1989-07-25 . . . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ENCINITAS SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS, JULY 25, 1989, 4:00 P.M., 535 ENCINITAS BLVD., SUITE 100, ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL President Slater called the meeting to order at 4:05 P.M. Present: President Slater, Omsted, Shea Hano, Gaines, Board Members Absent: None Also Present: District Manager Shafer, District Engineer August, Operations Manager Palmer, utilities Planner Henie, Management Analyst Romero, Board Secretary Pool There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 4. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes: Reqular Meetinq 06/27/89. B. Approval of Warrant Cycle 14 Warrants List. C. Approval of Aqreement with Encina Administrative Aqency for Centralized Flow Meterinq Proqram Operation and Maintenance. One Year at a Cost of $2.640. D. Authorization for Submittal of Letter to Encina Reaffirminq Conformance to the Special Condition to the Permit from the California Coastal Commission for Phase IV Expansion. Gaines moved, Shea seconded to close and adopt the Consent Calendar. Motion carried. Ayes: Gaines, Hano, Omsted, Shea, Slater; Nays: None; Absent: None. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Public Hearing and Adoption of Resolution Confirminq the 1989-90 Sewer Service Charqes. 89-10 No. District Manager Shafer explained that the Resolution would adopt the report setting sewer service charges for fiscal year 1989-90, which would be collected on the tax roll. Pursuant to published notice, public hearing to hear objections or protests ESD Mins. 07/25/89, Page 1 Mtg. No. 89-07, Bk. 1, pg.~ Enc. San. Dist. Mins. 07/25/89 . was opened. No member of the public wished to be heard and the hearing was closed. Omsted moved, Shea seconded to adopt Resolution 89-10. Motion carried. Ayes: Gaines, Hano, Omsted, Shea, Slater; Nays: None; Absent: None. 6. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR BY BOARD MEMBERS None 7. BOARD/DISTRICT MANAGER REPORTS Board Member Omsted noted that she had distributed to the members a report on the July 24 meeting she attended of the Water Authority Reclamation Advisory Committee (WARAC). District Manager Shafer stated he had received correspondence from CalTrans expressing some concerns with the Board's request to close the culvert extending under I-5 from the ESD property. He said Staff was working with CalTrans and the Border Patrol to try to effect the closing to help mitigate the problem of transients using it. 8. ADJOURNMENT declared the meeting adjourned at 4:08 P.M. " ~ f?~ E. J~ Pool, Board Secr ary . ESD Mins. 07/25/89, Page 2 Mtg. No. 89-07, Bk. 1, pg.3S;