2002-06-28 CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting Date: June 28, 2002n; 1 :00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Vance called the meeting to order at 1 :06 p.m. Present: Chairperson Vance, Vice Chairperson King and Commissioners Hentz, Small, Blaylock, Moldenhauer and Harp. Also Present: Recreation Superintendent Miller and Administrative Secretary Oakovich. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 4. CHANGES TO AGENDA None. 5. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of minutes of regular meeting May 17, 2002. MSC COMMISSIONER HARP MOVED, COMMISSIONER BLA VLOCK SECONDED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE MAV 17, 2002 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 7-0. 6. PRESENTATION None. 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Status Report on Project C.A.R.E. Recreation Superintendent Miller reviewed the May report and noted twenty-two new clients had signed up during the Senior Information Fair. She also advised that she had received a request from staff to obtain demographic information on SA - 1 all Project C.A.R.E. clients, and noted that the Project C.A.R.E. Coordinator was compiling the figures for CDBG reporting and will provide updated participation counts at a future meeting. Vice Chairperson King suggested using the local cable television stations to promote Project C.A.R.E. Commissioner Hentz requested further clarification on just what information was being required from Project C.A.R.E. participants. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised that the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds Project C.A.R.E. in the amount of $6,000, and is requiring additional demographic information, such as income and ethnicity. B. Status Report on Senior Facilities at Oakcrest Park. \ :)-A-1--- Recreation Superintendent Miller asked if all Commissioners were receiving the Senior Newsletter, and if not, to contact Christy Goodsell at the Senior Center and ask to be put on the mailing list. She also reviewed the various sellior programs that are being offered at the Senior Center, and the first senior dances to be held this summer. She noted the upcoming Spaghetti Dinner, July 23 at 5:30 p.m. to raise funds for the Senior Nutrition Program. She further advised that Aging and Independence Services had provided additional funding for the nutrition program, and she would provide information on the budget and contract at the next meeting. She also noted staff was reviewing parking issues at the Center during special events. She thanked Dee Larson, Nutrition Site Coordinator at the Senior Center, for attending the meeting today and invited the Commissioners to ask questions on the nutrition program. Vice Chairperson King referred to the additional funding received from Aging and Independence Services, and inquired if the number of meals provided would be increased. Dee Larson advised that with the increased funding, the nutrition program would be able to offer 15 more meals per day. Commissioner Moldenhauer advised that at a recent AIS meeting she had an opportunity to speak to a representative from Health & Human Services, who suggested that sponsors and donations would also help to increase the amount of meals provided. Vice Chairperson King requested information on the lunch reservation process. Dee Larson advised that the lunch program is very popular and they are currently booking two weeks in advance, as well as maintaining a waiting list. She also 2 noted that one part-time person and one volunteer help handle the reservation calls and reservation forms are also available at the Center counter. Chairperson Vance requested that the Commission be advised when needs increase for additional lunches. He suggested that Commissioners could assist in contacting potential sponsors and/or donations. Commissioner Hentz thanked Dee Larson for the tremendous job she is doing as Nutrition Site Coordinator and for attending the meeting today and providing information on the program. Commissioner Harp noted that with the expanded activities available for seniors at the Center, more are coming and staying. He also thanked Dee Larson for all she does. Commissioner Blaylock advised that the meal program rated #1 on her Senior Survey. Chairperson Vance asked Dee Larson the lunch program seating capacity. Dee Larson responded that 104 seniors could be seated in half the dining room. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised that often other organizations are using the other half of the room, however, on special meal days, the whole room is used. Commissioner Hentz asked if the wall separating the dining room could be left open during lunch, when the other room is not in use. Dee Larson advised the Facility Maintenance Technician at the Center makes every effort to see that the wall is open during the senior lunch program. Chairperson Vance noted that Federal money was a funding source for Aging and Independence Services and questioned how the share Encinitas receives compares with other cities. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised she would research and hopefully have this information available at the next meeting. Dee Larson noted that the current Senior Nutrition Program is completing a four- year contract and at the time the contract was signed, the nutrition program in Encinitas was small compared to other communities and our share of funding was less. The Commission thanked Dee Larson for attending the meeting today. 5A - 3 Recreation Superintendent Miller advised that Stefan Marks, North County Transit District was unable to attend today's meeting, and may be available in July. She further advised that the recommendation for NCTD bus service into the Center parking Jotdurtng thehQUr~9m a. m. to 1up.Q1.was. beingGQn~iclered by North County Transit District, however, there were concerns regarding traffic and pedestrians after 1 p.m. due to the adjoining school and Center afternoon programs. They also emphasized the importance of staying with consistent days, times and bus stops. NCTD is suggesting a possible stop at Balour Drive on the east and west side of the street. Commissioner Harp noted a stop on Balour is not helpful for those that have difficulty climbing the hill. Commissioner Moldenhauer noted that any changes in current bus service would begin in January. Commissioner Hentz would like to see 1 p.m. extended so seniors could enjoy the Center for longer periods of time. Recreation Superintendent Miller reiterated that the increase in traffic during the afternoon, due to the middle school and other Center programs, could cause problems for NCTD bus. C. Update Report on Ad Hoc Sub-Committees (Outreach Information Program, Senior Housing Review, Transportation Review), and Representative Reports. Outreach Information - Vice Chairperson King advised the Ad Hoc Sub- committee had met, discussed the Senior Video and suggested that Commissioner Harp provide the Commission with additional information. Commissioner Harp distributed the proposed Senior Video update and asked for Commission comments. Vice Chairperson King advised he had checked with Mira Costa College regarding video production capabilities and was advised they had the current technology and offered to produce the video for cost. Commissioner Hentz supports involving the community and working with the college. Commissioner Blaylock asked how production of the video would be funded. