2003-04-16 CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting Date: April 18, 2003, 1:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Vance called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Present: Chairperson Vance, Vice Chairperson King, Commissioners Blaylock, Hentz, Harp and Tillotson. Also Present: Recreation Superintendent Miller and Administrative Secretary Dakovich. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 4. CHANGES TO AGENDA None. 5. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of minutes for Regular Meeting March 21, 2003. COMMISSIONER HARP MOVED, COMMISSIONER HENTZ SECONDED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 21, 2003. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. 6. PRESENTATION None. IN CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION AGREED TO A FIVE-MINUTE RECESS. 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Status Report on Project C.A.R.E. Recreation Superintendent Miller referred the Commission to the March report, and noted several new participants. She also reported that City Council had approved CDBG funding for Project C.A.R.E. and Meals on Wheels. 1 Commissioner Harp requested clarification on the City’s donation policy. Recreation Superintendent Miller stated the City can accept donations and has a City policy on donations. B. Status Report on Senior Facilities at Oakcrest Park. Recreation Superintendent Miller distributed the Senior Center Newsletter “Golden Years Gazette,” and several flyers on new programs being offered at the Senior Center. Additionally, Recreation Superintendent Miller also advised she had contacted the Traffic Commission regarding traffic issues on Balour Drive during school hours, in response to Commissioner Hentz’s request. She will provide data at the next meeting. Commissioner Hentz advised that at a recent Nutrition Site Council Meeting, a discussion ensued regarding traffic congestion on Balour involving Oakcrest Middle School and St. John Catholic School and impact in getting to the Center. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised she had received a letter from the San Diego Theater Scene offering tickets for seniors to attend various performances. Commissioner Blaylock asked what age was considered senior at the Center. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised the Center currently recognized age 55 for various senior activities and trips. The Commission discussed the possibility of using age 50 as the minimum age for seniors and noted there were many seniors in that age range 50-55, who would enjoy the Center. AARP uses age 50. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised, in response to a Commission request, that she hoped to have a complete Senior Center calendar of events by the next meeting. The reservation computer program can produce a calendar by each room, but we hope to provide a simpler calendar version of Senior Center for review. Commissioner Tillotson distributed flyers for her T’ai Chi class at the Center. Commissioner Harp requested a status report on the Senior Foundation request to City Council for consideration of a minimal fee for room usage, which was supported by the Senior Citizen Commission. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised the request was in memorandum form signed by Chairperson Vance and in the process of being reviewed and forwarded by Phil Cotton. It was discussed that if a response was not received by Council in a few weeks that the Commission Chairperson might speak in support of the 2 recommendation during oral communications at an upcoming City Council meeting. A copy of the memorandum will be given to the Commissioners. C. Update Report on Ad Hoc Sub-Committees (Outreach Information Program, Senior Housing Review, Transportation Review), and Representative Reports. Outreach Information – Commissioner Harp advised the Senior video was almost complete and requested that the Commission review the draft today for additional information and/or typos. The Commission reviewed the video and complimented those who had worked so diligently on this project. Commissioner Hentz noted several corrections to the video and suggested both the Encinitas and Cardiff Libraries be shown as well as additional footage on Quail Botanical Gardens. Commissioners asked who will have access to or a copy of the video. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised copies will be given to Commissioners, Council and the Senior Center and also mentioned the last Senior video was available for sale at $10 to the general public and community agencies. She also noted the goal was to have the video completed and ready to show at the Senior Information Fair in May. Vice Chairperson King asked if there were plans to produce a DVD as well. Commissioner Harp advised that could be done. Recreation Superintendent Miller suggested that once the video was completed it could be presented to City Council by the Senior Commission. Commissioners concurred. Commissioner Hentz advised the Outreach Ad Hoc Subcommittee Forum would be held at the Senior Center, April 30 at 12:30 p.m. Recreation Superintendent Miller distributed copies of the Senior Directory and requested Commissioners review for corrections and/or additions. Commissioner Hentz suggested both FAST and Out/About transportation services should be added. Commissioner Blaylock noted there were senior gay organizations that should be added, and would provide names and numbers. Commissioner Tillotson suggested agencies dealing with osteoporosis and would help provide names and numbers. 