2004-08-25 . MINUTES OF THE ENCINITAS HOUSING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 25, 2004, 6:00 P.M., 505 SOUTH VULCAN A VENUE CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Board President Houlihan called the meeting to order at 6:03 P.M. Present: Board President Maggie Houlihan, Board Members James Bond, Lupita Chavez, Beatrice Crepeau, Dan Dalager, Christy Guerin, and Jerome Stocks. Absent: None Also Present: Executive Director Miller, Board Attorney Sabine, Board Clerk Cervone, Housing Coordinator Harris and City Clerk Secretary Bingham. There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. . CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION: Bond moved, Guerin seconded to close and adopt the Consent Calendar. Motion carried. Ayes: Bond, Chavez, Crepeau, Dalager, Guerin, Houlihan, Stocks; Nays: None. Absent: None. HI. Approval of Minutes: 02/18/04 Special Meetinl!. Contact Person: Board Clerk Cervone. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Minutes. REGULAR AGENDA H2. Approval of amendments to the Al!encv Plan and Section 8 Administrative Plan desil!ned to reduce Housinl! Choice Voucher prOl!ram costs in response to the reduction of fundinl! from the U.S. Department of Housinl! and Urban Development. Contact Person: Principal Planner DeCordova and Housinl! Coordinator Harris. Housing Coordinator Harris reviewed the staff report stating that these amendments to the Agency Plan and Section 8 Administrative Plan were designed to reduce Housing Choice Voucher program costs in response to the reduction of funding :from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. . Mr. Harris stated that in order to bring the program operating costs down to a sustainable level, staff was recommending two changes: One change was to lower the payment standards based on the Fair Market 08/25/04 HA Reg. Mtg. Page 1 Mtg. #2004-_, Bk. #, Page_ 08/25/04 Housing Authority Regular Meeting . Rents and the other change was to modify the occupancy standards which was used to determine the number of bedrooms appropriate for each household size. ACTION: Guerin moved, Stocks seconded to adopt the proposed amendments to the Agency Plan and the Section 8 Administrative Plan. Motion carried. Ayes: Bond, Chavez, Crepeau, Dalager, Guerin, Houlihan, Stocks; Nays: None. Absent: None. ADJOURNMENT President Houlihan declared the meeting adjourned at 6: 17 P.M. Kerry Miller, Executive By: Claudia Bingham, City Clerk Secretary - 'k / / ~. j '?' ;: t/ . . 08/25/04 HA Reg. Mtg. Page 2 Mtg. #2004-_, Bk. #, Page_