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised she could budget for the senior video production or look into need to request additional funding through City Council. 5A-1 4 Chairperson Vance asked what are we trying to say with production of the video. RecreCition Superintendent Miller responded that the video would provide information to seniors on available services and programs within the City. A discussion followed regarding video content and emphasis. It was determined that senior programs and services should be emphasized. Commissioner Moldenhauer asked ifthere wasa video on City information. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised that the Downtown Merchants Assn. (DEMA) had an information video. Commissioner Hentz advised that the Senior Center Manager, Christy Goodsell, had developed a speaker list for the third Thursday of each month and would like to invite a Commission member to speak, if approved by the Commission. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised that 1-3 Commissioners could be scheduled to speak at the Center in September. Commissioner Hentz suggested that the Outreach Information Ad Hoc Sub- committee attend the meeting as speakers. IN CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION AGREED THAT THE OUTREACH INFORMATION AD HOC SUB-COMMITTEE WOULD ATTEND THE THIRD THURSDA V MEETING IN SEPTEMBER AT THE SENIOR CENTER. Transportation Review - Commissioner Blaylock distributed the Senior Center Survey she had conducted at the Senior Information Fair and asked that Commissioners review the report and agendize discussion on the survey for the July meeting. She also reviewed current transportation concerns and issues and advised she would like to formulate a plan to provide senior transportation. Commissioner Small noted the program used in Vista, Out and About, was very successful. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised that "Out and About," the City of Vista Program has two components, one component is a large passenger bus that requires certified bus drivers and one component that utilizes volunteer drivers. City Council did not want to become involved in the transportation business, so they supported the Volunteer Driver Reimbursement Program only. Commissioner Moldenhauer asked if staff was advertising for drivers, and what the possibility was of using the senior van to transport seniors. 5A.- 5 Recreation Superintendent Miller advised that staff was advertising for drivers and that the current senior van's priority was to transport seniors to and from the lunch program. She noted that when the Volunteer Driver Prog.ram gets underway, staff ------------ -..-....-.. can review further senior van usage and expanded services. Senior Housing Review - No report. Chairperson Vance suggested the Commission consider a new Ad Hoc Sub- committee to deal with senior issues. Vice Chairperson King advised that the Outreach Ad Hoc Sub-committee had discussed this suggestion, however, found it hard to identify Sub-committee's function. Commissioner Blaylock noted that during the discussion last month regarding a new Ad Hoc Sub-committee, function could be public relations, needs assessment, special projects, advocacy, etc. Recreation Superintendent Miller distributed and reviewed information on the formation of Ad Hoc Sub-committees. Commissioner Harp questioned the need for another Ad Hoc Sub-committee. Chairperson Vance still feels the need to establish an additional Ad Hoc Sub- committee, due to Outreach Ad Hoc Sub-committee workload and requested that the Commission consider further discussion if needed. City Council Contact Review - No report. New Senior Center Foundation Review - No report. Aging and Independence Services Review - Commissioner Moldenhauer reported on a recent Nutrition Committee meeting she attended, where various County nutrition programs and sites were discussed. She noted that this Committee's focus was on nutrition program quality. Recreation' Superintendent Miller noted that Aging and Independence Services have several committees that meet on a regular basis, however, Commissioner Moldenhauer need only attend the main meeting that affects the entire County. Commissioner Moldenhauer advised that she had received information that the City of Chula Vista had begun an information program for gay seniors and had been asked to provide information on what services the City of Encinitas offered. 5A~0 6 She further noted that a speaker from this program offered to speak to the Commission on gay issues. D. Discussion and Evaluation of Senior Information Fair 2002. Recreation Superintendent Miller reviewed statistics from the survey Recreation Coordinator Miller had mailed to participants. Forty vendors out of sixty responded with very positive comments -liked networking, friendly and helpful staff, great set- up and facility. Vice Chairperson King requested information on Fair attendance and how overflow parking could be addressed. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised there were approximately 500 in attendance including vendors. She noted that in order to handle overflow parking St. John's Church parking lot could be used, as well as having Fair vendors park off-site. She invited comments from the Commission on the Senior Information Fair. Commissioners agreed the Fair was a grand success, and very well organized, however, several Commissioners noted that the PA system in the Gym was not audible and competed with conversation noise of vendors and participants. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. ~iscussion on Cancellation of Regular Meeting for August 2002 Senior Citizen Commission. MSC VICE CHAIRPERSON KING MOVED, COMMISSIONER SMALL SECONDED TO CANCEL THE AUGUST 2002 SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 7-0. 9. COMMISSIONER'S CORNER/ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Commissioners Commissioner Hentz asked if it would be possible to receive Commission minutes earlier, to help prepare for various discussions, etc. at the upcoming meeting. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised she would research and report back to the Commission. Vice Chairperson King inquired if it would be appropriate and legal to have a Commission social gathering. 51-\_7 Recreation Superintendent Miller advised it would be appropriate as long as no Commission/City business was discussed. B. Staff Recreation Superintendent Miller advised that Encinitas Day would be held October 5,2002 and requested this item be agendized for discussion. IN CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION AGREED TO AGENDIZE ENCINITAS DAY, 2002 FOR THE JULY MEETING. 10. ADJOURNMENT MSC COMMISSIONER BLAYLOCK MOVED, COMMISSIONER SMALL SECONDED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 3:40 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. 7-0. .51\.-9 8