2004-11-04 . PRESENT: Mayor Houlihan, Deputy Mayor Dalager, City Manager Miller, Keith Turner, Kathryn Gould, Chuck Ades, Paula Kirpalani, Paul Davis, Ida Lou Coley, John McIssac, Elizabeth Ritter, Mary Fran Riggs, Nan Sterman, Peder Norby, Kathleen Lees, Cristina Chacon, and Audrey Goldschmidt and Committee Secretary Zenns. CALL TO ORDER - INTRODUCTIONS Mayor Houlihan called the meeting to order at 8:38 A.M. Self-introductions were made. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 2_ 2004 MEETING Committee consensus to approve the Minutes of the September 2, 2004 meeting. . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. REGULAR AGENDA Item #2 was heard first out of order. 2. Sub-committee Reports · ALONGTHEELCAMrnNOREALPROG~ Objective: Re-create and install the original mission-style bells along EI Camino Real and Hwy 101. The sub-committee's first priority is to work with the City to identify the sites for the bells. Committee Members: Chairperson Keith Turner, Deputy Mayor Dan Dalager, Peder Norby, and Rob Blough (as staff liaison). Keith Turner reported that all of the Mission-style bells were sponsored. He and Arlene Betti would be looking at potential sites for the bells along Hwy 101 and EI Camino Real. City . Manager Miller reported that the issue would be heard at the next City Council meeting. 11-04-04 Action Minutes.doc Page 1 of 6 Minutes of the November 4,2004 Cultural Tourism Committee . · ENHANCEMENT OF THE VISITORS CENTER Objective: Develop a working plan with the goal of enhancing and improving the Visitors Center's current location, its programming, and its effectiveness. Committee Memben: Keith Turner, Sherry Smoot, Peder Norby, Arlene Betti, Jim Clark, Julian Duval, and Richard Phillips (as staff liaison). Keith Turner indicated that there was no new information to report. · CUL TURAL TOURS/GARDEN TOURISM (Tours will rotate each year) Objective: Promote and preserve the floral and historical cultures within the City through the Encinitas Flower Celebration tours (which include the Garden Tour, the Flower Tour, and the Encinitas Historical Tour with each tour occurring annually on a rotational basis), the America in Bloom Competition, the National Wildlife Federation Backyard Habitat Program and the Community Wildlife Habitat Program, and other community-wide events. · GARDEN TOUR - MAY 21,2005 Committee Memben: Chairperson Nan Sterman, Chuck Ades, Heather Callaghan, Jean Coopersmith, Carolyn Cope, Edgar Engert, Juli Gillett, Davielle Huffman, Peder Norby, Arlene Rosado, Sanford Shapiro, Keith Turner, and Evelyn Weidner. . Nan Sterman reported that the Garden Tour committee had developed a logo for the event. The committee would be participating in the Poinsettia Street Festival to promote the garden tour. She indicated that they now have a volunteer to serve as a liaison between the neighbors and the committee. Additionally, tickets would go on sale beginning March 1, 2005 and the committee planned on selling about 500 to 600 tickets. Paul Davis noted that the Encinitas Rotary's annual wine tasting event would take place on the same evening as the garden tour. Ms. Sterman suggested that they look at coordinating some aspects of the event. · AMERICA IN BLOOM COMPETITION-ESTIMATED TIME-FRAME: SPRING, 2005 Committee Memben: Chuck Ades, Arlene Rosado. Chuck Ades reported that Arlene Rosado was working as the staff contact on this project. Some of the items that they were working on were trying to get the heritage museums and the communities involved with the project. He reported that he had attended the Olivenhain Town Council meeting and provided them with suggestions to prepare their community for the competition.l Mr. Ades also indicated that the committee hoped to have the actual competition judging take place in April or May, 2005. . Cultural Tourism Committee 11-04-04 Action Minutes.doc Page 2 of 6 Minutes of the November 4,2004 Cultural Tourism Committee . · CERTIFIED WILDLIFE HABITAT COMMUNITY- TIME-FRAME: ON- GOING EFFORTS Committee Memben: Davielle Huffinan, Chair, Chuck Ades,. Mark Huffinan, Mela.nie Schwab, and Christina Simokat. There was no report. · PROMOTE THE S;OMPJ..~TION OF THE COTTONWOOD CREEK AREAS AND ENCOURAGEMENTOF N~TuRAL HABITATS Objective: Providemput and serve as liaisons between the City Staff and the Cultural Tourism Committee to promote the completion of the surrounding areas of Cottonwood Creek and to encourage natural habitats in those areas. Committee Memben: Davielle Huffinan, Rob Wilder, and John Frenken (as staff liaison). There was no report. · HISTORY WITHOUT WALLS Objective: Coordinate, encourage, and publicize historical preservation, and develop an Internet accessible "history at your fingertips" database. . Committee Memben: Jim Clark, Carol Jensen, Lois Sunrich, Christie Kramer, Kenneth Hayward, Mike Dillon, Billy Stern, and Mayor Houlihan. Mayor Houlihan reported that Billy Stem had taken the lead in helping the subcommittee create the historical website, which would be a long-term project. · ENVISION ENCINITAS lNEA GRANT PROJECT) Objective: Engage the arts groups, business groups, and the residents of Encinitas in a coordinated effort to create a ''marketing brochure and website" that would promote business tourism and cultural arts within the City. Committee Memben: Chairperson Cristina Chacon, Kathleen Lees, Keith Turner, Peder Norby, and Kathryn Gould. Kathryn Gould reported that Felicia Shaw was working on coordinating all the information received from the community envisioning workshops. . · LEUCADIA 101 IMPROVEMENTS Objective: Work with the Leucadia Mainstreet Association and the Planning