2001-03-23 CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting Date: March 23, 2001; 1 :00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Hartley called the meeting to order at 1 :00 p.m. Present: Chairperson Hartley, Vice Chairperson Vance, Commissioners Norling, Small (1 :20), Hentz, and King. Also Present: Recreation Superintendent Alexander and Administrative Secretary Dakovich, and a representative from the Senior Center - Portia Harloff. Absent: Commissioner Mastro. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 4. CHANGES TO AGENDA Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised that the presentation as noted in Agenda Item 68 had been cancelled. 5. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of minutes of regular meeting February 23, 2001. MSC VICE CHAIRPERSON VANCE MOVED, COMMISSIONER KING SECONDED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 23, 2001 MEETING WITH CORRECTION (PAGE 5A-2 CHANGE "AN ADVERTISEMENT" TO "PUBLICITY"). MOTION CARRIED. 5-0. 6. PRESENTATION A. Welcome New and Re-appointed Commissioners Recreation Superintendent Alexander welcomed the new and re-appointed Commissioners to the meeting and requested that each Commission member share information about themselves. (, 1 5A.-( Commissioner Hentz advised that she would like to be called Tommy, is an ex- school teacher who retired in 1990 from the Chicago area and moved to Cardiff, and has four children. Commissioner King lives in New Encinitas, moved here from Nevada in 1989, has two children, with a 4th grandchild due in May. He advised he was active with Meals on Wheels in the early 70's and wants to help people become more aware of what services are available to them. Commissioner Norling advised he has lived in the Encinitas area since 1960 and seen many changes; he has a wife and 5 children. Vice Chairperson Vance advised he has lived in the County since 1952, and Encinitas since 1979; works as a land use consultant and has been interested in senior issues for many years. Chairperson Hartley advised that he was a member of the original Senior Citizen Commission, has lived in the county since 1952 and Encinitas since 1979; taught college classes; now retired, involved in various senior issues, worked on many senior projects and very excited about the new Senior Center. Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised she has been in recreation management field for 25 years and with the City of Encinitas for 10 years. B. Presentation on the Encinitas Fire Department on Safety in the Home. Cancelled. 7. OLD BUSINESS 3 A -'7.- A. Status Report on Project C.A.R.E. Recreation Superintendent Alexander reviewed the February report and advised that AIS (Aging and Independence Services), a partner in the Project C.A.R.E. program, would be installing new, updated computer hardware next week at our Encinitas site. Chairperson Hartley asked if volunteers were needed and also responded to a question by Commissioner King, that the initials YANA stood for "Your Are Not Alone". Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised there currently was not a need for volunteers. Commissioner King asked if Project C.A. R. E. was involved with outreach to the community. 2 Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised that Project C.A.R.E. was considered an outreach program, with volunteers visiting various sites to promote the program. She further advised that City Council had approved continued CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) support for the program next year. B. Status Report on Senior Facilities at Oakcrest Park. Recreation Superintendent Alexander noted she attends weekly construction meetings and the project is moving at a good pace, (crews working on Saturday to make-up the rainout days) with a tentative construction completion date of September/October. She also noted that a 60 day period after that would be needed to prepare and set-up the facility. She advised that when the heavy work, involving roofing, framing, etc. was completed a tour could be planned for a site visit with Commission members. Commissioner Hentz advised that television station KUSI had recently done a presentation on the Center. Commissioner King advised he had heard the Center referred to by several names and asked what the correct name was. Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised the correct name was the "Encinitas Community and Senior Center at Oakcrest Park." C. Update Report on Ad Hoc Sub-Committees (Outreach Information Program, Senior Housing Review, New Senior Center Operations Review, Transportation Review), and Representative Reports. Outreach Information - Commissioner Small advised that the presentation by the City Fire Department was a possibility for the April meeting, as she was unable to confirm their presentation for March. Chairperson Hartley advised that Commissioner King had a suggestion for a future presentation. Commissioner King noted he was on the board of a program dealing with problem gambling and suggested a presentation on this issue. The Commission suggested a May meeting presentation. He also advised that he would like to be a part of the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee for Outreach. Chairperson Hartley distributed Eldercare Directories to several Commissioners and advised he had received a letter from the County requesting attendance at an Aging and Independence Services meeting on March 30, at the Hanelei Hotel, featuring information on a newly funded National Family Caregivers Support Program, part of the Older Americans Act. He noted he had a previous commitment on March 30 and asked if a Commissioner could attend. 