1995-07-21 CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting Date: July 21, 1995, 1:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Hartley called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Present: Chairperson Hartley, Vice Chairperson Black, Commissioners Norling, Ash, Reahm and Small. Also Present: Recreation Superintendent Alexander and Senior Office Specialist Sally Burgess. Absent: Commissioner Springer 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3 . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Dorothy Aleson, 523 N. Vulcan #36 - concerned with proposed new restaurant and their intention to have amplified outside music. Recreation Superintendent Alexander addressed her concerns, and suggested she could write City Council and also attend the meeting when this proposal is agendized. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of minutes for meeting June 16, 1995. MSC COMMISSIONER NORLING MOVED, COMMISSION REARM SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Status Report on Project Care. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief status report on Project Care. 4A-\ B. Discussion of Senior Brochure Distribution. Recreation Superintendent Alexander reviewed various sites where both the proj ect Care and Senior brochure could be distributed. A brief discussion followed among the Commissioners on sites where the brochures would have the most exposure, and each Commissioner volunteered to participate in the distribution. C. Update Report on Ad Hoc Sub-Committees Forum, Senior Advocacy Group, Outreach Program) . (Well-Being Information L Well-Being - The Ad Hoc Sub-Committee had recent meeting to discuss speaker for Well-Being Forum (Carol LeBeau). They agreed not to set a date for the forum until Ms. LeBeau responds. Senior Center Advocacy - The Ad Hoc Sub-Committee gave a brief report on their goals and direction. Outreach Information - The Ad Hoc Sub-Committee gave a brief report on their outreach progress. Commissioner Ash will attend next Council meeting and present a Senior Citizen Commission progress report. MSC COMMISSIONER ASH MOVED, COMMISSIONER NORLING SECONDED TO SEND BIRTHDAY CARDS TO CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS. MOTION CARRIED. 6 - 0 . D. AAA Report Procedures to Commission by AAA Representative Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on Commission AAA Representative report procedures. Chairperson Hartley suggested that due to the importance of the AAA agency to seniors, ~ monthly report should be given by attendee to the Commission. Recreation Superintendent Alexander clarified further that the motion today could recommend that the attendee's monthly report continue to be an agenda item or be heard during the announcement section of the agenda. She noted that previously this AAA report was an agenda item. MSC COMMISSIONER SMALL MOVED, VICE CHAIRPERSON BLACK SECONDED TO HAVE THE AAA REPORT BE A SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION INFORMATIONAL ITEM IN THE ANNOUNCEMENT SECTION OF THE AGENDA AS OPPOSED TO AN AGENDA ITEM. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. 4A- 2- i,( 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion of Commission Attendance Policy. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on the current Commission Attendance Policy. vice Chairperson Black reported on her survey of local North County cities which she recently conducted. From the survey she determined that our City had one of the strictest attendance policies. Some cities advised that if Commission members miss three consecutive meetings, person is removed from Commission and some cities allow excused absences. MSC COMMISSIONER REARM MOVED, COMMISSIONER NORLING SECONDED THAT THE INFORMATION IN THE SURVEY SHOULD BE INCORPORATED INTO A REPORT AND AGENDIZED FOR AN UPCOMING CITY COUNCIL MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. B. Discussion on Celebrate Encinitas Day Participation. ( Recreation Superintendent Alexander reviewed th.~ prgposed Celebrate Encinitas Day participation by the Senior Citizen Commission and the need to develop Commissioner staffing schedule for the day, September 23. Various Commissioners volunteered and a staffing schedule will be developed. 7 . ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Commissioners Vice Chairperson Black noted at the last AAA meeting, she had picked up senior information entitled "Senior Saavy" and will endeavor to get a supply of the brochures to have at the Celebration Encinitas Day. B. Staff Recreation Superintendent Alexander noted she had attended a recent, Lions Luncheon where she had an opportunity to share information on the Senior Citizen Commission, as well as the Community Services Department. 8. ADJOURNMENT ( 4-A-~