1990-07-17 ,. '-\ . . . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ENCINITAS SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS, JULY 17,1990,4:00 P.M., 535 ENCINITAS BOULEVARD, SUITE 100 1. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL Board President Gaines called the meeting to order at 4:13 P.M. Present: Absent: President Gaines, Board Members Hano, Shea, Slater Board Member Omsted Also Present: District Manager Shafer, Board Counsel Francesca Krauel, Board Clerk Pool, District Engineer August, utilities Superintendent Palmer, utilities Planner Henie, District Consultant Kabota, Deputy Board Clerk Cervone. There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (15 MINUTES) None 4. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR Slater moved, Hano seconded to close and adopt the Consent Calendar. Motion carried. Ayes: Gaines, Hano, Shea, Slater; Nays: None; Absent: Omsted. A. Approval of Minutes of June 26. 1990. Contact Person: Board Clerk Pool. B. Ap~roval of 7/17/90 Warrants List. Contact Person: Assistant city Manaqer Benson. C. Approval of Amendment to Lease Aqreement between Leucadia County Water District. Encinitas Sanitary District. Buena Sanitation District and BCE Development to Release BCE Development from Maintaininq $500.000 Security for Expansion of Shadow Ridge Treatment Plant. Contact Person: Manaqement Analyst Schillinqer. ESD Mins. Mtg. # 90-08, Bk#1, Page gh 07-17-90 PAGE 1 ,"- . . . ESD San. Dst. Mins. 07-17-90 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Discussion of Proposed Initiative Measure Reqardinq Lease of District Property for Park. Contact Person: Board Counsel Krauel. Board Counsel Krauel presented the Board with several alternatives to consider regarding the proposed initiative measure. These were: 1) That the initiative is invalid and not to place it on the ballot; 2) To place a possibly invalid initiative on the ballot; 3) To seek a judicial declaration as to validity before placing on ballot; 4) To place initiative on ballot and seek judicial declaration; 5) To place on ballot and wait for election results to determine further course of action. Regina Ash spoke in opposition to the District's forfeiting the land to the city. Betsy Schrieber also opposed the initiative stating the property proposed for parkland was the district's most ,valuable asset. She stated that, if leased, it should be for fair market value. She said there were major environmental problems with the site. In addition, there were an unretired bonds still outstanding on the property and, therefore, the district needed to keep possession of it. She also stated there was not a clear title on the original part of the property bought from the San Dieguito Irrigation District because at the time of the sale, the deed stipulated that if the property was used for anything other than a sanitation district, it would revert back to the Irrigation District. She said the property should be held by the district in the event development became an option to generate revenue. She urged the Board to let the people in the district know what the financial impacts and long term effects would be of leasing the peropty as proposed by the initiative. John Stubstad, representing the Moonlight Creek Association, proponents of the initiative, said it would cost between $1100 and $2400 to put the initiative on the ballot. He said it was the Association's opinion that maintenance costs experienced by the District should be used to determine that it is not actually a donation of land to the city. He said if the district gave up the $40,000 in rental income but saved $60,000 per year in police and maintenance expenses it would result in a net cash flow and would avoid the question of donation of the property. Board members stressed the importance of the rate payers receiving as much information as possible regarding the possible fiscal impacts. ESD Mins. Mtg. # 90-08, Bk#1, Page ~7 07-17-90 PAGE 2 -~... { . i8 . . ESD San. Dst. Mins. 07-17-90 B. Adoption of Resolution 90-06 Placinq Measure on Ballot for Parkland Acquisition. Contact Person: Board Clerk Pool. Shea moved, Slater seconded to adopt Resolution 90-06 and to follow al ternati ve E (from the Board Counsel's memo - Item 5A) which states "The Board would pay for the election and wait for the results of the election to be obtained. If the initiative passes, the Board could make a determination as to the initiative's validi ty; or wait to see if the City accepts the District's offer." Motion carried. Ayes: Gaines, Hano, Shea, Slater; Nays: None; Absent: Omsted. C. Adoption of Resolution 90-07 Requestinq Consolidation of the Election with statewide General Election. Contact Person: Board Clerk Pool. Shea moved, Hano seconded to adopt Resolution 90-07. Motion carried. Ayes: Gaines, Hano, Shea, Slater; Nays: None; Absent: Omsted. D. Consideration of Whether to File an Arqument Aqainst the Proposed Initiative. Contact Person: Board Clerk Pool. Board Clerk Pool said the Election Code provided, in the case of district elections, that the Board could file an argument against an initiative. Board Members expressed the need for rate payers to have as much information as possible on the impacts of the initiative, however, they did not want to appear to be opposing the initiative. Betsy Schreiber stated she felt it imperative for the Board to write the argument against the initiative. Board consensus was to have Staff prepare a non-biased "argument against" the initiatiye, to provide additional information to the rate payers, and to bring it back for Board action at an adjourned Regular meeting July 26th. 6. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR BY BOARD MEMBERS 7. BOARD / DISTRICT MANAGER REPORTS Information Items -- No discussion or action to be taken. District Manager Shafer said the emergency permit the District applied for to clear the District's property on Encinitas Boulevard had been denied by the Coastal Commission. He said Staff was researching the appeal process. ESD Mins. Mtg.# 90-08, Bk#1, Page 99 07-17-90 PAGE 3 . . . ESD San. Dst. Mins. 07-17-90 8. ADJOURNMENT President Gaines declared the meeting adjourned at 4:55 P.M. to July 26th at 4:00 P.M. k,-^,CÇJ.A~~ E. Jane Pool, Board Clerk By: Deborah Cervone, Deputy Board Clerk ESD Mins. . Mtg. # 90-08, Bk#1, Page 87 07-17-90 PAGE 4