Superintendent Alexander clarified that the use of Patrons of Encinitas Parks non-profit status could be used as an umbrella agency to cover various on-going fund raising projects. Vice Chairperson Black advised she had met a representative of County libraries who had put together three non-profit organizations for Seniors and might be interested in working with Encinitas Seniors. Commissioner Norling reminded the Subcommittee that part of their responsibility was to find three people for a Non-Profit Fund Raising Committee and then step back. Recreation Superintendent Alexander distributed that reviewed various funding avenues (Coastal a handou t Community 'flf-~ Foundation, Patrons for Encinitas Parks, Oakcrest Building Fund, new non-profit agency) for a Senior Citizen facility. Chairperson Hartley shared his concerns in sharing the Patrons of Encinitas Parks non-profit status, with a group that was not connected to promoting a senior center. He further questioned when the library project had become a part of the Community/Senior Center funding program. Vice Chairperson Black asked if the Subcommittee decides on a new non-profit organization, can they proceed or must the Commission make the final decision? Commissioner Norling noted there are several unanswered questions that need to be addressed before any decisions are made, including source of funds to establish non-profit status, should a new non-profit agency need to be formed. Recreation Superintendent Alexander clarified that the City cannot help with funding for the non-profit status, that funds need to be solicited from public organizations and citizens. Commissioner Norling advised that the Ad Hoc Subcommittee will be meeting in December to discuss these various issues and will bring a report to the January meeting. Chairperson Hartley, in order to speed the process, offered to loan the non-profit group funds to begin the non-profit status process. Commissioner Norling thanked Chairperson Hartley and this issue will be addressed at the Ad 'Hoc Subcommittee meeting in December. Outreach Information Program - no report. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion on Cancellation of December meeting. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on canceling the December meeting. MSC COMMISSIONER SPRING MOVED, COMMISSIONER SMALL SECONDED TO CANCEL THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MEETING FOR DECEMBER. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. B. Report on Senior Citizen Commission Applicatio:q.s and Appointments. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief report on Senior Citizen Commission applications and appointments, WI-3, advising that the one vacancy will ,be advertised for the March, 1996 appointments. She also discussed Commissioner terms that are ending and encouraged those Commissioners to re-apply if interested. The Commission received the information. 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Commissioners Commissioner Ash shared her concerns regarding the library issue taking priority over the development of a Senior Center. Commissioner Small suggested that the Life Writing Class present a program during the Commission 's. next regularly scheduled meeting. A member of the Life Writing class accepted the invitation. Chairperson Hartley advised that he had attended the recent Library meeting, spoke to City Council members regarding his concerns and asked to be included in the Subcommittee to select a site and design the library building. 9. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m. J klyn Dakovich, Adm. Secretary