1917-02-13 . - . _ . <s . . . , , _ ~ THE BOARD OF DIRECTORB OF THE CARDIFF IRRI4ATION DISTRICT M ET AT THE OFFI CE OF SAID BOARD, F'P:BRUARY 12., .1917, AT 0! CLOCR P.1[. TO COMPLY WITH SECTI4N 24 - OF THE IRRIGATION ACT OF,1997, TO- CANVASS THE RETURNS OF THE t3ENE1141, ELECTION OF FEBRUARY 711917. As February 12,1917, is e legal holiday, upofl a motion ~ duly made, seQOnded end carried the meeting was adjourned to l,.. • Tuesday,13th day of February,1917,at 2 o'clock P.M. ~ ~~~►~t~~~~at~~►~~~~t~~~~t~t~*~~u~ At Two 0'Qr'lOak P.M. s FBbr't18rYy13i 1A17 pThe B08rd of Df- reetors of the Card,iff Zrrigetion Distriet met at thei.r office to c8nvass the returns of the General Election,held February 7,1917. Present: ' ~ J. Frank Cullen, E. E. Young, - J. L.D[inney. The President called the meeting to order, after rhich an AF'P'IDAVIT was presented to the said Board of Direetors to the effeot by an affidavit written by Lhe neputy County Clerk in whioh the Board finds that Pour voters were not properly qua1- . ified, namely, aeorge Heach, Yrs.George Beach, ]drs.Oertrude Ingersoll and lir.John Coop. - The Bosrd, also, finds the name George Beach pritten in Diviaion No,?, and cannot be counted in said Division, from the faet that said eandidate hes not the residenee in said ~ subdivision. . i af,. . - . . _ . ' . . . , ' . . ~ eLL. . . ..y: ' . ~ The RESULT of the canvass of the Election returns oP, the General Election of February 7,1917 by the Board..of Direc- tors of the Cgrdiff Irrigation District, which duly met at their offiae February 13,1917 at 2 o'clock P.M. is as fallows; That for Assessor, Taa Collector and Treasurer,Mr C. A. Hurssell is duly and regularly elected for said office. For Director of Division No.l..-J. Frank Cu21en is duly and regularly elected. - For Director of Division No.?- Eugene'E. Young,is duly end regularly eleeted. Whole number of votes cast in the Di$trict-------- g{. , 1Vhole number of votes cast in Division No.l------- 30. Director of Divsion Aio.l J. Frsnk Cullen, Thole number of votes cast in Division No.2----- 14. Director of Divisian No.2 --Eugene E. Young, ~~~►~~1~~~~~~~~~:~►~t Whole number oP vates cast for Assessor, T8a Collector,and Treasurer 33. ' Assessor,Taz Oollector and Treasurer-.- Mrs. Ruth 0. Fish, Assessor,Tax ColZector and Treasurer-:. C.A rssell. • The number of votes given in each Division for eac Director. Division No.1 - J.Fr-ank CuZlen _ 119. M a« M N-- George Beach 1. Divi aion No, 2_.. Eugene Young - The number of votes g#.ven in the Distriet for Assessor,Tax- Collector and Treasurer for each M-rs. Ruth- C. FisM C• A. Hurssell ~ . r . w ; . _ _ . ~ r.. ~ There being no Purther business,-upon a motion duly made, seconded and carried Lhe meeting adjourned. Z/ • ~ e s3. dent S e ary . ~ ~ . ,4~