1995-02-17 1:;0., I \ CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting Date: February 17, 1995, 2:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Hartley called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m. Present: Chairperson Hartley, Commissioners Ash, Weikurn, Norling, Reahm and springer. Also Present: Recreation Superintendent Pamela Alexander, Administrative Secretary Jacklyn Dakovich. Mayor Chuck DuVivier was also in attendance. Absent: Vice Chairperson Margaret Black 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of minutes for meeting January 20, 1995. commissioner Weikum noted a correction to the minutes, Page A-3 paragraph 10 (correction attached) . MSC COMMISSIONER SPRINGER MOVED, COMMISSIONER NORLING SECONDED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF JANUARY 20, 1995 WITH NOTED CORRECTION. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Status Report on Project Care. Recreation superintendent Alexander gave a status report on Project Care and the Gatekeeper Program. She then introduced Project Care Coordinator Josephine Rutledge. Project Care Coordinator Josephine Rutledge gave an overview on the Program, and its current status. tA~( commissioner Weikum asked if the San Dieguito Senior Center had been contacted regarding their call program and the possibility of combining the call list. -San Dieguito Senior Center Direc-eorMadeline Goluh advised that many of those called from the Senior Center, prefer a person rather than a computerized contact. commissioner Norling asked if the current program had room to grow and remain successful. Project Care Coordinator Rutledge advised yes, there was room to grow. commissioner Springer asked if the program had received calls from concerned family members. Project Care Coordinator Rutledge advised that she was not aware of any such calls. Chairperson Hartley asked how many services were requested by an individual. Project Care Coordinator Rutledge di~ not have that information available today, but would research and provide the information at a future meeting. commissioner Weikum requested status report on the Vial of Life Program. Project Care Coordinator Rutledge advised the program will be in operation in 2-3 weeks. She further noted that the City Firemen wanted to be part of the program, that they had reviewed and revised the enrollment form and would be available to visit those interested in the program to answer questions. commissioner Weikum suggested that' a Project Care status report become a monthly agenda item. commissioner Springer suggested a follow-up flyer noting the expanded services available. A discussion followed among the Commissioners regarding the follow-up flyer including design of the flyer (larger print), important issues to be highlighted, as well as flyer distribution sites. Chairperson Hartley suggested meeting with Commissioners Norling and Springer to review the flyer, and re-submit to the Commission for their approval. commissioner Ash advised the Commission that the American Legion Auxiliary was contributing $200 to Project Care. 4A -L- B. P.A.C.E. Reimbursement Update. Chairperson Hartley gave a brief reimbursement request, referring attached response letter. update on the P.A.C.E. the Commission to the 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion on Potential community Outreach Ideas for Seniors. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on potential community outreach ideas for seniors and introduced Madeline Goluh, Director of the San Dieguito Senior Center. Madeline Goluh, 890 Balour Dr. - advised that the Senior Center lease will expire in 14 years. She also noted the time and space constraints at the current site and with services growing, the need for a larger facility. Bess Small, 173 countryhaven Road - noted the tremendous need for a Senior Center in Encinitas, a place to meet and interact with other seniors. - Chairperson Hartley advised he had met with Pam Alexander, Recreation Superintendent and David Wigginton, Community Services Director to discuss the forming of a community non- profit advocacy group/foundation to support Senior Center fund raising and work on Senior advocacy issues. Commissioner Weikum recommended that all seniors need to get behind one idea and approach City Council with a plan. He distributed a copy of a draft letter to the Commission that he had written but not sent to city Council. He further advised that he could not support an advocacy group at this time, felt it was too soon. MS COMMISSIONER ASH MOVED, COMMISSIONER SPRINGER SECONDED TO RECOMMEND THAT COMMISSIONER WEIKUM'S LETTER BE SENT TO CITY COONCIL. Recreation Superintendent' Alexander suggested that Commissioner Weikum' s letter could be sent under a cover letter from Chairperson Hartley. MSC THE VOTE WAS CALLED FOR TO SEND COMMISSIONER WEIKOK'S LETTER TO CITY COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0-2 (CHAIRPERSON HARTLEY AND COMMISSIONER REARM ABSTAINED). commissioner Weikum distributed chart showing that Parks, Beaches and Recreation receive 34% of CIP monies, however, seniors not receiving anything from funds. 