1991-08-27 . . 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ENCINITAS SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS, AUGUST 27, 1991 535 ENCINITAS BOULEVARD, SUITE 100 1. CALL TO ORDERIROLL CALL Board President Wiegand called the meeting to order at 4:02 P.M. Present: President Wiegand, Board Members Davis, Hano, omsted, Slater. Also Present: Assistant District Manager Benson, Board Clerk Pool, Public Works Director Nelson, Management Analyst Schillinger, Senior Office Specialist Greene. (District Manager Shafer arrived at 4:20 P.M.). There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR Slater moved, Hano seconded to close and adopt the Consent Calendar. Kotion carried. Ayes: Davis, Hano, omsted, slater, wiegand; Hays: Hone. * The title of ordinances listed on the Consent Calendar are deemed to have been read and further reading waived. A. ADProval of 7/9/91 Minutes. Pool. Board Clerk Contact Person: STAJ'P RBCOKKBHDATIOH: Approve minutes. B. ADProval of 8-27-91 Warrants List. citv Kanaqer Benson. contact Person: Assistant STAJ'P RBCOKKBNDATIOH: Approve warrants list. c. *Introduction of Ordinance 9l-03. Adoptina Pretreatment Reaulations and Procedures for Industrial Users within the Encini tas Sani tarv District. Contact Person: utili ties Planner Henie. STAJ'P RBCOKKBNDATIOH: Introduce Ordinance 91-03. ESD Mins. 08/27/9l Mtg. No. 91-09, Bk#1, pagel.31 Page 1 r- 8 . 8 ESD Regular Mtg. 08/27/9l D. Adoption of Resolution 91-07 Amendinq the Revised Establishment Document for the Encina Administrative Aqencv Restrictinq the Exercise of Powers to the Manner of One of the Members. Contac~ Person: Kanaqement Analyst Schillinqer. STAI'J'RBCOKHBIJDAT:IOll: Adopt Resolution 91-07. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (l5 MINUTES) None. 5. NEW BUSINESS Inventorv of Encinitas Sanitarv District site. Person: Kanaqement Analyst Schillinqer. Management Analyst Schillinger reported the Encinitas Sanitary District currently had an agreement to lease approximately l. 1 acres of land to Hubbard Construction. He said Hubbard Construction was using approximately 1.5 acres and the City of Encinitas was using approximately 1/2 an acre as a marshalling site for its tree trimmings and for a small portion of its street maintenance material. The Community Resource Center had a van on site for use in storing items used during the Christmas season. A. Con~act Council Member Omsted stated she had expected the inventory to include a more detailed description of the buildings, the square footage of the buildings, what the buildings are used for, etc. Public Works Director Nelson stated that when the Environmental Analysis was completed, it would include the layout of the entire site, soils analysis, topography, environmental constraints, improvements that mayor may not have to be accommodated or relocated, slopes, stream beds, foundations, existing buildings, utilities, etc. Water and sewer lines going through the property will be identified and complete dimensions on all improvements will be included in the Analysis. B. smith asked if the new Hubbard Contract would be a written or verbal agreement and asked about the trailer located on the property. - . Public Works Director Nelson said the added trailer was for the caretaker and that a Letter Agreement wi th Hubbard was being prepared. The lease with Hubbard was month to month, not a long term contract. ESD Mins. 08/27/9l Mtg. No. 91-09, Bk#l, pageJ17 Page 2 ,'-. 8 . 8 ESD Regular Mtg. 08/27/91 Board Member Hano requested that Staff report monthly, for the next six'months, on any satisfactory/unsatisfactory changes now that the caretaker was on site. B. Discussion of Short-Term Lease possibilities for the Encinitas Sanitarv District. Contact Person: Kanaqemeni: Analyst SChillincrer. Management Analyst Schillinger reported the District had received four inquiries concerning leasing of the Encinitas Sanitary District property: Indoor/Outdoor Park, Inc. - Soccer Park. San Dieguito Heritage Museum - storage Area. Starving Students - Van Storage. Marshall, Amezuca & Harper - Golf Driving Range. Mr. Schillinger said Staff was seeking proposals concerning an environmental analysis of the property and it might be premature to begin negotiations until after the environmental analysis was completed. He said staff anticipated completion by the end of January. B. Smith suggested waiting for the results of the Environmental Analysis before leasing the property. District Manager Shafer arrived at 4:20 P.M. There was Council consensus that a long term lease would not be satisfactory at this time, and for staff to explore preliminary information regarding the four proposals received and the amount of income that could be generated from leasing the property~ There was general agreement that a Citizens Task Force should be formed after the Environmental Analysis is completed and that the Task Force should be included in the decision on uses of the property. 6. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR None. -. ,-- ESD Mins. 08/27/9l Mtg. No. 91-09, Bk#l, page/3C¡ Page 3 it . 8 ESD Regular Mtg. 08/27/9l 7. . BOARD 1 DISTRICT MANAGER REPORTS None. 8. ADJOURNMENT President Wiegand declared the meeting adjourned at 4:26 PM. '!!!~::¡, d 3!:d ent ~ Ja Pool, Board Clerk By: athy Greene Senior Office Specialist ~. ESD Mins. 08/27/9l Page 4 Mtg. No. 91-09, Bk#l, pageJ~O