1995-01-20 , .if.; ~ i ~ CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMKISSION MINUTES Meeting Date: January 20, 1995, 1:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Hartley called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m. Present: Chairperson Commissioners Norling. Hartley, Vice Chairperson Black, Ash, Weikurn, Springer, Reahm and Also Present: Pamela Alexander, Recreation Superintendent and Jacklyn Dakovich, Administrative Secretary. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. i \ 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of minutes for meeting November 18, 1994. MSC VICE CHAIRPERSON BLACK MOVED, COMKISSIONER NORLING SECONDED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 1994. MOTION CARRIED. 7-0. 5. PRESENTATIONS A. None. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Status, Report on Project Care. Recreation superintendent Alexander gave a status report on Project Care. B. status Report on Video Promotion. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a status report on the materials for the video promotion. / / ( commissioner Reahrn shared her successful video presentation at Seaside Presbyterian Church. commissioner Weikum shared his successful video presentations at the Bethlehem Lutheran Church and San Dieguito Senior Center Project council meeting. Discussion followed regarding the preparation of video travel kits, need for name tags to identify presenters and the need for an evaluation sheet to be used as part of the presentation. C. P.A.C.E. Reimbursement Update. Chairperson Hartley reviewed the P.A.C.E. request for further reimbursement for the senior video. Vice Chairperson Black suggested several fund raising possibilities. commissioner Ash referred back to the original agreement and does not support further payment, suggested writing a letter to P.A.C.E. advising there were no funds available. MSC COMMISSIONER ASH MOVED, COMMISSIONER NORLING SECONDED TO DIRECT SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION CHAIRPERSON HARTLEY TO WRITE P.A.C.E. ADVISING THAT THE COMMISSION HAD NO WAY OF SECURING ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR THE VIDEO. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0-1 (VICE CHAIRPERSON BLACK ABSTAINED) . 7 . NEW BUSINESS A. Update Report on Area Agency on Aging. commissioner Weikum gave an update on Area Agency on Aging, noting with the new Republican Congress many senior service agencies were threatened. He noted that the Older American Act was in danger and requested senior support to advise Congress that the Act was not a welfare program and should not be a part of the proposed Block Grant Program, unless listed specifically as Senior Block Grant to protect those funds for seniors. He will provide names and addresses where written correspondence should be directed. commissioner Weikum also distributed California Senior Legislators 10 top priorities list, White House Conference on Aging Forum summary, the California Department of Aging organizational chart, and a tax preparers form which requests a contribution be made to California seniors via your California income tax form. Discussion on 1995 Senior Fair. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview of plans (time, date, etc.) for the upcoming 1995 Senior Fair. A discussion followed regarding the last Fair and needs for the 1955 Senior Fair, including more seating, more coffee, more set-up time. It was also suggested that the Senior Video be shown. Chairperson Hartley asked for volunteers to assist with promotion of the Fair. Commissioners Springer and Reahm volunteered to assist Chairperson Hartley. MSC COMMISSIONER WEIKUM MOVED, COMMISSIONER ASH SECONDED TO HOLD THE SENIOR FAIR MAY 25, 1995, FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. 7-0. C. Review of Senior Center Requirements. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on Senior Center requirements. Chairperson Hartley distributed copies of an article from the Encinitas Magazine regarding the Senior Center, noting it was a strong plan and reflected vital community input. commissioner Weikum shared his concerns that the important issues were not being addressed and distributed his handout regarding the Senior Center, noting the urgency for ci ty council to make a commitment and provide funds for the Center. Recreation Superintendent Alexander noted that funding for the Center, which is listed as a major project, require more than General Fund monies. commissioner Weikum suggested a letter of encouragement to city Council regarding the project. He further advised that in other cities, senior groups have organized and lobbied their cities for funding, as well as locating private funds. Chairperson Hartley supports a letter of encouragement, emphasizing the importance of a Senior Center. (He also suggested the possibility of forming an advocacy group to promote the Senior Center.) THIS SUGGESTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER WEIKUK AND MINUTES CORRECTED AT THE FEBRUARY 17, 1995 MEETING. He further requested this item be agendized for the next meeting. commissioner Norling suggested sharing the need for a Senior Center as part of the Senior video presentation. B. Discussion on 1995 Senior Fair. Recreation superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview of plans (time, date, etc~) for theuupcoming 1995 Senior Fair. A discussion followed regarding the last Fair and needs for the 1955 Senior Fair, including more seating, more coffee, more set-up time. It was also suggested that the Senior Video be shown. Chairperson Hartley asked for volunteers to assist with promotion of the Fair. Commissioners Springer and Reahrn volunteered to assist Chairperson Hartley. MSC COMMISSIONER WEIKUM MOVED, COMMISSIONER ASH SECONDED TO HOLD THE SENIOR FAIR MAY 25, 1995, FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. 7-0. C. Review of Senior Center Requirements. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on Senior Center requirements. Chairperson Hartley distributed copies of an article from the Encinitas Magazine regarding the Senior Center, noting it was a strong plan and reflected vital community input. commissioner Weikurn shared his concerns that the important issues were not being addressed and distributed his handout regarding the Senior Center, noting the urgency for city Council to make a commitment and provide funds for the Center. Recreation Superintendent Alexander noted that funding for the Center, which is listed as a major project, require more than General Fund monies. commissioner Weikurn suggested a letter of encouragement to City Council regarding the project. He further advised that in other cities, senior groups have organized and lobbied their cities for funding, as well as locating private funds. Chairperson Hartley supports a letter of encour~ement, emphasiz ing the importance of a Senior Center. lHe also suggested the possibility of forming an advocacy group to promote the Senior center.) He further requested this item be agendized for the next meeting. Commissioner Norling suggested sharing the need for a Senior Center as part of the Senior video presentation. ~ ~ MSC VICE CHAIRPERSON BLACK MOVED, COMMISSIONER SPRINGER SECONDED TO DIRECT SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION CHAIRPERSON HARTLEY TO WRITE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING THE COMMISSION'S CONCERNS OVER A LACK OF A FIRM COMMITMENT BY CITY COUNCIL FOR A SENIOR CENTER, WHETHER_ALONE O_R_ ~fL P~~ Q.F ~OTHER FACILITY. MOTION CARRIED. ~ -- 7-0. 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Commissioners commissioner Weikum distributed a flyer on the upcoming Senior Center dinner. He also shared that he had nominated Regina Ash for Award of Excellence for Senior service. commissioner Ash gave a brief update on the Senior Coalition meeting, noting their upcoming Mental Health Forum. commissioner Norling suggested that country curbs be painted white and was directed to the Streets Department. B. Staff Recreation Superintendent Alexander shared the County Board of supervisors proclamation presented at the kick-off press conference for Project Care. 9. ADJOURNMENT (