3 Recreation Superintendent Miller requested that Commissioners review the guide and call or email her information on changes and additions by the beginning of next week. Transportation Review – Commissioner Blaylock advised she would attend the SANDAG transportation meeting in May and was waiting for meeting notification for actual date and time. Senior Housing Review – No report. City Council Contact Review – No report. Aging and Independence Services Review – Commissioner Hentz reported on the recent Site Council meeting she attended April 16 and noted the next meeting would be held May 14. She advised that the demand for Center van service to pick up and take seniors to the Center for lunch had increased to the point that service had to be divided into certain areas (ie. Mondays and Wednesdays pick ups west of El Camino Real; Tuesdays and Thursdays east of El Camino Real; and on Fridays seniors are picked up at two mobile home parks. She suggested that seniors could use the new FAST service or Out and About and also recommended that seniors be encouraged to help seniors with rides to lunch. Recreation Superintendent Miller noted the Out and About Program currently has seven drivers, ten active passengers, three-four inactive on hold passengers, and fourteen passengers on the waiting list. Commissioner Hentz suggested advertising for more drivers at the upcoming Senior Information Fair as well as providing current available senior transportation information. She also requested a status report on the suggestion for bag lunches the day of the Senior Information Fair. Vice Chairperson King suggested promoting the need for additional drivers at the upcoming Senior Forum. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised the regular senior lunch would be served the day of the Senior Information Fair, with an additional 100 box lunches available for sale. Commissioner Hentz suggested that the senior lunch program could be promoted with monthly menus placed in the box lunches, as well as providing monthly lunch menus at the Senior Commission booth. She also requested a status report on the use of the Senior Center van for senior weekend trips. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised that she had met with the City’s Risk Manager and the Parks & Recreation Director regarding the City’s insurance concerns with Traveling with Margaret Short senior trips. She noted that while the trips are still promoted at the Center, the program is now being operated by AARP, 4 including insurance. It had been recommended to Margaret to incorporate local bus trips with smaller buses that would meet this need. With regard to the Center van being used on weekends for local trips, she advised that since the van would only seat seven people, it would not be appropriate to promote trips and use the one van weekends. Staff is reviewing alternatives. Commissioner Hentz suggested an interest survey be conducted on local weekend trips, at both the upcoming Forum and Senior Information Fair. Commissioner Blaylock suggested using the small van on Tuesdays to take seniors to Balboa Park, the day museum admissions are free. It was mentioned the senior van was used for passenger pick-up for the Nutrition Program during the week days and was not available. Senior Citizen Countywide Regional Meetings – Commissioner Blaylock advised neither she nor Commissioner Hentz were able to attend the recent meeting. She also suggested a central depository for all County senior information and requested the Commission support her idea to contact San Diego State and/or County libraries to determine their interest and capabilities, as a representative of the Countywide Senior Citizen Commissions’ group. The Commission concurred to support Commissioner Blaylock contacting San Diego State and/or County libraries to determine their interest and capabilities. Recreation Superintendent Miller suggested that the representative report on activity on the Senior Citizen Commission Countywide Regional Meetings be added to the List on this agenda report. Commission concurred. New Senior Center Foundation Review – Commissioner Harp reported the Foundation had received a letter from the Encinitas Senior Center Manager requesting support in the amount of $175 for equipment for the upcoming Intergenerational Recital. D. Status Report on 2003 Senior Information Fair Vice Chairperson King reviewed the list of raffle prizes for the Senior Information Fair and suggested that flyers and posters for the Fair be distributed where seniors congregate. He further advised that box lunches would be available for $3.00 that day. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised that parking concerns for the Senior InformationFair are being addressed with a shuttle service from two churches adjacent to the Center. Commissioner Blaylock offered to conduct her senior survey at the Fair. It was determined to use the same survey and attach additional questions on another sheet. 5 Commissioner Hentz suggested a poster for the Senior Commission booth that would list Senior Center needs (ie. volunteer drivers, etc.) and offered to draft a poster for approval. Commissioner Harp offered to print the approved version after staff review. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Nomination and Election of Commission Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. Vice Chairperson King nominated Chairperson Vance to serve as Chair for another term. Commissioner Blaylock seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations. THE COMMISSION, IN CONSENSUS, APPROVED THE NOMINATION OF CHAIRPERSON VANCE AS CHAIRPERSON FOR THE UPCOMING TERM. Commissioner Harp nominated Vice Chairperson King to serve as Vice Chairperson for another term. Commissioner Blaylock seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations. VICE CHAIRPERSON KING MOVED, COMMISSIONER HENTZ SECONDED TO CLOSE NOMINATIONS FOR CHAIRPERSON AND VICE CHAIRPERSON MOTION CARRIED. 5-0. THE COMMISSION, IN CONSENSUS, APPROVED THE NOMINATION OF VICE CHAIRPERSON KING AS VICE CHAIRPERSON FOR THE UPCOMING TERM. 9. COMMISSIONER’S CORNER/ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Commissioners Commissioner Blaylock distributed copies of the senior information survey that will be on hand at the Senior Information Fair. B. Staff Recreation Superintendent Miller distributed copies of the City Profile sheet as an information item. 10. ADJOURNMENT A. The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m. 6 7 1