2004-06-25 CITY OF ENCINITAS SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting Date: June 25, 2004; 1:00 p.m. Encinitas Senior Center 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Vance called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Present: Chairperson Vance, Vice Chairperson King, Commissioners De Vinne, Harp, Pike, Schorr and Tillotson. Also Present: Recreation Superintendent Miller and Administrative Secretary Dakovich. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 4. CHANGES TO AGENDA None. 5. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of minutes for Regular Meeting May 28, 2004. COMMISSIONER HARP MOVED, VICE CHAIRPERSON KING SECONDED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 28, 2004. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. 6. PRESENTATION A. Welcome and Introduction of New and Current Commissioners. Chairperson Vance welcomed new Commissioner, Stephen Schorr, and suggested that each Commissioner introduce himself and provide a brief item of interest. B. Presentation on City Parks and Recreation Programs – Mike Pacheco, Recreation Supervisor. Chairperson Vance introduced Recreation Supervisor Mike Pacheco, who has prepared a Power Point presentation on the Parks & Recreation Department that will include three divisions – Administrative, Parks and Beaches and Recreation. The presentation will include information on various aspects of each division including responsibilities, areas of expertise and programs offered. Chairperson Vance thanked Recreation Supervisor Pacheco for the very information presentation. 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Status Report on Project C.A.R.E. Recreation Superintendent Miller referred the Commission to the report for May. She also noted that forms were mailed to all Project C.A.R.E. clients in March 2004, to re-establish services for the 2004-05 fiscal year and to date have received 314 completed forms. Commissioner Harp asked if there is any follow up on service forms not returned. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised that phone calls are made. The report showed to date returns only and more returns would be mailed in. B. Status Report on Senior Center at Oakcrest Park. Recreation Superintendent Miller distributed the Senior Newsletter to Commissioners and noted the new Summer classes. She also noted the upcoming fundraiser Spaghetti Dinner July 12, and advised that County Supervisor Pam Slater would be one of the guest servers along with several Council and Commission members. Commissioner Harp suggested again that staff follow up on request that a cigarette butt receptacle be located at the Community and Senior Center. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised that policies and sites are being evaluated for a receptacle. C. Update Report on Ad Hoc Sub-Committees (Outreach Information, Transportation Review, Senior Housing Review and Representative Reports). Outreach – Commissioner Harp noted the success of the second annual Intergenerational Performing Arts Recital, noting that 250-300 people attended and were entertained by 20 acts from the Community and Senior Center programs. He also advised that the Senior Center had received a $1,000 check donation for the upcoming spaghetti dinner. Commissioner Tillotson advised that she had shared information about the Senior Center, the Senior Services video and the various programs offered with the Seaside Church during their Senior Sunday. Recreation Superintendent Miller noted that the Senior Survey made available at the Senior Information Fair did not provide enough completed surveys to develop adequate conclusive information, and suggested that Commission members might help distribute to neighbors and/or friends and senior groups. She also advised that surveys would be made available at the Senior Center. Transportation – Vice Chairperson King advised he had attended a recent Aging and Independence Services (AIS) meeting regarding North County transportation issues. He noted the Senior Center’s Out and About Program had 14 drivers and 22 passengers registered. He also advised he had attended several SANDAG meetings of the Senior Access Task Force, where the various needs and aspects of seniors were discussed. He noted that the North County Lifeline funded by NCTD had a video available on the use of bus transportation and suggested showing the video at the Senior Center. Senior Housing – Chairperson Vance advised that the Sister of Mercy 44 unit low income housing on Via Cantebria was near completion and sign-ups would be available at various sites in the community. He noted that a lottery is planned in July for the distribution of units. Council Contact – None. Senior Foundation Review – Commissioner Harp advised that the Foundation had donated $300 to help provide a sound system for the Intergenerational Performing Arts Recital. A.I.S. Meetings Review – Commissioner Pike attended the recent meeting and advised that current State and Federal budget cuts would impact many programs. He noted specifically that the Nutrition Program and the Lift Program would be increasing their rates. Recreation Superintendent Miller advised she was reviewing these issues regarding the Senior Nutrition Lunch Program and transportation and would have a clearer picture in the future after reviewing the entire budget. D. Review of Proposed City Park Tour. Recreation Superintendent Miller referred to the staff report and the proposed itinerary for the park tour to be held as part of the Senior Commission July 23 meeting and requested approval of the recommendation to approve the tour itinerary. IN CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE PARK TOUR ITINERARY. (7-0) 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Review and Input on Senior Issues. Chairperson Vance opened the meeting to the public. Dave Oakley requested additional information regarding low income housing - how many units being built on Via Cantebria and status of Pacific Pines, housing units on El Camino Real. Chairperson Vance responded that 44 units were being built on Via Cantebria, and suggested that the City Housing/Grants Analyst be contacted regarding the status of Pacific Pines. Chairperson Vance appointed Commissioner Schorr to the Transportation Ad Hoc Subcommittee. 9. COMMISSIONER’S CORNER/ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Commissioners Commissioner Harp welcomed new Commissioner Stephen Schorr B. Staff Recreation Superintendent Miller distributed copies of the Senior Survey forms and a flyer on the upcoming Sunday Concerts by the Sea. 10. ADJOURNMENT A. The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m. NEXT MEETING WILL BE HELD JULY 23, 2004