1994-07-15 CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting Date: July 15, 1994 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Hartley called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Present: Chairperson Hartley, Vice Chairperson Black, Commissioners Ash, Reahm, Springer and Weikum. Also Present: Pamela Alexander, Recreation Superintendent and Jacklyn Dakovich, Administrative Secretary 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of Minutes for June 17, 1994 regular meeting. MSC VICE CHAIRPERSON BLACK MOVED, COMMISSIONER LEE SECONDED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1994 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 6- o. 5. PRESENTATIONS A. Presentation on San Diego County Senior Peer Counseling Program. Bob Torres-stanovik and Lois Dedrick, representing the San Diego County Senior Peer Counseling Program, gave an indepth presentation on the program. A brief discussion followed regarding various needs of seniors and the importance of this service to the Community. I 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Status Report on the Senior video Project. Chairperson Hartley gave a status report on the Senior video 1-A - ( Project, noting he had a finished copy for the Commissioner's viewing after the meeting. commissioner Weikum advised that Mayor Hanomight like a video presentation agendized for City Council. Recreation Superintendent Alexander will confirm. Discussion was held on possiblity of a premier showing and marketing for the video. B. Status Report on Project Care. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a status report on Project Care, noting the program was still in the organ~zational stages. Commissioner Weikum advised that the next Project Care meeting would be held July 29, with Commissioners Ash and Springer attending. C. Discussion on Ad Hoc Sub-Committees. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief overview on the forming of Ad Hoc Sub-Committees. . Commissioner Weikum asked why Project Care was not listed as an Ad Hoc Sub-Committee for support through the organizational stages. He noted this had been voted on at the last meeting. The Commission discussed the need representatives for various projects. for publicity Chairperson Hartley asked Commissioner Reahm and Vice Chairperson Black to represent Senior commission publicity needs and provide information to both Commissioner Springer and Chairperson Hartley. MSC COMMISSIONER WEIKUM MOVED, COMMISSIONER ASH SECONDED TO ESTABLISH AN AD HOC SUB-COMMITTEE TO ADVERTISE AND PROMOTE THE SENIOR VIDEO. CHAIRPERSON HARTLEY, VICE CHAIRPERSON BLACK AND COMMISSIONER REARM VOLUNTEERED FOR THIS AD HOC SUB-COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. IN CONSENSUS, THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION AGREED TO PARTICIPATE IN ENCINITAS DAY. D. Discuss Status of September Regular Commission Meeting. Recreation Superintendent Alexander gave a brief status report on the September regular Commission meeting. IN CONSENSUS, THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION AGREED TO HOLD A REGULAR SEPTEMBER MEETING, AND WHEN ADJOURNED CAR POOL TO THE JOSLYN CENTER IN ESCONDIDO. 4A-l- 7. NEW BUSINESS A. status Report on Area Agency on Aging. commissioner Weikum gave a status report on Area Agency on Aging. He further advised that AAA had also finished their video. B. Discussion on Commissioner Attendance at Commission Meetings. Recreation superintendent Alexander gave a brief staff report on Commissioner attendance at Commission meetings. IN CONSENSUS, COMMISSION AGREED THAT STAFF SBOULDRESEARCB ALTERNATIVES AND BRING INFORMATION TO NEXT MEETING. 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Commissioners Commissioner Ash advised the Commission on several issues facing mobile home owners. She suggested that the City take over the mobile home improvement permit process from the State to end the serious delays. She asked that this issue be agendized for the next meeting, and further suggested the possibility of an Ad Hoc Housing Sub-Committee. commissioner Weikum noted a proposal for non-prOfit , organizations to run mobile home parks, .now an Assembly Bill coming up for vote. Chairperson Hartley provided information regarding how the city of San Marcos assisted mobile home owners'to buy their parks. B. Staff Recreation Superintendent Alexander distributed a new Commission address list. She also advised that the Commission vacancy had been advertised and interviews for a replacement were upcoming. Also, she noted the City of Solana Beach had opened a Senior citizen Job Line. 9. ADJOURNMENT MSC TO ADJOURN