1995-09-15 CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES 'I Meeting Date: September 15, 1995, 1:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Hartley called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Present: Chairperson Hartley, Commissioners Norling, Springer: Vice Ash, Chairperson Black, Reahm, Small and Also Present: Recreation Superintendent Alexander and Senior Office Specialist Sally Burgess. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3 . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of minutes for meeting July 21, 1995. MSC COMMISSIONER NORLING MOVED, VICE CHAIRPERSON BLACK SECONDED TO APPROVE MINUTES FOR MEETING JULY 21, 1995. MOTION CARRIED. 7-0. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Status Report on Project Care. proj ect Care Coordinator Rutledge gave a status report on Project Care. She also advised that the local Rotary Club was interested in participating in a home repair program. Lutheran Social Services also provided input on the home repair program. Project Care is currently taking a needs survey of current clients regarding interest in the program. B. Review Participation in Encinitas Day Celebration. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on the Commission's participation in the Encinitas Day Celebration. She noted the Commission would have Booth #16 and distributed a map of the Celebration area. The Commissioners discussed their various responsibilities and firmed up a booth coverage plan for the day. 4-A- ~ C. Update Reports on Ad Hoc Sub-Committees (Well-Being Forum, Senior Center Advocacy Group, Outreach Information Program) . ~' I \ Well Being - the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee reported that Carol Le Beau had declined an invitation to speak at the upcoming forum, and a guest speaker is still needed before further plans can be made. The SUr:,-Committe~ suggested.. an expert in the field of mental health would give a speech on his/her specialty, to be followed up with a discussion group. Senior Center Advocacy - the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee met with David Wigginton, Community Services Director to discuss various ideas and goals, including fund raising. It was discussed that the Foundation could use three people with legal, financial, and organizational skills. Three officers are needed to get the Foundation started - President, Vice- President and Secretary/Treasurer. The officers cannot be members of the Commission or City employees. Outreach Information - Commissioner Norling gave a report on the Mayor's meeting (see Item 6A-New Business). The Sub-Committee also provided the birthdays of City Council members: Mayor Chuck DuVivier-June 4; Deputy Mayor James Bond-July 31; Councilmember Gail Hano-May 8; Councilmember John Davis-September 1; Councilmember Lou Aspell-April 24. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Report on Mayor's Meeting held on August 31, 1995 with CAB's and Commission's Representatives. Commissioner Norling gave, a .brief meeting, which included the goals various City Committees and Boards. report on the and objectives Mayor's of the B. Discussion of Future Programs/Presentations for the Senior Citizen Commission Meetings. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on programs and presentations done in the past at Commission meetings. After a brief discussion, Commissioner Small was recommended as Program Chairperson to research and plan future programs and presentations of interest to Seniors. THE COMMISSION CONCURRED ON THE RECOMMENDATION THAT BESS SMALL BECOME PROGRAM CHAIRPERSON FOR FUTURE PROGRAMS AND PRESENTATIONS. C. Discussion on Canceling October Commission Meeting. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on the possibility of canceling the October Commission meeting, noting that several Commissioners would be out of town during October. ' 4A -L.- Chairperson Hartley noted there are too many issues pending and suggested in lieu of canceling the meeting to reschedule. He suggested October 6 at 1 p.m. ! ( MSC COMMISSIONER ASH MOVED, COMMISSION SMALL SECONDED TO CANCEL OCTOBER 20, 1995 MEETING AND RESCHEDULE MEETING - OCTOBER 6, 1995 at 1:00 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. ,7-0. Chairperson Hartley suggested an agenda item for November might be a report with pictures on Betty Springer's trip to China. 7 . ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Commissioners Commissioner Norling gave a brief report on the AARP meeting he attended. Chairperson Hartley advised that the Historical Society had a copy of the Senior video tape and had plans to present it at various events. B. Staff Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised that she had received a letter of resignation from Commissioner Thelma Reahm, effectiye October I, 1995. She further noted that a shuttle service would be available from City Hall (9:45 a.m. to 5:20 p.m.) for Encinitas Day, September 23, 1995. 8. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Adm. ( 4A-3