3 ~A-3 Commissioner Hentz will try to attend the meeting and report back to the Commission. New Senior Center Operations Review - Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised she was involved in the transition planning with the current Senior Center and had met with Dee Larson, current Senior Center Manager, Chairperson Hartley and David Wigginton, Community Services Director, to review the plan. She also noted the FSA (Family Services Agency) nutrition program contract runs through 2002 and Community Services Department is researching the AIS (Aging and Independence Services) nutrition program contract. She further advised there would be two committees at the new Center - a Nutrition Site Council and Senior Program Advisory Committee, to provide input for both areas. Vice Chairperson Vance asked when recruitment would begin for necessary staff for the Center. Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised the staffing goal would be to have the two Center Managers on line three months prior to opening, and in the Center two months prior to opening to receive equipment and supplies, and to set-up hiring and training of staff. She continued that employment ads could begin in June, with hiring in August/September. A final determination on recruitment is dependent on the construction time-line. Transportation - Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised that as part of the Commission research on transportation, she had mailed a survey to 12 senior centers, requesting more specific data on their transportation programs including vehicle ownership and maintenance, as well as information on vehicle drivers. Chairperson Hartley was also helping review the needs of Encinitas citizens. She further advised that Chairperson Hartley would attend the April 18, City Council meeting with a presentation on Transportation Program budget requests (New , Programs). Vice Chairperson Vance asked if the needs assessment and information received from the surveys would be included in the presentation to City Council Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised that could be used for the presentation. She also noted that during the CDBG hearings, there was no request by Meals on Wheels for funding assistance. Senior Housing Review - Vice Chairperson Vance advised he is assembling research on available senior housing and will present a report at the April meeting. Recreation Superintendent Alexander distributed a brochure on shared housing provided by Commissioner Norling. 4 .$ A-f Council Contact Review - Chairperson Hartley advised he will be making a presentation to City Council on April 18. New Senior Center Foundation - Chairperson Hartley advised that the third annual Senior Follies was a great success, and there are plans for a fourth annual Follies. Recreation Superintendent Alexander noted the upcoming election for Commission Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Ad Hoc Committee appointments. Chairperson Hartley advised there would be two new Committee representative assignments - Nutrition Site Council and Senior Program Advisory Committee at the new Senior Center. Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised that these two representatives could be added nearer the opening date of the Center. D. Discussion on Senior Information Fair 2001. Commissioner Norling gave a status report on the Senior Information Fair preparations, noting there are over 40 vendors registered to date, and the Rotary Club will be assisting with various duties. Recreation Superintendent Alexander reviewed the Fair assignment sheets and encouraged Commission members to fill in the blanks in areas where they would like to participate. She also distributed flyers and posters to Commissioners to help with distribution at various sites. Chairperson Hartley noted this is the best Senior Fair in the County and asked if the updated Senior Directory would be available for distribution. Recreation Superintendent Alexander advised the Directory will be available for the Fair. She also shared some ideas about next year's event, noting the Fair would be held in the new Community and Senior Center, and asked the Commission to consider expanding the time of the Fair from 12:30-4:30 p.m. She noted these hours would follow the senior luncheon and with the expanded area, many new things could be added, such as entertainment, dancing, etc. A brief Commission discussion followed and several concerns were raised about traffic problems (Fair closing at 4:30 p.m.), that might impact not only attendees but vendors as well. Commissioners supported expanded hours, more vendors and more entertainment. Commissioner Small preferred the morning hours 9:30- 12 Noon. Chairperson Hartley suggested 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., with information in the morning, lunch and entertainment in the afternoon. 5 SA~S SA--t.p Recreation Superintendent Alexander suggested a survey of this year's vendors and their availability - 9:30 a.m. to 12 Noon; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; or 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. 8. NEW BUSINESS None. 9. COMMISSIONER'S CORNER/ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Commissioners Chairperson Hartley introduced Portia Harloff to the new Commission members and thanked her for representing the current Senior Center and regularly attending the Senior Citizen Commission meetings. B. Staff Recreation Superintendent Alexander distributed a list of the upcoming Senior Citizen Commission meeting dates through the end of the year and distributed updated Commission and City information for the Commissioner's notebooks. She further advised, as part of the State mandated energy conservation program, that to date City Hall had reduced power usage by 28%. 10. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 2:33 p.m. 6