1994-11-19 CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting D~te: NQve~er 18, 1994 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Hartley called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. Present: Chairperson Hartley, Vice Chairperson Black, Commissioners Ash, weikum, springer, Reahm and Norling. Also Present: Pamela Alexander, Recreation Superintendent, Jacklyn Dakovich, Administrative Secretary. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting October 21, 1994. MSC COMMISSIONER WEIKUM MOVED, COMMISSIONER NORLING SECONDED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 21, 1994. MOTION CARRIED. 7-0. Chairperson Hartley requested that Item 7A be heard at this time. IN CONSENSUS, ITEM 7A WAS HEARD BY THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION. 7A. Discussion on P.A.C.E. Payment Request for Senior video. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief report on the request for payment from P.A.C.E. for the Senior video. commissioner Norling requested clarification on video costs. Recreation Superintendent Alexander clarified the various charges and fees. Chairperson Hartley advised that he does not feel responsible for paying these charges, and suggested a possible compromise on amount requested. He further noted that several people connected with the project from P.A.C.E. were not as experienced as they could have been, which lengthened the original time frames for completion and possibly was a _contributing-factor to tile adci~dmcosts. The Commissioners discussed several possibilities for raising funds, to help offset the additional costs, such as selling or renting the Senior video. Recreation superintendent Alexander advised that rental or purchase fees would only cover the cost of video reproduction. However, she noted the possibility of a recommendation to City council to allocate funds at mid-year. commissioner Ash suggested writing P.A.C.E. and noting the hours spent by the Commission, to help complete the video. commissioner Weikum advised that the Area Agency on Aging video incurred additional costs also, and noted that P.A.C.E. did less work on that video then the Senior video. Chairperson Hartley noted he was reluctant to request funds from City council. Vice Chairperson Black suggested contacting P.A.C.E. to discuss a compromise amount before asking City Council for funding. commissioner Weikum suggested exploring other avenues for funding before going to City Council. commissioner Norling suggested a revised bill should be re- submitted paring down costs. COMMISSIONER SPRINGER MOVED, WEIKUM SECONDED TO RECOMMEND THAT CHAIRPERSON HARTLEY CONTACT JOHN LLOYD OF P.A.C.E. AND REQUEST A 50% REDUCTION OF THE CURRENT BILL. commissioner Ash suggested that at the conclusion of a video showing, a request be made for contributions/donations to a video fund. commissioner springer suggested writing to organizations featured on the video, requesting that they not only show the video, but contribute to a video fund. commissioner Norling suggested that in writing P.A.C.E., we ask for a response prior to the January Commission meeting. Chairperson Hartley suggested, when writing organizations regarding the showing of the video, we include the comments we have received from the public. commissioner Reahm noted these issues should be addressed in the letter to P.A.C.E. Chairperson Hartley called for the vote. MSC TO RECOMMEND THAT CHAIRPERSON HARTLEY CONTACT JOHN LLOYD OF P.A.C.E. AND REQUEST A 50% REDUCTION IN THE BILL. MOTION CARRIED. 7-0. 5. PRESENTATIONS A. Presentation by Mae Swords on "Organizing Your Personal Affairs". Mae Swords, local resident and community services Department volunteer gave a presentation on organizing your personal affairs. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Status Report and Discussion regarding senior video Project. Vice chairperson Black and Commissioner Reahm shared their report on the Senior Video, advising they will write churches, cable companies, the media, communi ty organizations, homeowner's associations, realty boards, etc., and follow up wi th telephone calls, to promote interest in showing the video. They also noted a presentation script is in the works to aid in the presentation. commissioners Weikum and Reahm offered to show the video at pre-selected sites and report back. commissioner Norling suggested that an evaluation sheet be part of the presentation. B. status Report on Project Care. Recreation superintendent Alexander gave a status report on Project Care, advising she had attended two meetings concerning set-up and coordination. She distributed and reviewed budget and time frame information. She also announced a Project Care Coalition meeting would be held December 8, 1994, 10 a.m. at City Hall. C. Status Report on Area Agency on Aging. commissioner Weikum gave a status report on Area Agency on Aging. He further advised that the White House Conference on Aging will be held May, 1995. D. Discussion on the Senior citizen participation in the Holiday Parade. commission's --Commissioner Norling gave a report on the COmmission's participation in the Holiday Parade, . advising that commissioner Reahm was checking on the possibility of using a Woodie station wagon. commissioner Weikum suggested that the Commissioners consider riding in the Lifeline Bus, with members of the San Dieguito Senior Center and AARP. A brief discussion followed regarding the pros and cons of the two vehicles. IN CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION ELECTED TO USE THE LIFELINE BUS AND THEIR COMMISSION BANNER. MSC COMMISSIONER SPRINGER MOVED, COMMISSIONER REARM SECONDED TO WITHDRAW FROM THE PARADE AS A SINGLE ENTRY AND JOIN THE SENIOR CENTER, RIDING IN THE LIFELINE BUS. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. E. Discussion on Potential community Outreach Ideas for Seniors. IN CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION WILL HEAR THIS ITEM AT THE NEXT MEETING. F. Discussion on Mobile Home Park Issues. vice Chairperson Black gave a brief overview on mobile home park issues, including the North San Diego County Fall Mobile Home Conference. 7. NEW BUSINESS B. Cancellation of the December 16, 1994 Senior citizen Commission Meeting. MSC COMMISSIONER WEIKUM MOVED, COMMISSIONER REARM SECONDED TO CANCEL THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION DECEMBER MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. c. Area Agency on Aging Video Presentation. The video will be presented at the end of meeting. 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Commissioners ( commissioner Weikum requested that the need for an Ad Hoc Subcommittee to investigate senior Center requirements, be agendized for the next meeting. B. staff Recreation Superintendent Alexander meeting would be held November 29, Poinsettia Room to discuss the housing/community development. advised that a public 7 p.m., City Hall- five year plan for She also advised that Commissioner applications for the Senior citizen commission can be submitted all year, but the most appropriate time was January, when openings are announced in the local newspapers. Additionally, with regard to the attendance policy, she distributed a memorandum from the city Manager to city Council, noting that the recommendation was that the policy remain the same. 9. ADJOURNMENT ( p.m. airperson (