Department to help identify the first phase of improvements and the nature of the improvements that would be contemplated in that phase; be proactive with the planning process and report back to the Cultural Tourism Committee. Cultural Tourism Cominittee 11-04-04 Action Minutes.doc Page 3 of 6 Minutes o/the November 4, 2004 Cultural Tourism Committee . Committee Members: Paula Kirpalani, Peder Norby, Cris Hicks, Rochelle Collier, Charlie Marvin, Patrick Murphy (as staff liaison). Paula Kirpalani reported that she was working on organizing a Mainstreet Mornings for the Leucadia group. She also indicated that the mainstreet association was working on an "Adopt a Median" project. · CREATION OF A RECOGNIZABLE BRAND/SYMBOUICON FOR THE SOUTHERN 101 GATEWAY OR MOONLIGHT BEACH Objective: Develop a process that would solicit proposals and suggestions towards the creation of a recognizable City brand, symbol, or icon. Committee Members: Kathleen Lees, Cristina . chacon, Kathryn .Gould, LaVerne Shaw, Elizabeth Ritter, Sherry Smoot, and Joe Koch. There was no report. · CARDIFF 101 BEAUTIFICATION Objective: Provide input and serve as liaisons between the Cardiff Town Council and the Planning DepartmeIl,~ to develop beautification projects along Carpentier Parkway, the San Elijo State Beach Campground corridor, the'Restaurant Row area, 8Ild the Rail Corridor. . Committee Members: Jim Clark, Davielle Huffinan, Christie Kramer and Phil Cotton (as staff liaison). There was no report. 1. ((Searchinll for Frolls after the 2003 Cedar Fire" Presentation bv Suzanne Michel. Ph.D.. Watershed Coordinator San Diee:o County. Southern California Wetlands Recoverv Proiect Suzanne Michel, Ph.D, the Watershed Coordinator with the San Diego County, gave a presentation on the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project, noting that the Encinitas Cottonwood Creek is one of their "poster children" for the project. She indicated that part of the project included working with schools and non-profit agencies to increase community awareness. One of the groups that she had been working with is a group of students from Summit High in Lakeside. Some of the students attended the meeting and were introduced to the committee members. Dr. Michel stated that the students were working on the restoration project in the San Diego River, which was in very poor condition as a result of last year's Cedar Fires. The student& had created a video documentary of their efforts, which was . presented to the committee. In addition to working on the San Diego River restoration project, the Cultural Tourism Committee 11-04-04 Action Minutes.doc Page 4 of 6 Minutes of the November 4,2004 Cultural Tourism Committee students visited Cottonwood Creek and released tadpoles into the creek. She noted that frogs could . provide a great deal ofinfonnation on the quality of the watershed's environment. In addition to working on the restoration of the San Diego River, the students from Summit High School were working on a "Green Map Poster" to promote community awareness. The poster maps the environmental, cultural and historical aspects of a particular wetland. The end resulting green map could be posted on the internet and could also be available on paper. Dr. Michel offered to assist the City of Encinitas in creating a green map poster for Cottonwood Creek, which when completed could be placed on the city's website to further promote community awareness of our wetlands and restoration efforts. Dr. Michel indicated that, if there was a group of students in Encinitas interested in working on a green map, the students from Summit High School could seIVe as mentors. She noted that one of the benefits of the students' involvement with the project is that it incorporated biology/environmental studies, geography and physical education into one. Mayor Houlihan indicated that Sunset High School would be a good candidate to partner with on the project. She suggested to Dr. Michel that she attend a School District Liaison Committee meeting and give a presentation. Lastly, Dr. Michel noted that the students would have an exhibit at the Garden Festival & Tour to educate the community on Cottonwood Creek. . After the conclusion of Dr. Michel's presentation, Ida Lou Coley presented some pictures of Cottonwood Creek from various periods of time. She spoke about the condition of the creek when she was young as compared to what it became prior to the current restoration efforts. Ms. Coley indicated that she would like to see some of the historical aspects of the creek implemented, such as Pioneer Wagon Trail and Cousins Well. ANNOUNCEMENTS Peder Norby reported that the "Safe Trick-or- Treat" event went well. Over 40 merchants participated and over 1,000 children attended. He indicated that the event was known for its pumpkin carvings; however, this year there was a problem with the pumpkin patch. So, the Ecke Nursery and the Drahm & Echter Nursery provided the pumpkins this year for the monks at the Self-Realization Fellowship to calVe. Chuck Ades announced that the Ades & Gish Nursery would have their annual Poinsettia Open House on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, which was free to the community. DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS F~~ ~UT~ MEETINGS 1. None noted. . Cultural Tourism Committee 11-04-04 Action Minutes.doc Page 5 of 6 ;!"~ Minutes of the November 4, 2004 Cultural Tourism Committee . NEXT MEETING: DECEMBER 2. 2004 ADJOURNMENT Mayor Houlihan adjourned the meeting at 9:53 A.M. ~~ By: Gina Zenv>>; Committee Secretary . . Cultural Tourism Committee 11-04-04 Action Minutes.doc Page 6 of 6