1994-01-21 CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting Date: January 21, 1994 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Weikum called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. Present: Chairperson Weikum, Vice Chairperson Black, Commissioners Hartley and Ash. Also Present: Pamela Alexander, Recreation Superintendent, and Jacklyn Dakovich, Administrative Secretary Absent: commissioner Reynaga 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of Minutes for October 15, 1993. B. Approval of Minutes for November 19, 1993. MSC COMMISSION HARTLEY MOVED, COMMISSIONER ASH SECONDED TO APPROVE MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 15, 1993. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. MSC VICE CHAIRPERSON BLACK MOVED, COMMISSIONER ASH SECONDED TO APPROVE MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 1993. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. 5. PRESENTATIONS, A. P~E!!'sentation of Donation by "Park Encinitas Craft Club" - 'I"~t1i Rucker. Toni Rtttt:kQr, representing the Park Encini tas Craft Club, pres~nted the Senior citizen Commission with a check in the amount of $150 fOr the development of the Oakcrest Park Community and SeniOr Center. Commissioner Hartley acknowledg~d the gift as a wonderful beginning for the project. commissioner Ash noted the many great contributions this group makes to the community. 4A-\ Betty springer discussed the Vial of Life Program and noted her support for "Project Care". John Borgonia, Postal Customer Service Representative, Chula vista: -distributed flyer on the post:.aldepartoment;;!-s. II-Project Alert" for information and clarification of what the program entails. Larry Marquardt, Mashburn Sanitation - interested in program and enthusiastic about working with a group to see this type of proj ect implemented. Their trucks go throughout the neighborhood once a week. They can help load and unload trash cans for frail seniors. A brief discussion followed among the Commissioners regarding program development. Recreation Superintendent Alexander suggested that this program be discussed at a follow~up meeting in February with_ all interested parties attending. Commissioner Hartley suggested that a Commissioner should attend the Scripps Hospital, El Caj on "proj ect Care" Open House and report back to the Commission. Chairperson Weikum suggested that City council should be made aware of the "Project Care" Program. He further noted that the commission should facilitate the new project, but not be in charge. Chairperson Weikum thanked the various agencies for their attendance today and looks forward to this project becoming a reality. MSC COMMISSIONER HARTLEY MOVED, COMMISSIONER ASH SECONDED THAT THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION SUPPORT "PROJECT CARE" AND A COALITION MEETING AT WHICH TIME A LEADERSHIP GROUP CAN BE FORMED. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. - Chairperson Weikumsuggested that Item 7B be heard next. IN CONSENSUS, THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION, AGREED ON THE SUGGESTION. 7. B. Status Report on California Senior Legislator's Top Ten Priorities. Recreation superintendent Alexander introduced Florence Smith, representing California Senior Legisla~ure. Florence Smith thanked the Commission for inviting her- to attend this meeting and advised what her responsibilities"as a representative of California Senior Legislature involved. 4A-3 Recreation superintendent Alexander committed $1500 from her budget to get the project started, with the intention that donations received could help with the required funds. She advised the Commission she had contacted Target stores for a contribution and- is waiting for a response. B. Status Report on Area Agency on Aging. Chairperson Weikum advised the need for support on several upcoming legislative issues, which the Commission acknowledged as important to the senior community. C. Discussion on 1993 Holiday Parade Participation The Commission discussed their participation and made several suggestions for next year. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Status Report on Senior services Day. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief report on the upcoming senior services Day. Betty Springer suggested the name "Senior Information Day" would better describe the event and the title would also clarify what was available at the event. MSC COMMISSIONER HARTLEY MOVED, VICE CHAIRPERSON BLACK SECONDED THAT THE ANNUAL SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION EVENT BE TITLED "SENIOR INFORMATION FAIR". MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. commissioner Hartley noted that the use of forum rooms were not included in the current plan and supports various on- going senior information forums, such as available financial services, long-term care, insurance, etc. Chairperson Weikum advised that Area Agency on Aging could assist with providing this type of forum. He further suggested that coordinating transportation to the event be eliminated this year. Recreation Superintendent Alexander noted that we could refer seniors to available transportation resources. commissioner Hartley further suggested a forum on security for seniors, in the home and out. He also recommended raising the commercial booth fee to $30. Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised that the current booth fee was $25.00. COMMISSIONER HARTLEY MOVED TO INCREASE COMMERCIAL BOOTH FEE TO $30.00. NOTING LACK OF SUPPORT, HE WITHDREW HIS MOTION. 4A-S CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Meeting Date: January 31, 1994 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Weikum called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Present: Chairperson Weikum, Vice Chairperson Commissioners Hartley and Ash. Black, Also Present: Pamela Alexander, Recreation Superintendent, and Jacklyn Dakovich, Administrative Secretary Absent: commissioner Reynaga 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. WORKSHOP SESSION A. Discussion on Senior video Project. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on the purpose of the special meeting and turned the meeting over to commissioner Hartley, Chairperson of the Information/Publicity Subcommittee. Information/Publicity Chairperson Hartley distributed the script proposal for the Senior Video. He reviewed the proposal, calling attention to the times allowed for each treatment, i.e. 90 words per minute/II words per line on a standard typewriter. He further clarified the responsibilities of those writing the treatments and the importance of keeping to the assigned time schedule. vice Chairperson Black shared several concerns regarding the treatments she was responsible for, and requested suggestions on several of her areas. Chairperson Weikum advised that he was assisting the Area Agency on Aging in a video presentation and suggested that some information might be shared. He also requested further clarification on his assignments and the time frame for submitting the various treatments. Information/Publicity Chairperson Hartley treatments be submitted within two weeks writers to contact him for further assistance. requested that the and encouraged ~he clarification 'and. 4-6 -\