2002-04-19 CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting Date: April 19, 2002; 1:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Vice Chairperson Vance called the meeting to order at 1 :00 p.m. Present: Vice Chairperson Vance, Commissioners Hentz, Small, Blaylock, King, Moldenhauer and Harp. Also Present: Recreation Superintendent Alexander and Administrative Secretary Dakovich. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Lee Org, 519 S. Willowspring - spoke on several senior issues, including Senior Ballroom Dancing, the need for a senior citizen on City Council and the need for affordable senior housing. 4. CHANGES TO AGENDA None. 5. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of minutes of regular meeting March 22, 2002. MSC COMMISSIONER KING MOVED, COMMISSIONER HENTZ SECONDED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 22, 2002 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 7-0. 6. PRESENTATION None. 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Status Report on Project C.A.R.E. Recreation Superintendent Alexander reviewed the March report and noted that the Project C.A.R.E. Coordinator was updating participant information and completing data entry for the program. 5 A- ( 1 B. Status Report on Senior Facilities at Oakcrest Park. Recreation Superintendent Alexander reported on several items that need to be addressed at the Senior Center, including the Aging & Independence Services (AcLS.) contract and AJ.S, GrantFunc:Hng~uShenoted thaHhe current-Senior Lunch Program budget is available to approximately 75 people per day, however, due to the success of the program and requests from seniors, it is recommended that the program be increased to 90 people. Commissioner Hentz requested further information on how the increase in meals served can be accomplished. Recreation Superintendent Alexander reviewed the process and advised that a proposal had been submitted to Aging & Independence Services for additional meal money and full transportation support for one year. ALS. is currently evaluating the proposal. Both Commissioner King and Commissioner Small noted that currently seniors are being turned away from the lunch program. Recreation Superintendent Alexander suggested the Commission consider writing a letter to ALS. advising them of our funding needs for the senior lunch program. Commissioner Harp requested clarification on the formula used by ALS. to determine amount of funding provided for senior meals. Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised that the formula was not tax or population based, and appeared to be based on specific center's track record, and ALS. develops the formula. As the Senior Center lunch program grows, hopefully the funding situation would improve. Vice Chairperson Vance suggested this item be researched further and brought back to the next meeting. He also recommended that a letter be written to Pam Smith, .Director, Aging & Independence Services regarding our need for additional funding for the senior lunch program. MSC VICE CHAIRPERSON VANCE MOVED, COMMISSIONER HARP SECONDED TO DIRECT CHAIRPERSON TO WRITE LETTER, WITHIN ONE WEEK, TO PAM SMITH, DIRECTOR, AGING & INDEPENDENCE SERVICES, REQUESTING AN INCREASE IN FUNDING FOR THE SENIOR LUNCH PROGRAM AND DIRECT RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT ALEXANDER TO RESEARCH A.I.S. FISCAL FUNDING AND RETURN WITH INFORMATION FOR THE COMMISSION. MOTION CARRIED. 7-0. 5 A-i-- 2 The Commission discussed several reservation options for the senior lunch program, however due to time constraints, Vice Chairperson Vance suggested the discussion be continued to the next meeting. Recreation Superintendent Alexander reviewed several programs being offered at the Center, including Tap Dance, Yoga, and Bridge. Commissioner King noted Recreation Superintendent Alexander would not be attending the May meeting. Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised that Recreation Coordinator Pam Miller would attend in her place and also noted the possibility of a speaker from Aging & Independence Services may be available for the May meeting. C. Update Report on Ad Hoc Sub-Committees (Outreach Information Program, Senior Housing Review, Transportation Review), and Representative Reports. Outreach Information - Commissioners King and Hentz have meeting planned with Senior Center Manager Christie Goodsell and will bring information back to the Commission on various senior needs, as well as suggestions for guest speakers. Transportation Review - Commissioner Blaylock advised she had drafted a letter to the North County Transit District regarding the establishment of a bus stop at the Community and Senior Center, however, she wanted the Transportation Review Sub-Committee and staff to review the letter before mailing. Senior Housing Review - Vice Chairperson Vance reported he had located the senior housing contracts he wanted to research and would be reviewing these contracts with Ron Barefield, HCD. Commissioner King noted the organization, Habitat for Humanity, builds affordable housing and is currently building several homes in Encinitas. Vice Chairperson suggested the Outreach Sub-Committee contact and invite a representative from Habitat for Humanity to speak at an upcoming meeting. Aging & Independence Services - Commissioner Hentz advised she was not able to attend the recent Aging Forum, held April 3, however, ALS. will be mailing her information on the Forum and she will provide copies for the Commission. She also reported on a recent ALS. program on Ombudsmen and Long Term Care needs and suggested that speakers present both these subjects at the Senior Center. City Council Contact - No report. 