1987-36610 (2) h'~Ci?r;t;'•h!(. ~:_t5it~' f;`! , Wltl'.T: RF,COttDF:ll`?tf.ll, '!'o: 211 ,1,7 1 07 0366 I 0 . J ITl' OP ENC7 N'1'A3 ~ . - C:'I'Y CI.I?KK 54'~ l?NCINI'CAS BI.Vll. • „ $~iITF: 109 ENCltd17'P.S, CA 92024 ~ )7 23 ~ , . . ` ' . . . i . • NlI rEE NOTICF: C)F COMYLF.T'IO[d 1. PGrsuant to the Sub(+,ivision Mal.) Act of the State o f. Califcrnia am3 Division 1 of 'I'itle 8 of th? San Diego County Coc:e, Harry L. Surnmers, :nc., a subdivider, did on the 14th day of December, 1983, enter into an aqreement with the County of Sar nieqo to cor.struct and irstall cerkain improvements :n that certain sutx1ivision knowri as Tentative Map 3897-3, Record Map No. 10799, sai~i improvements cons-isting of street and drainage improvements Eor Vista Del Rio Er,•::ini.tas LInit #3. 2, 5aid agreement, includinq the pians and specifications for- saic9 improvemen`s, is or, file in the offi;:e o[ the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of 5an Dieuo as Document No. 657954. 3. Saici improvements were complete,-1 anci accepted by the City Council of the City of Er.cinitas on the 4th day of December, 1986. 4. The ^ame of the surety on the suGdividee's Bonds quaranteeinq construction of said improvements anrl the payment of labor and ,naterial therefor i~~ The A:aerican Insuranc Ccmpany, c/o The Mills Company, 3505 Cedar Springs, Dallas, Texas 75219. 5, Improvement Bond #5233257 ir, the am,ounr of $335,850.00. ImE -r>vement nortion: $325,850.00. On March 28, 1986, the County Depa:tment of Public Works reduced titis portion to $32.585.00. This nortion should be :-eleasel at_ the end of tha one-year warranty period. Monumentation portion $10.000.00 is hereby released. Sewer Improvement Rond #5233257-1: 5:11,050.00; this amaunt was reduced to $11,105.00 on M=~rch 28, 1986 by Public cti'o_-ks. This amount shoLld be released af the end of the one--year warranty period. 6. Labo:: and "tate:ial Ron-i #5233257 ir, the amount oi $167,925,00 and Sewer Lat,cr 3nd Material nond #5233257-1 in the amounr_ of $55,525.00 should both be release-J in six (6) months shoulo no claims be filed against them. 7. Neitiier acceptance of said improvements by the City Council of the City of. F,ncinitas nor this notice constitute,> a waiver of any defects in the work of the constructicn or installation of said improvements. Dated: Janua:-y 23, 1987 COUNTY OF SAN DIGGO ON F3f•''.lALF OF THF CITY OF FNCINITA~ STATE OP CALIFORNIA,)SS~ Ccunty of San Diego, ) By~-Y ^eputy C1 e:.-k of the Board of Supervisors DONA E. TRUMBi,F,, heinq Eirst c3ully swo.-n, deposes aild says: That she is a nepucy Clerk, of tne f3r,ard of Supervis,)-s of the Cnunty ot San Diego, a politicai subc9ivision of the Stare of California, acting on behalf of the City of Fncinit;is~ which is the owne:- of the public work describecl in the wit-hin ~:otice oE Compleiinn o;:eeute,i for ssaicl City of Encinitas; that she has read thp an,l knows the c(.)ntonrs the.::eoE and that the f.acts ttiecein stattd a:•u r_:-ue of h,2.- nwri knowlc:dqe; Char she makes this verification for and on behalf ot saiC'ity of Enc.initas. SI1f)SCL"IC)E:(j 8:A SWot'Yl F' befo-o f:le this Xk~ day nt ~ .isrrrtinrY lFir!F: N , KATNkYN A. NELSON ~O ML'fA"USUC u1:!f08NlA PR*'/PK 6Ffi~f IM RAN CItGO UYJNiY Mr Gm/r.iT" !sp Ap tf, I4:? r`lM1f4/'