4A-3 Chairperson Hartley noted the need for a strong group to support senior needs, research fund availability from Federal and state as well as private sources. He supports an advocacy group to accomplish the development of a Senior Center. he . cited Project . Care as an example of how things can be accomplished. MSC COMMISSIONER ASH MOVED, COMMISSIONER REAHM SECONDED TO RECOMMEND THAT THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION HELP ORGANIZE/FACILITATE AN ADVOCACY GROUP. MOTION CARRIED. 5-1 (COMMISSIONER WEIKUM VOTED NO). B. Status Report on Area Agency for Aging. commissioner weikumgave an update on the Older American Act, noting that Legislators should be encouraged to visit seniors at various centers. He also advised that the only Federal entitlement program being challenged was the Senior Entitlement Program. c. Discussion on Presenting a Forum with Mental Health Groups. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on presenting a forum on mental health groups. MSC COMMISSIONER ASH MOVED, COMMISSIONER WEIKUM SECONDED THAT THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION SPONSOR A MENTAL HEALTH FORUM, INVITE THOSE INVOLVED/CONNECTED, PRESENT FORUM AND DISTRIBUTE LITERATURE AND SHARE HOW WE CAN HELP. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. D. Status Report on Commissioner Appointments. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on commissioner appointments, noting that the new Commissioners would be attending the March 17, 1995 meeting. 7 . ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Commission None. B. Staff Recreation Superintendent Alexander requested a brief meeting with Senior Information Fair Ad Hoc Sub-Committee immediately following adjournment. 8. ADJOURNMENT MSC COMMISSIONER WEIKUM MOVED, COMMISSIONER ASH SECONDED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 3:50 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. 4A-~ (CORRECTED MINUTES 2/17/95 MEETING) B. Discussion on 1995 Senior Fair. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview of plans (time, date, etc.) for the upcoming 1995 Senior Fair. A discussion followed regarding the last Fair and needs for the 1955 Senior Fair, including more seating, more coffee, more set-up time. It was also suggested that the Senior Video be shown. Chairperson Hartley asked for ,volunteers to assist with promotion of the Fair. Commissioners springer and Reahm volunteered to assist Chairperson Hartley. MSC COMMISSIONER WEIXUM MOVED, COMMISSIONER ASH SECONDED TO HOLD THE SENIOR FAIR MAY 25, 1995, FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. 7-0. C. Review of Senior Center Requirements. Recreation superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on Senior center requirements. Chairperson Hartley distributed copies of an article from the Encinitas Magazine regarding the Senior Center, noting it was a strong plan and reflected vital community input. commissioner Weikum shared his concerns that the important issues were not being addressed and distributed his handout regarding the Senior Center, noting the urgency for Ci ty Council to make a commitment and provide funds for the Center. Recreation Superintendent Alexander noted that funding for the Center, which is listed as a major project, require more than General Fund monies. commissioner Weikurn suggested a letter of encouragement to City Council regarding the project. He further advised that in other cities, senior groups have organized and lobbied their cities for funding, as well as locating private funds. Chairperson Hartley supports a letter of encouragement, emphasizing the importance of a Senior Center. (He also suggested the possibility of forming an advocacy group to promote the Senior Center.) THIS SUGGESTION WAS MADE BY ..c COMMISSIONER WEIXUM AND MINUTES CORRECTED AT THE FEBRUARY 17, 1995 MEETING. He further requested this item be agendized for the next meeting. commissioner Norling suggested sharing the need for a Senior Center as part of the Senior video presentation. 4A-S Ja klyn Dakovich, Secretary.