5A-3 3 / ( New Senior Center Foundation - Commissioner Hentz reported on an upcoming Foundation fund raiser in June. Vice Chairperson Vance suggested that Sub-Committee assignments be addressed at this time. The following assignments were made: AD HOC SUB-COMMITTEES Community Outreach Charles Harp cTometta Hentz Joel King Zoe Blaylock Rose Moldenhauer Transportation Senior Housing Lee Vance Bess Small COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVES ( City Council/Commission Contacts Chair Vice Chair New Senior Center Foundation T ometta Hentz Representative to New Senior Center Nutrition Council T ometta Hentz Rose Moldenhauer Program Advisory Committee T ometta Hentz Zoe Blaylock Aging & Independence Services T ometta Hentz Bess Small, Alternate Rose Moldenhauer, Alternate Zoe Blaylock, Alternate D. Update on the 2002 Senior Information Fair. ( I Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised the Commission she had flyers and posters for community distribution and also reviewed the booth vendor list and noted there were going to be 4-5 presenters, with the Tami Thomas Band playing for afternoon dancing. She also noted the senior lunch that day was full, however, snacks would be available. She further advised that several raffle prizes had been received. 5A-+ 4 Commissioners recommended additional food/snacks be served during the lunch hour, since the nutrition lunch was already full. Commissioner Harp advised he had a contact that might be interested in providing T-shirts for the Fair. He will follow up and advise. Recreation Superintendent Alexander reviewed the Senior Information Fair Commissioner assignments. 8. NEW BUSINESS A Nomination and Election of Commission Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. Recreation Superintendent Alexander reviewed the nomination and election process, and asked for nominations. Commissioner King nominated Vice Chairperson Vance for Chairperson, Commissioner Blaylock seconded the nomination. As there were no other nominations, Recreation Superintendent Alexander called for the vote. Vice Chairperson Vance was elected Chairperson by a vote of 6-0. Commissioner Hentz nominated Commissioner King for Vice Chairperson, Commissioner Blaylock seconded the nomination. As there were no other nominations, Recreation Superintendent Alexander called for the vote. Commissioner King was elected Vice Chairperson by a vote of 6-0. Recreation Superintendent Alexander noted the upcoming City Manager's quarterly breakfast meeting for the City's Chairs and Vice Chairs and gave invitations to Chairperson Vance and Vice Chairperson King. B. Presentation and Discussion on Senior Video Project. Recreation Superintendent Alexander briefly reviewed the history of the senior video and requested that the Commission view the film and provide comments. Commissioner Harp suggested a new ten-minute video. Commissioner Small noted need for updated video. Commissioner Moldenhauer suggested that introductions on the video wasted valuable time. I Commissioner Blaylock noted there is a wider variety of senior activities that should be included in an updated video. Commissioner Hentz suggested that the content of the video be determined by the audience we are trying to reach. 5A-5 5 Vice Chairperson King suggested less historical information, and a greater emphasis on seniors. Chairperson Vance noted the need for an updated video and suggested . agendizing-for a future meeting to brainstorm ideas,.structure-ofvideo, focus. and marketing. Recreation Superintendent Alexander suggested that the Outreach Ad Hoc Sub- Committee meet and review target group, marketing, etc. and bring information back to the Commission. She noted the first video project took one year from start to finish. IN CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION AGREED TO PROCEED WITH THE PROCESS FOR A SENIOR VIDEO UPDATE. 9. COMMISSIONER'S CORNER/ANNOUNCEMENTS A Commissioners Commissioner Blaylock advised she had met with a potential guest speaker (Senior Gardening) and would arrange to have her or her substitute speak to the Commission in the near future. Commissioner Hentz suggested that the. Commission send a note to Mrs. Org, who spoke today during oral communications, and thank her for her ideas. B. Staff Recreation Superintendent Alexander distributed Senior Information Fair flyers and the new Commission telephone list. 10. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. 5A- &; 6