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"~"' - ", n T/TnrmTimIJ'-J',I,"nilllllll'lIllIIm1l1-1 'I . "l-ï:I.-I:l-J'UJ,tllllllhn¡ I ~--'-' --,1"1 -645 '"'"~I'....:=,,-- : Equation" I:;¡ 744P D . I. ~-' 'I~-------.. , . . 6 :-..... :: I~ ~ - :: - - - - ] ~ - ....-~- -:: - . ~','" ~~ ,--- - --ITI1 I = Intensity On./Hr.) ~-'~'~~~I .~ - ,: m1 ~n- P6:; 6 Hr. Precipitation (In.) i. ",:1'. ' .-~~ì':~K.N.I' ,., Pr: " Lnltr'-t",', D ":; Durat,1~'on., (Min.) 1 -:- - ~ - II).." I ~ H ~ 11. J~I ' , r .. .f~-}- ~, - ",II~'J I~ 111'11 :'-;,','.-_.-' _I" - :orI'lTI}TII! ,i"'--,¡.. Ilfll I, ----_..- ""-1 'II ~.f-I::'~, -.'--, 1~lj.~.lm., I~I IIIII ~7,.'~.~'~""'.l.-' ",.I.ill . t ,:7.;}:\1-1;;f:~.1,I'~ ..,d ~~]II:' 1.~,'~Wl:lr~j - --I"i-.rl~-~ It'. 11,1'-.--"--- --"t~1 '".' ,:" Jt,r_, .I'-~- i'l~i.Ill K,I~I'SII~lIil~I~'_,"~:"--"",~ ~', -Ir-!rlr -"- -- ~i:'I' ]tIll f-'.,I"KI JIIII :-t.I 1111':-..'N'-~-'I-:"1l'I:1 --"~~-- J"i'!.IK'Iì "I,-~T-~' 1,' ,.---, - i- 'I!~.II,;,-"II., III =~~ -'-:--~,~I~~ .,-lil .1 _1 tl, ~WIl!ir'II,"'~~, ~~l'" ?L~i' ,1 !¡¡¡, --I-..' " - '1'1 ¡ I III~.III I I~ rnl~~~ ',j, 1"11 ---.,~, 'I II II~rll Ihì~d,l I-J'I.J -- -¡-'t'l+ ~IJJlj II!:-- ~ I I'~I! ~1~J}I'kN-I' ;':! :~< I -IJ,' --"":_"",-'-,- - !'~,~,! f' "I"j,'~' I .1111-w,-.JuK,-,'-' ~',-,', -i~l, -',~' ,1~.,! --W"~ ['¡-¡l-" - j f t'õ. ~ ' II - ,:-t,~.J- -+ tft- " ,II-I - ~h .- ,:; :1, ,I I I "':.f'I:- 1 ' J'~!"i -'--, ,-, - - ~ - - , ~-~ ]-~, rN{l1 . (!!ìt. '=~~--, ' '..I-,t'rrll l~ - ~ 'I" Ic, :>fJ,f: ~~~1tilli~,;:11 ., ',",,". [,", "~ '~~ê~"~jlmTI :1;r_II_I;I~+HHIIIHIIIIHIIIIIIII', ' "I ;~';~-~~LnHI1~' -~---,:_,: -'..~' -, '.' '-'- :::::',---=-::..-- f ,,:f1llil' ----- "-,, -. - :.::¡..:..:..."-------'- 'I -\-- --'--,,- - -,- -1--....:, -----'--""-"m' I==::::<:::~~:'-:,,: - ,:<, , =~-=::::::::::~ ~ :_~::-' :' ==1-:. ..:.::_::-:_:, - '- '.=I==----~~,~, -, ,,' :l~! -~_._,-- -, - - -1------,. ,----, ,- - .,- -, ,-- r=~-tt!=t+~ ' - - I -:' =-- = = - -- -: - - - : : : , _1ft ~ ¡=t=f=lti=l=1=tl= -- -- - ~ : , 4 - - '- - -- - = : = - -- "u I -I-'-'~I-O-'--'- -,- -I-O-"'--I-O~-I-'~'-~-'-~" I-', -'-0-11-1-0- -1"'-'-', - -,-" -',1-'.. Ij=t~f=¡I¡[IIT~-" ,1,1- -I-t-&l-".'-I-,.-+-o,. '4-1-'- - ..,.. ,~ 0 15 20 30 40 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 Minlltn(' \I ('\" .' <' ("to 6.0 ~ 5. 5 ~. 5.0 :J 4.5 .- 4~0 ~. 3 ~ 5g. , fI) 3 . 0 . .~ 2.5. 2.0 1.5 1.0 Directions for Application: 1) From precipitation r:1aps detennine 6 hr. and 24 hr. amounts for the selected frequency. These maps are printed in the County Hydrology I, Manual (10. 50 and 100 yr. maps included in the: Design and Procedure Manual). 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if necessary) so that it is within the range of 45% to 65% of the 24 hr. precipitation. (Not ~rrlicable to Desert) en I :I: 0 --s "'0 "1 ( ) n ...0. 3) Plat 6 hr. precipitation on the rioht side of the chart. 4) Draw a line through the point parallel to the plotted lines. "CJ ..... , 5) This line is the intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. Application Form: . 0) Selected Frequency (CX) yr. * 1) P6 = 3.0 in., P24= G,7- t P6:; P24 in. 52:> %* 2) Adjusted *P 6= "3.0 3) tc = I 0 mi n. 4} I = ? 05 in/hr. *Not Applicable to Desert Region X\-A n ,.:, 1" ,', ," I. .' courrry OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION & flOOD CONTROL " I 1-.- , IS' \' r --I- I .' 330 - '.5' - -,. Prepnf'd I>y 30' ) 18' 1.5 I 30' IS' 3D' 151 1 16° I ,. "i C.' ,I i . . ,.I . COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION &. FLOOD CONTROL " 301 1.5 I ! I , i " , , I' 1111" II ~ . )0. 151 \\70 'I ~; I WI I~ I II (j" , I "r "',""""T" 'IT" . .I ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Grading Permit No.: Address: 1500 Copper Crest Rd, Olivenhain City ofEncinitas, CA Item Earthwork: Excavation Import Subtotal Drainage: D-75 Brow Ditch D-40 Rip-Rap Subtotal Erosion Control: Slope Planting Subtotal Subtotal 10% Contingencies Total Engineer: Quantity 528 239 190 5 4751 Unit Lf Ton Sf Unit Price Cost Cy Cy 4,10 8.60 2,165 2,055 4,220 13.65 150.00. 2,594 750 3,344 0.441 2,095 2,095 9,659 966 10,625