1998-338240 li L!!_J 568X itecurding Keyucste~l 8~~: ► CITY OF ENCINIT'AS i r. . 1 When Rrcurdedltail Iu: ~ City Clerk Gry uf Encini[aS 505 S. Vukan Avrnue i E:ncinitas. For the Ucnc-.tit u* tn, Cttl \OTII'L' OH' CO~If'Lf~:"11O\ f'urwant tu the ('untraLt t~or thc ti%sami'ti 13rach Accetiti l.ighting Prujvct. a~k.ir ±;,1 Leucadia F:Icctric un Januarr 14. 1998 rntrr int" .'n ,12rrrnnrnt %o.ith thr ('11., t t.n,.init, intiolving heach access livtl[111i! wofk %VfllLfl if1LIUdCLJ in,tallar n ut eleLtncal ,:micluit and uirinL. in.t.~ll,it~~~n ~•t !"i'r;iLh; .1nJ Il~klli_ht tixturc:s, installatuonuf 2. Shc~ ~y!fCCmrnt. in,~luJins~ ~I:1f1ti :illli ~F1~~I~Il.1fli~Il~ h~f ti,11t~ 1~11~f~~~Cf11CIl[~. I~ ~~fl 1111' Ifl 1;1C Uttice ot the Cit} ('Ierk ut the C'itN ut f:nLinitdti 3. Satd impro`rrnrntti tic:re LO~mPletc:d anLl dLLCPtCd h~ e;Ic i'iP. i'Cuniil „t thr ot F:ncinitas un thc; April !i, 1998. ' 4. ,tiei[heraccrptanceOf `,111I If11pfu~CfllCllhhv thc ('tI% G)unkil ''t !hr ('te~ „i In~i;ut.i, n~~r [fllti floIII;C l'oflti[f(UICti a W:fI%Cf of ,f(1~ lICItl.lti I(1 It1L' 11(ifk [fIC Ln(1SIf1,I11M I" instailauon ut said impruvrmc;ntti. I, UehorahC'ervone, City Clerk ut the C'itv ()t f:ncinit:i~. aPulItical .uhdi%i`;1)n0t the ('i)unt% 11 San Diegc>. Statc of Calitcornia. which is the ()%k ner ot the puhlic wo~rk de.orihcd in thr ~A ithui Nutice of Completum exrcuted hy ,aid Citv „f f:ncinitati. Jo, herrh~ Lrrtii~ tha: I h.i%c rr,IL1 the• same and know the cuntrnts thercuf and that ttie lacts therrin ,tatrd trr true and ilt m~ ~,,A n knowledge. I make this ~,eriticauun unJer penaltr uf perjury tur ind nr, tx:halt ut said iI~ Ot Encinitas. • Date. Ueb~,rah Cervune, City Clerk 56 0.A STATE OF CAI.IFUk,tiIA ► )Ss Cuunty ut San Diegu ~ On [his day cif het~orr nir. thr unJrrSivnrJ, a!'uhliL iII An.1 tI'r sai~1 State persunallv appeared UE:f3Ok:1F1 ('f~:K~~()tif-:. ~rS.ln.~li~ I~fl~~1~I1 III mr t~~ tti th~ persun whu e.teculed the within Ifltilfl1f11CfU .i, ('tt~ ot thr ('it~ 1,t Fn--inita.. anJ achnowleclgedtome thi,t ,~he rxerutedit in hehalt ot ttie ('it% IIt Fn.,init.1, purSuan1t0 it, h•, I.,%k, ur a resuluuon uC the City ('uuncil. WITtiE:SS my hand and utticial seal. - ` - ~ • , tiutarv F'ufilic ~ ♦ / ` . _ 1 r~ 1 ~ .2 ~~;4''~ . x . . . i . ~